Title: The first decade of womens rugby
1The first decade of womens rugby
- Val Moore
- England and GB international,
- and manager of England Womens Rugby squad 1991-95
2Well played, whoever you are
- The newest of sports
- Early adopters
- The first Clubs outside Universities
- Competition begins
3The rapid growth of club rugby National league
and cup, regional leagues
4The early Internationals at all costs!
- Organisation on a shoestring
- Paying your way
- Finding sponsors
- Drawing on skills
5The mud and the makeup!
6Youth policies and growing participation
7Id gamble my house on it Japan and the
Soviet Union, The Haka and the Eagles Alice
Cooper and the journos
8In pursuit of excellence
- Learning from 91
- The challenge was clear, a plan needed
- Play them again ASAP
- Grow our squad
- Develop the style
- Faster, stronger, fitter!
9A professional approach . the planners, and the
10I could see you enjoyed that tussle Em..
Got a good twist on that bra strap skipper
shell be no trouble second half
11Controlling the game
12End of one era.. the start of another
- Talented individuals had claimed an enthralling
sport for their own - Those who experienced the great binding rugby
culture stayed involved and gave their all - The elite generation developed and peaked and
realised their dreams - Clubs and schools growth accelerated, and the
organising body knew it needed radical change.