Title: Ebb and Flo and the Baby Seal
1Ebb and Flo and the Baby Seal
- If something quivered, it shook, shivered or
trembled quickly.
- York, the border collie, quivered when he saw
sheep. - I sometimes quiver when Im afraid.
- Would you be more likely to quiver if you saw a
bat flying at night or if you saw a cute puppy?
- What is something on a tree that you might see
quiver? What would cause it to quiver? - What might cause your voice to quiver?
- Describe how your body would quiver if a spider
crawled up your arm.
5wailedIf you wailed, you let out a long, loud
cry because you were upset about something or in
- Mrs. McClean wailed when she saw the muddy
sheets. - I would wail if I saw a mouse in my house.
- Would you be more likely to wail if you saw a
snake slither by your feet or a snake curled up
in a tank at the zoo?
- Would you wail if you had just won first prize in
a contest? Why? - You began to wail after your little brother broke
your favorite toy. Tell why. - When someone wails, how does that make you feel?
8scatteredIf things or people scattered, they
went off in different directions.
- The sheep broke through the fence and scattered.
- Ive seen ants scatter when their nest was
disturbed. - Would your friends scatter if they saw a bull
coming towards them?
- What might cause you and your friends to scatter
on the playground? - If I told you that we were going to have a
special surprise today, do you think that the
class would scatter? Why? - If our class had four pet gerbils in a cage,
where might they scatter if you accidentally
forgot to close the door?
11lonesomeIf you are lonesome, you feel lonely
and want company.
- Ebb was lonesome, so she looked for someone to
play with. - Sometimes I get lonesome when my family is away,
so I call a friend. -
- When you get lonesome, would you rather sit
around or find something fun to do by yourself?
- Would a new student feel lonesome on the first
day of school? Why? - What would you say or do if you thought that your
friend felt lonesome? - What are some things you can do so you wont feel
14elatedIf you are elated, you are very happy and
excited about something.
- Ebb was elated when she found a baby seal.
- I would be elated if I were to win a game.
- Would you be more elated if it were your birthday
or if it were your friends birthday? Why?
- If you got a gold star on your work, would you be
likely to feel lonesome, hopeless or elated? - What other things make you feel elated? Why?
- What is something that doesnt make you elated?
Why? - How might you show that you are elated about
17 hopeless
- If something seems hopeless, you feel as if there
is no chance that what you want to happen will
- Finding the mother seal seemed hopeless.
- Learning to skateboard would seem hopeless if I
fell every time. - If learning to do something seems hopeless, are
you likely to keep trying to give up? Why?
- Would it be hopeless to want a unicorn for a pet?
Why? - Why might learning to play an instrument seem
hopeless at first? - If something seems hopeless to you, how do you
make it better?
20Lets recapand review what we learned.
21Fill in the blanks with the correct word.elated
quivered wailed
- Give me back my toy! ___________ the child.
- The leaves __________ on the tree as the cold
wind blew.
22elated scattered lonesome
- After all the children left her house, Kate felt
_________________. - John was ______________ when he saw the grade on
his project.
23scattered hopeless wailed
- Even after he looked everywhere, Peter knew it
was _____________ to find his new keychain. - The teacher ______________ the pens and markers
over all the tables for the children to use
during the art project.