Title: An Idiot
1An Idiots Guide to Option Pricing
- Bruno Dupire
- Bloomberg LP
- bdupire_at_bloomberg.net
- April 26, 2007
A lottery ticket gives
You can buy it or sell it for 60 Is it cheap or
3Naïve expectation
4Replication argument
as if priced with other probabilities
instead of
- Risk neutral pricing
- Stochastic calculus
- Pricing methods
- Hedging
- Volatility
- Volatility modeling
6Addressing Financial Risks
Over the past 20 years, intense development of
Derivatives in terms of
- volume
- underlyings
- products
- models
- users
- regions
7To buy or not to buy?
- Call Option Right to buy stock at T for K
8Vanilla Options
European Call Gives the right to buy the
underlying at a fixed price (the strike) at some
future time (the maturity)
European Put Gives the right to sell the
underlying at a fixed strike at some maturity
9Option prices for one maturity
10Risk Management
Client has risk exposure
Buys a product from a bank to limit its risk
Not Enough
Too Costly
Perfect Hedge
Exotic Hedge
Vanilla Hedges
Client transfers risk to the bank which has the
technology to handle it
Product fits the risk
11Risk Neutral Pricing
12Price as discounted expectation
Option gives uncertain payoff in the
future Premium known price today
Resolve the uncertainty by computing expectation
Transfer future into present by discounting
13Application to option pricing
Risk Neutral Probability
Physical Probability
14Basic Properties
Price as a function of payoff is -
- Linear
Price discounted expectation of payoff
15Toy Model
1 period, n possible states
Option A gives
in state
gives 1 in state
, 0 in all other states,
is a discount factor
is a probability
- Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing
- NA ? There exists an equivalent martingale
measure - 2) NA complete ?There exists a unique EMM
Claims attainable from 0
Cone of gt0 claims
Separating hyperplanes
17Risk Neutrality Paradox
- Risk neutrality carelessness about uncertainty?
- 1 A gives either 2 B or .5 B?1.25 B
- 1 B gives either .5 A or 2 A?1.25 A
- Cannot be RN wrt 2 numeraires with the same
Sun 1 Apple 2 Bananas
Rain 1 Banana 2 Apples
18Stochastic Calculus
19Modeling Uncertainty
- Main ingredients for spot modeling
- Many small shocks Brownian Motion (continuous
prices) - A few big shocks Poisson process (jumps)
20Brownian Motion
- From discrete to continuous
21Stochastic Differential Equations
At the limit
continuous with independent Gaussian increments
drift noise
22Itos Dilemma
Classical calculus expand to the first
order Stochastic calculus should we expand
23Itos Lemma
At the limit
for f(x),
24Black-Scholes PDE
- Black-Scholes assumption
- Apply Itos formula to Call price C(S,t)
- Hedged position is riskless, earns
interest rate r - Black-Scholes PDE
- No drift!
25PL of a delta hedged option
26Black-Scholes Model
- If instantaneous volatility is constant
Then call prices are given by
No drift in the formula, only the interest rate r
due to the hedging argument.
27Pricing methods
28Pricing methods
- Analytical formulas
- Trees/PDE finite difference
- Monte Carlo simulations
29Formula via PDE
- The Black-Scholes PDE is
- Reduces to the Heat Equation
- With Fourier methods, Black-Scholes equation
30Formula via discounted expectation
- Risk neutral dynamics
- Ito to ln S
- Integrating
- Same formula
31Finite difference discretization of PDE
- Black-Scholes PDE
- Partial derivatives discretized as
32Option pricing with Monte Carlo methods
- An option price is the discounted expectation of
its payoff - Sometimes the expectation cannot be computed
analytically - complex product
- complex dynamics
- Then the integral has to be computed numerically
33Computing expectationsbasic example
- You play with a biased die
- You want to compute the likelihood of getting
- Throw the die 10.000 times
- Estimate p( ) by the number of
over 10.000 runs
34Option pricing superdie
- Each side of the superdie represents a possible
state of the financial market - N final values
- in a multi-underlying model
- One path
- in a path dependent model
- Why generating whole paths?
- - when the payoff is path dependent
- - when the dynamics are complex
running a Monte Carlo path simulation
35Expectation Integral
Gaussian transform techniques
discretisation schemes
Unit hypercube
Gaussian coordinates
A point in the hypercube maps to a spot
trajectory therefore
36Generating Scenarios
37Low Discrepancy Sequences
39To Hedge or Not To Hedge
Daily PL
Daily Position
Full PL
Big directional risk
Small daily amplitude risk
40The Geometry of Hedging
- Risk measured as
- Target X, hedge H
- Risk is an L2 norm, with general properties of
orthogonal projections - Optimal Hedge
41The Geometry of Hedging
- Property
- Let us call
- Which implies
43A sight of Cauchy-Schwarz
45Volatility some definitions
- Historical volatility
- annualized standard deviation of the logreturns
measure of uncertainty/activity - Implied volatility
- measure of the option price given by the market
46Historical Volatility
- Measure of realized moves
- annualized SD of logreturns
47Historical volatility
48Implied volatility
- Input of the Black-Scholes formula which makes
it fit the market price
49Market Skews
- Dominating fact since 1987 crash strong negative
skew on - Equity Markets
- Not a general phenomenon
- Gold FX
- We focus on Equity Markets
50A Brief History of Volatility
51Evolution theory of modeling
- constant deterministic stochastic nD
52A Brief History of Volatility
Bachelier 1900 -
Black-Scholes 1973 - Merton 1973
- Merton
53Local Volatility Model
- Dupire 1993, minimal model to fit current
volatility surface
54The Risk-Neutral Solution
But if drift imposed (by risk-neutrality),
uniqueness of the solution
55From simple to complex
European prices
Exotic prices
56Stochastic Volatility Models
- Heston 1993, semi-analytical formulae.
57The End