Title: Meaning Representations: A Practical Viewpoint
1Meaning Representations A Practical Viewpoint
- CIS 530 Intro to NLP
- (Adapted from ongoing research efforts)
2I. Ontonotes A corpus for literal semantics
3Meaning representations should capture
- Entities
- Of some type Nation, Know-how
- Events and relations
- Predicates with arguments
- Recursively
- And More
- Quantifiers
The founder of Pakistan's nuclear program, Abdul
Qadeer Khan, has admitted he transferred nuclear
technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea.
4Literal vs. Implicit Meaning
- A cognitive being automatically
- combines literal meaning
- with world knowledge
- to see implicit meaning
- Q Whose greed? Q Whose ambition?
- Understanding this involves infering implicit
The founder of Pakistan's nuclear program, Abdul
Qadeer Khan, has admitted he transferred nuclear
technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea, a
Pakistani government official said Monday The
transfers were made during the late 1980s and in
the early and mid 1990s, and were motivated by
"personal greed and ambition," an official said.
5Premise of what follows.
- Extracting literal meaning from free text is now
- Decoding methods now in use for syntax, etc. will
suggest new decoding methods
- Different methods are necessary to replicate the
human ability to extract implicit meaning
- Extracting literal meaning is a prerequisite for
the extraction of implicit meaning
6Levels of Representation
7(No Transcript)
8Shallow Verb Semantics Propbank
- The
- founder
- of
- Pakistans
- nuclear department
- Abdul Qadeer Khan
- has
- admitted
- he
- transferred
- nuclear technology
- to
- Iran,
- Libya,
- and
- North Korea
- PropBank adds
- Lexical semantics of verbs
9(No Transcript)
10Semantic Role Labeling Results (Pradhan)
ID Class
P R F1
92 90 91
Automatic Parses
82 73 77
72 67 70
83 75 79
11Explicit Semantic Representation Ontobank
- The
- founder
- of
- Pakistans
- nuclear department
- Abdul Qadeer Khan
- has
- admitted
- he
- transferred
- nuclear technology
- to
- Iran,
- Libya,
- and
- North Korea
E1 Founder Names Abdul Qadeer Khan Descrip
tions The founder of Pakistans nuclear depar
tment, he
Establish Agent Org
E2 Agency Descriptions Pakistans nuclear
Subsidiary SubOrg SuperOrg
E3 Nation Names Pakistan
E5 Nation Names Iran
E6 Nation Names Libya
E7 Nation Names North Korea
- adds
- Representation of explicit entities, relations,
and events
- Entity types and predicate frames from a formal
hierarchy (an ontology)
12(No Transcript)
13Initial Wordsense Results (BBN)
- Five most polysemous verbs and nouns
- Verbs
- Nouns
14An Ontology provides
- Key relations between concepts
- Superconcept/subconcept structure
- Links from words to concepts
- Different word senses of a word are represented
by different concepts
- A Predicate/argument frame for each predicate
transfer-thing agent item
15The plan Annotators determine entities,
connect to ontology
E2 Agency Descriptions Pakistans nuclear
E3 Nation Names Pakistan
E4 Know-How Descriptions nuclear technology
E5 Nation Names Iran
E6 Nation Names Libya
E7 Nation Names North Korea
16Annotators connect relations to ontology
Transfer Agent E1 Item E4 Dest E3,E6,E7
17(No Transcript)
18OntoNotes Integrated Shallow Semantic Annotation
and Word Sense
The founder of Pakistans nuclear department,
Abdul Qadeer Khan, has admitted he transferred
nuclear technology to Iran, Libya, and North
19Unified Relational DB Representation
20Coming in OntoNotes 3.0
550 K
200 K
200 K
250 K
300 K
150 K
200 K
300 K
200 K
200 K
150 K
250 K
300 K
300 K
200 K
200 K
250 K
300 K
150 K
200 K
300 K
200 K
200 K
250 K
300 K
150 K
200 K
21Semantic Representation
Jeff Bezos, Amazons founder
E1027 Person Names Jeff Bezos, Bezos Des
criptions Amazons founder
E13043 Corporation Names Amazon, Amazon.co
Descriptions The company
Bezos, was setting up Amazon.com
Jeff Bezos started the company in his garage
The semantic representation captures paraphrases
of what is explicitly stated
22Recognizing Contradiction
- Barbara Jordan, a reporter and former news editor
of The Chronicle of Willimantic, died Sunday of
cancer. 1999-10-04
- Jordan would keep the extent of her health
problems concealed until the day she died early
in 1996.
- BARBARA JORDAN (1936-1996) Jordan was born in
- Jordan, 33, went on to become an all-conference
outfielder at CSUN 1999-09-26
- But Jordan, from Agoura, realized a different
goal last week
Birth-year(X, 1936)
Birth-place(X, Houston)
Birth-year(X, 1966)
Birth-place(X, Agoura)
Contradictions in argument values imply three
different individuals.
23Ontobank is trivially mapped into logic
A1 act Acknowledge agent E1 obj
ect Founder name Abdul Qadeer Khan descri
ption A3 act Establish agent
E1 organization E2 object Ag
ency description Pakistans nuclear depart
ment proposit
ion A2 act Transfer agent E1 theme
E4 object Know-How
description nuclear technology
destination (and E5 ob
ject Nation name Pakistan" E6
object Nation name Libya"
E7 object Nation name North Ko
rea" )
E1 Founder Names Abdul Qadeer Khan Descrip
tions The founder of Pakistans nuclear depar
tment, he
Establish Agent Org
E2 Agency Descriptions Pakistans nuclear
Subsidiary SubOrg SuperOrg
E3 Nation Names Pakistan
E4 Know-How Descriptions nuclear technology
Acknowledge Person Fact
E5 Nation Names Iran
E6 Nation Names Libya
Transfer Agent Item Dest
E7 Nation Names North Korea
24Building decoders for literal meaning
Correct parse trees
Training Program
Training sentences
Current State of Art
The founder of Pakistan's nuclear program, Abdul
Qadeer Khan, has admitted he transferred nuclear
technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea
25II. Approaching Implicit Meaning
26II. SUBTLE Situation Understanding Bot Through
Language and Environment
27Key Ideas
- We must move from robust sentence processing to
robust utterance understanding.
- Must decode not only what sentence the speaker
used, but also what the speakers intentions
- To achieve these goals, the communication system
must exploit broad context.
- The linguistic specification should incorporate
formal models of language
- which allow computationally efficient analysis
- so that we can study the habitability and
effectiveness of the result
28Context Urban Search and Rescue Example 1999
Worcester Cold Storage and Warehouse Fire
29System Overview
30Syntax TAGs!
31Semantics Quantifier Scope
- Every boy read some book
- Not too hard to get
- ?z/boy'(z) ?y/book'(y) read'(z,y)
- Also possible
- ?y/book'(y) ?z/boy'(z) read'(z,y)
32Quantifier Scope II
- Old Groucho Marx joke
- In this country a woman gives birth every 15 min.
- Our job is to find that woman and stop her.
- Two readings
- ? woman (? 15min gives-birth-during(woman,
- ? 15min (? woman gives-birth-during(15min,
- (Example from Jason Eisner)
33Scope TAG Semantics Real example I
(Examples from Maribel Romero)
34Scope TAG Semantics Real example II
35Past Work Computing Presuppositions
- Example
- Q1 Which students got a grade of F in CS200 in
Spring 2005?
- Nil
- Did anyone fail CS200 in Spring 2005?
- No
- How many people passes CS200 in Spring 2005?
- Zero
- Was CS200 given in Spring2005?
- No
36Sample Dialogue (Kaplans COOP 75)
- Q Who advises projects in area 36?
- P Assuming that there are projects that are in
area 36, who advises those projects?
- R I dont know of any area 36
- Q Which programmers from the ASD group are in
superdivision 5000?
- P Which programmers are in superdivision 5000?
Look for programmers that are from ASD groups.
- R I dont know of any ASD groups. I dont know
of any programmers that are in superdivision
37Implicit Meaning
- Exchange between firefighters
- (Worcester Cold Storage and Warehouse Fire 1999)
- L-1/P2
- first answers question
- then appears to give command
- L-1/P1s implicit question How can we find you?
- Linguists call this the Question Under Discussion
- L-1/P2 answers the QUD
38- Central Hypothesis Effective communications
with autonomous bots in real-time, high-stress
situations requires that bots understand not only
what is literally said, but also what is intended.
39The most general QUDs go unasked
- They are inferred from the nature of the
- Stretches of apparently incoherent discourse are
linked by these QUDs
40UMass Lowell SciFi Scenario
- Run 2
- The robot and the commander start the search in
separate parts of the building. The business of
the day, (standing orders) are to clear the
building search for any bombs or weapons, find
any injured persons and report them and their
location so the medical team can find them, and
tell any other persons to leave the building.
- 000 Commander Jr, I want you to search the room
you are in first and when you go to leave head
for the North end of the building, continue
around East and we will meet up at the end of a
long hallway. - 032 Jr 10-4
- 313 Jr I have cleared the first room and am
proceeding North down a hallway.
- 320 Commander Mark that room as clear and make
certain to check all the rooms in the hall.
- 345 Jr Room is marked. Proceeding to the next
- 356 Commander Wait. Shouldnt you be going into
the hallway?
- 402 Jr No, I went directly into the next room.
- 405 Commander Can you show me the map and mark
your position.
- 415 Jr I am displaying the map, I am the yellow
- 523 Commander Alright I see now, carry on.
- 529 Jr 10-4.
41The PragBot Environment
- pragbot_chat_log_2007.11.01 AD at 19.48.20
- Player 2 i have 4H
- Player 1 I want it!
- Player 1 where is it?
- Player 2 should i leave it for you somewhere?
- Player 1 sure
- Player 1 where are you?
- Player 2 okay, where are you?
- Player 1 I'm near the top
- Player 2 i'm left side.
- Player 1 next to the gap near the middle
- Player 2 i'll leave the card in the upper left
- Player 1 awesome
43Where are you?
- Player 2 in the first box-like region in the
center, 2nd row
- Player 1 still at the right bottom corner
- Player 2 at the right edge, 1/4 of the way
- Player 1 I'm near the top next to the gap near
the middle
- Player 2 i'm left side
- Player 1 Pioneer valley!
- Player 1 I'm sort of in the middle.
- Player 2 I'm in that loop thing in the bottom
right part of the Labyrinth Player 1 A loop? I
am not sure what you mean.
- Player 2 I am on the left at the second entrance
from the top