Title: SWIM Inside Natatorium
1Transition Area
Mount/Dismount Line
SWIMInside Natatorium 825 yds (750m) or 1650
yds (1500m) 33/66 lengths of 25 yd pool
T1 is a short run from the indoor natatorium out
the northeast doors, up the corner stairwell, and
out the north doors to the terrazzo brick area
on the north side of the gymnasium.
14.33 miles
Volunteer Road Guards
Aid Station (_at_9.9 mi)
SPRINT OLYMPIC (1st Lap) Bike Course Horizontal
310.49 miles
Volunteer Road Guards
OLYMPIC (2nd Lap) Bike Course Horizontal
4Aid Station (_at_9.8 mi)
SPRINT Bike Course Vertical
5Aid Station (_at_9.8 mi)
OLYMPIC Bike Course Vertical
6Transition Area
Mount/Dismount Line
T2 will be just after the reverse of the
Bike-Out, and in the same area north of the
Gymnasium. Bikers enter from the west, then exit
via running to the east. The run starts on the
sidewalk between the gym and field house until
crossing the street to go down Parade Drive and
into the first parking lot
The Sprint Run will consist of 1 loop. The
Olympic Run will run the first loop, but instead
of the short up and back, then going inside the
track, Olympic runners will go up and then turn
left around the outside of the track area and
proceed south back to the start of the 5k and run
a second loop
Volunteer Road Guards
Aid Station (_at_1.1, 2.1, 3.1 mi)
Run Course Horizontal
8Aid Station (_at_1.1, 2.1 mi)
SPRINT Run Course Vertical
9Aid Station (_at_1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.2, 5.2 mi)
OLYMPIC Run Course Vertical