Title: Not an expert
1- Not an expert
- Im a learner and I change my opinion based on
what I learn.
2- In times of change, learners inherit the Earth
while the learned find themselves beautifully
equipped to deal with a world that no longer
exists. - Eric Hoffer, American Social Writer
3Why I do this work.
- Opening Thoughts
- Generation Gap and Learning
- Strategy For Closing The Gap
- Closing Advice
5Opening Thoughts
6People are born freeThey are not born
wiseThe purpose of schooling in a democracy is
to make free people wise.
7The primary aim of education is not to enable
students to do well in school, but to help them
do well in the lives they lead outside of school.
8Weve created false proxies for learning
- Finishing a course or textbook has come to mean
achievement - Listening to lecture has come to mean
understanding - Getting a high score on a standardized test has
come to mean proficiency
9- Applied Skills
- Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
- Oral Communication
- Written Communication
- Teamwork/Collaboration
- Diversity
- Information Technology Application
- Leadership
- Creativity/Innovation
- Lifelong Learning/Self Direction
- Professionalism/Work Ethic
- Ethics/Social Responsibility
- Basic Knowledge/Skills
- English Language (spoken)
- Reading Comprehension
- (in English)
- Writing in English
- (grammar, spelling, etc.)
- Mathematics
- Science
- Government/Economics
- Humanities/Arts
- Foreign Languages
- History/Geography
Are They Really Ready To Work?
10What got us to where we are today in
education,will not get us to where we need to
11We have a flawed perspective of always listening
to our best customers They tell us how good the
system is working for them!
12- Agricultural Age Farmers
- Industrial Age Factory Worker
- Informational Age Knowledge Worker
- Conceptual Age Creator / Empathizer
- Sears
- Digital. In Search of Excellence
- Xerox
14Educators need to become the agents of change.
15Leadership is action, not position.
16A Story.
- Not a bad idea, but to earn a grade more than a
C, the idea has to be viable! (Yale Professor)
- Fredrick Smith
- The idea FedEx
17In the beginners mind there are many
possibilities in the experts mind there are
-Shurnyu Suzuki
18Sustaining Innovation And Disruptive Innovation
19An Idea
20An Idea
Sustaining Innovation
21An Idea
Disruptive Innovation
22Generation Gap and Learning
23- Learning is developing the individual and the
organization day after day within the culture.
- Michael Fullan
24Motivation is a key ingredient for success in
25- The Internet has created the greatest generation
gap since the advent of rock and roll.
26This Generation
- Teenagers surveyed
- Use Face Book, My Space then text
- nearly 60 would rather use e-mail than a
telephone - are likely to have 6 applications running at once
on their PC - 26 of U.S. students access a foreign news
service as a primary source for news
27This Generation
- The fastest growing segment of computer-users
today in the U.S. is 5 to 7 year olds
- How do we teach our children to live and work in
this society?
29- Relationships
- Relevance
- Rigor
- Can you say what your strategy will be?
31Components of School Excellence
Learning Criteria to Support 21st Century
Rigor/Relevance Framework
- Embrace a Common Vision and Goals
- Inform Decisions Through Data Systems
- Empower Leadership Teams to Take Action and
Innovate - Clarify Student Learning Expectations
- Adopt Effective Instructional Practices
- Address Organizational Structures
- Monitor Progress/Improve Support Systems
- Refine Process on an Ongoing Basis
Foundation Learning Stretch Learning Learner
Engagement Personal Skill Development
32Success Beyond the Test
- Foundation Academics
- Stretch Learning
- Learner Engagement
- Personal Skill Development
33Implementation Components for School Excellence
Embrace Common Vision and Goals
Inform Decisions Through Data Systems
Empower Leadership Teams to Take Action and
Clarify Student Learning Expectations
34Implementation Components for School Excellence
Adopt Effective Instructional Practices
Address Organizational Structures
Monitor Progress / Improve Support Systems
Refine Process on an Ongoing Basis
35Closing Thoughts
36Every student in your school has words and images
to describe you. They know who you are.
- Do you know who they are?
37Is my desire for success to improve my system or
classroom strong enough to prompt me to change my
38The key is in the capacity of the people and the
system to learn and grow.
39The things we fear most in organizations,
fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances, are the
primary sources of innovation.