Title: Is this a logical statement
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2Is this a logical statement?
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7Faith meets Grace
We reach our hands up in faith, and God reaches
down to us with His great grace.
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9Amazing Grace
10When we were yet sinners.
11We can't use the crown if it stays in the box
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15Saved BY Grace, THROUGH Faith, UNTO Good Works
16How far do you agree with these statements? 1.
The "good works" of unsaved people are "dead",
and are as "filthy rags" to God. 2. We are under
Satan's control until we are spiritually reborn
through faith in Jesus. 3. We are saved by
faith and grace, not works. Good works after our
spiritual rebirth signifies true faith. 4. God
is not impressed by the "good works" and prayers
of non-Christians. 5. We are not to admire the
sincerity and zeal of those in non-Christians
religions. We are to avoid participating in
their efforts. Rebuke them sharply
17Way of Faith
Way of worksJas 223-24
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1922 lower Paths of the 32 fold Tree of Life.
20The Crooked Serpent The Way from Material realm
to Divine realm by Human effort
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24I AM The Way
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26Law is a mirror
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29The tight rope walk across
30Good Works
Evil works
31Faith Walk
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41Erroneous teachings on Faith and Work
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46(Eph 210) For we are his workmanship, created
in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
afore prepared that we should walk in them.
47created in Christ Jesus
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50Salvation is by faith alone
Salvation is not by faith alone.
Ps.6212 Pr.1016 Jer.1710 Mt.1237 Mt.1627
Mt.1917 Mt.2541-46 Lk.1026-28 Jn.529
Rom.26, 13 2 Cor.510 2 Cor.1115 Phil.212
Jas.214 Jas.217 Jas.221-25 1 Pet.117
Rev.223 Rev.2012-13
Mk.1616 Jn.318, 36 Acts 1630-31 Rom.116-17
Rom.320 Rom.328 Rom.42 Rom.413 Rom.51
Gal.216 Gal.311-12 Eph.28-9 Titus 35
51Faith Is Essential To Salvation.
John 316 - Whoever believes on Jesus should have
eternal life. Romans 116 - The gospel is God's
power to save all who believe. Romans 51,2 - By
faith we are justified and have access to
grace. Ephesians 28 - By grace are you saved
through faith. (Acts 1631 1043 159 1339
John 824 336 524 640 2030,31 Romans
322-28 43,16 etc.)
52Faith Is Essential To Salvation.
53But No Passage Says We Are Saved by Faith Alone
54 Ja 226 For as the body apart from the spirit
is dead, so
apart from works is dead.
55by Itself, Inward Faith Will Not Save.
John 1242,43 - People "believed" in Jesus but
would not confess Him, because they loved the
praises of men more than the praises of God. Were
they saved? (Cf. Rom. 109,10 Matt.
1032,33.) James 219,20 - Even devils believe.
Are they saved? James 214,24 - Can faith save
without obedience? No, that is a dead faith
56Many Things Are Essential to Salvation.
God's grace (Ephesians 24-10 17 Titus
211,12 Acts 1511) Jesus' death and
resurrection (Ephesians 17 Romans 56-10 1
Peter 118,19 Revelation 15 1 Corinthians
1517 1 Peter 321) The gospel (Romans 116 1
Peter 123-25 Acts 1114 James 118,21 1
Corinthians 151,2 John 831,32) Learning God's
will (Acts 1114 John 644,45 Romans 1017
116 1 Corinthians 121)
57Many Things Are Essential to Salvation.
Love (1 Corinthians 1622 131-3 Galatians
56 1 John 47,8) Hope (Romans 824) Repentance
(2 Corinthians 710 Acts 238 319 1730 Luke
133,5 2 Peter 39) Obedience (Hebrews 59
Romans 617,18 1 Peter 122 Acts 1034,35 2
Thessalonians 18,9 Galatians 56 James
58Many Things Are Essential to Salvation.
Confession of Christ (Romans 109,10 Matthew
1032) Baptism (Mark 1616 Acts 238 2216 1
Peter 321 Romans 63-7 Galatians 326,27
Colossians 212,13) Faithfulness (Matthew 1022
Revelation 210 1 Corinthians 1558 Matthew
2820 Titus 211,12 1 John 21-6) Church
membership (Acts 247 2028 Ephesians 523,25)
59Obedience Is Essential To Salvation.
1 Peter 122,23 - We purify our souls in obeying
the truth. Romans 617,18 - Servants of sin must
obey from the heart in order to be made free from
sin. Hebrews 59 - Jesus is the author of eternal
salvation to all who obey Him. James 224 - Man
is justified by works, not by "faith only." Acts
1114 1034,35 - Peter told Cornelius words
whereby he would be saved. But the first words He
said were that, to be accepted by God, people
must work righteousness.
60Matthew 721-27 Luke 646 - To accept Jesus as
Lord (ruler, master) and enter the kingdom of
heaven, we must do what He says. We may believe
and confess Him yet be rejected, because we did
not obey. 2 Thessalonians 18,9 Romans 26-10 -
Receiving eternal life requires us to do good.
Those who do not obey will be destroyed. 1 John
53 John 1415,21-24 - Loving God requires us to
keep His commands. If we do not obey, we do not
love Him. Can one be saved if he does not love
God (cf. 1 Corinthians 1622 Matthew 2237-39)?
61Saving Faith Requires Obedience.
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63We cant appropriate it without
Grace is a gift of God. Because it comes to us at
God's initiative, there are some things we can't
do about grace. We can't earn it. We can't
control it. We don't have to deserve it.
Jam 224 You see that a man is justified by
works and not by faith alone.
64We are saved by grace (Eph. 28,9)
but we can fall from grace (Gal. 52-4).
65We are justified by faith (Rom. 51), but our
faith can cease to exist (Luke 813 Rom.
1119-23) and become shipwrecked (1 Tim.
66We are not under the law (Rom. 614,15),
but if you live according to the sinful
nature you will die (Rom. 813).
67 Paul taught against legalism (Gal. 53,4), but
among others things he taught But among you
there must not be even a hint of sexual
immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of
greed, because these are improper for God's holy
people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish
talk or coarse joking, which are out of place,
but rather thanksgiving.
68For of this you can be sure No immoral, impure
or greedy personsuch a man is an idolaterhas
any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of
God. Let no one deceive you with empty
words, for because of such things God's wrath
comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do
not be partners with them (Eph. 53-6).
69We are not saved by works (Eph. 28,9), but to
reap eternal life and not destruction, you
must sow to please the Spirit and not the
sinful nature (Gal. 68,9).
70God is faithful to us (1 John 19 1 Cor.
1013), but we must be faithful to him to the
very end of our lives to escape the lake of
fire, or second death (Rev. 210,11).
71God surely loves us (John 316 Mk. 1021 Rom.
835-39), but those who inherit the kingdom of
God, love God (James 25 cf. 1 Cor. 29). And
to love God means to obey his commandments
(Jn. 1415 1 John 53).
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73We have freedom in Christ (Gal. 51), but this
freedom is not to indulge the sinful nature
(Gal. 513 1 Pet. 216).
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75Eph 210 For we are his workmanship
76created in Christ Jesus for good works,
77which God afore prepared that we should walk in
One New Man
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80The "No Gentiles Allowed" inscriptions
81(Eph 211) Wherefore remember, that once ye,
the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called
Uncircumcision by that which is called
Circumcision, in the flesh, made by hands
Eph 212 that ye were at that time separate
from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of
Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the
promise, having no hope and without God in the
83One New Man in Christ
Eph 213 But now in Christ Jesus ye that once
were far off are made nigh in the blood of
84But if some of the branches were broken off, and
you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among
them, and became partaker with them of the root
and of the richness of the olive tree don't
boast against the branches. But if you boast, it
is not you who support the root, but the root
supports you (Romans 1117,18).
85 Eph 214 For he is our peace, who made both
one, and brake down the middle wall of partition,
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88Eph 216 and might reconcile them both in one
body unto God through the cross, having slain the
enmity thereby
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90Eph 218 for through him we both have our access
in one Spirit unto the Father.
91Eph 219 So then ye are no more strangers and
sojourners, but ye are fellow-citizens with the
saints, and of the household of God,
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94One Holy Temple
95Eph 220 being built upon the foundation of the
apostles and prophets
96Christ Jesus himself being the chief corner stone
97Eph 221 in whom each several building, fitly
framed together, groweth into a holy temple in
the Lord
98Eph 221 in whom each several building, fitly
framed together, groweth into a holy temple in
the Lord
99Eph 222 in whom ye also are builded together
for a habitation of God in the Spirit.
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