Title: Julia
1Ancient Egypt
- Julia
- December 4, 2002
- Mr.Spence
- Social Studies Computer Project
2GeographyThe Nile River Provided
- Papyrus- a plant found on the river that provides
strong reeds - Clay Was hardened and used to write on
- fresh water
- Fish a source of food
3Jobs and Classes
- Pharaohs- Rulers of ancient Egypt
- Priests- People that controlled religion
- Scribes- Writers that used hieroglyphics to write
- Farmer- Grow crops
- Slaves- People who are forced to work without pay
4System of Writing
Scribes use Hieroglyphics as their system of
writing. They wrote for Pharaohs, Priests, and
the government. Hieroglyphics is when you use a
picture to represent word.
- Boy when crowned and a teenager when he died
- Nick named Tut
- Great Warrior
- successful at protecting Egypt
- One of the greatest Pharaohs
7Religion of Ancient Egypt
Egyptian people believed it was important to
warship god. Otherwise the gods would punish
them. Temples were dedicated to the gods or
goddesses and many temples showed pharaohs making
offering to the to the god or goddesses
8Animals and Food of Ancient Egypt
Food The Egyptians diet depended on which social
class you were in. The Pharaohs diet would be
much more complex than the servant diet
Animals There were many types of animals in
ancient Egypt, for example cats and cobras
- Mummies body is preserved
- Kings, queens and Pharaohs were mummified after
they pasted away - Mummies were made by wrapping lien around the
dead body
10Crafts and Trades
People worked in shops with fellow crafts man.
They were skilled and respected in their
neighborhood. Their Social stands depended on
the skill of the workers