Title: New Homes And Condos
1Tips for Buying and Selling a Property
2Get off the sidelines
- For good buyers waiting for market to hit down,
the moment has passed , but the house prices and
interest rates are low. - For sellers waiting for market improvements.
3Create a good Impression
- An effect, feeling, or image retained as a
consequence of experience. - The act or process of impressing.
- A single copy of such a printing.
4Renovate wisely
- Sellers routinely underestimate the positive
impact of simple home improvements such as
repainting and minor fix-ups, real-estate agents
5Build your team wisely
- This goes for such crucial players as your
agent (interview at least three), your inspector,
appraiser, title company
6Open your marketing options
- Market your home creatively.
- And seller are tapping.
7For more information
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