Title: Title here
1Safety during Business Travel
A checklist for internal assessment
2Risks Entailed in Business Travel and the
- Crisis situations due to terrorist acts / natural
- Rapid localization of employees
- Evacuation of employees, etc.
- Loss / theft
- Luggage (compensation / replacement)
- Means of payment, travel documents, business
- Equipment (notebook, beamer, mobile phone, etc.)
- Illness
- Medical situation / standard in the target area
- Repatriation medically necessary or advisable?
3Risks Entailed in Business Travel
- Accident
- Rescue of injured people victims repatriation
- Assault / kidnapping
- e.g. safeguarding the employers costs by sending
asubstitute employee
- COSTS! (Risk for the company)
- Treatment abroad
- Rescue costs
- Return transportation
- Costs of lost equipment
- Costs of travel curtailment, cancellation costs,
- Success / failure of business trip
4Practical Examples
Whatever can go wrong, goes wrong and
everything goes wrong at the same time!
(Murphys Law)
- Briefcase is snatched from a businessman in
- All keys, briefcase, mobile phone, passport,
ticket and presentation are stolen
- Taxi runs over businessman as he leaves his hotel
in Lima, Peru
- Double hip fracture with a six-week stay in
- Private health insurance refuses to pay for
patients return
- Accident with a rented car in Cairns, Australia
- Car in ditch full of water, total loss of luggage
incl. passport and all means of payment rescue
costs legal dispute
- 1 weeks stay in hospital, rebooking of entire
remaining journey
- Stroke during business travel in Singapore
- Operation, intensive ward for several months,
- Total costs 1.3 million euros
5Business Travel Safety Plan Safety integrated i
nto the business travel process
Corporate Travel Process Pre-trip On-Trip Po
Information prevention
Protection assistance
Loss analysis
6Business Travel Safety Plan Checklist for inter
nal assessment
- Responsibilities
- Travel manager or special insurance area /
- Travel structures taken into account when taking
out insurance?
- Analysis of travel structures
- e.g. destinations? Method of transport? Extensive
travellers? Destinations remote from large
- Current insurance status
- Company insurances vs. private insurances of
- Over insured or underinsured? Subsidiarity?
- Statutory regulations taken into account
(e.g. German Civil
Code, German Code of Civil Law)?
7Business Travel Safety Plan Checklist for inter
nal assessment
- Internal communication
- Insurance cover known?
- Existence of information portals? (AA, LH, TIP,
- Central emergency number for all travellers?
- Travel agency
- Offer for 24-hour emergency plans?
- Software for localization of employees in times
of crisis?
8Necessary Insurances
- Must have
- Business travel health insurance
- 24-hour assistance incl. emergency call
- Business travel accident insurance
- Business travel luggage insurance for mobile
- Could have
- Insurance in case of kidnapping (depending on
destination, status, etc.)
- Business travel liability insurance / legal
protection insurance
- Deductible in the case of hired cars
- Insurance in the case of a delay of flight and
9Recommended Course of Action
- Analysis of the current situation
- Prevention through information? BEFORE
- Protection and assistance? DURING
- Loss analysis? AFTERWARDS
- Benchmarking by inviting tenders (according to
outcome of analysis)
- Integration of safety in the business travel
- Business travel safety plan
10Long-Term Advantages
- Taking up the issue of safety through travel
management (mobility management)
- Cost reduction enhanced efficiency through
- Cooperation with specialists
- Extensive insurance protection
- Rapid, unbureaucratic assistance worldwide
- No loss of time through 24-hour assistance
- Concentration on the essential issue the
business appointment
11ELVIA Reiseversicherungen
1949 Helvetia founds ELVIA Reiseversicherungen
in Switzerland 1956 Establishment of the
ELVIA branch Germany 1995 Integrati
on into the Allianz Group 1999 ELVIA and th
e suppliers of the Mondial Assistance Group
merge to form a holding, the Mondial
Assistance Group. This creates ...
... one of the worlds largest travel insurance
assistance groups.
12Norway Sweden Baltic States Belgium Bulgaria
Denmark Finland Croatia Liechtenstein Luxembou
rg Netherlands Great Britain Ireland Portu
gal Spain Marocco
Germany Austria Switzerland Italy France Gree
ce Turkey Poland Rumania Slovakia Slovenia C
Canada U.S.A. Brazil Argentina C
Russia Mauritius Reunion Singapore T
Japan Hong Kong Australia
We are there for you on business trips worldwide!