Ipswich Canoe Club Child Protection Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ipswich Canoe Club Child Protection Policy


A new CRB form is obtained by the CP Officer and passed to the individual for completion. ... Follow BCU guidelines for photography. Getting Changed. Getting Changed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ipswich Canoe Club Child Protection Policy

Ipswich Canoe ClubChild Protection Policy
  • First edition October 2002
  • Second edition March 2008

ICC Child Protection Policy
  • This policy applies to all of Ipswich Canoe
    Club the main club and all sub-sections of it.
  • The definition of coach throughout this policy
  • BCU Level 1 coach and above
  • UKCC Level 1 coach and above
  • Lifeguard Level 2 coach and above
  • Any other person whos qualification/grade gives
    then the remit to work unsupervised

ICC Child Protection PolicyStatement of Intent
  • Ipswich Canoe Club has a role to play in
    safeguarding the welfare of all young people, and
    vulnerable adults by protecting them from
    physical, sexual or emotional harm and from
    neglect or bullying.
  • We acknowledge that every child or young person
    who participates in club activities should be
    able to take part in an enjoyable and safe
    environment and be protected from poor practice
    and abuse. Ipswich Canoe Club recognises that
    this is the responsibility of every adult
    involved in our club.
  • The key principles which underpin the Ipswich
    Canoe Club Child Protection Policy are that
  • The child's welfare is, and must always be, the
    paramount consideration.
  • All children and young people have a right to be
    protected from abuse regardless of their age,
    gender, disability, culture, language, racial
    origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be
    taken seriously and responded to swiftly and

  • Child Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy
  • CRB Checks
  • Parental Consent Forms
  • Coach Verification
  • BCU Guidelines
  • Getting Changed
  • Reporting Concerns
  • CRB Self Certification

Young Person Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy

ICC Young Person Vulnerable Adult Protection
  • Ipswich Canoe Club is fully committed to
    safeguarding the well being of its members. All
    members should show
  • respect and understanding for the rights, safety
    and welfare of others, and conduct themselves in
    a way that reflects
  • the principles of the club.
  • We believe that taking part in Paddlesport should
    be a positive and enjoyable part of childrens/
  • vulnerable adults lives and to achieve this have
    the following aims
  • Club coaches should follow the BCU Coaches
    Officials Code of Conduct
  • All club coaches, helpers and officials working
    with young people should read and adhere to the
    BCU child and vulnerable adults policy. The club
    will follow the policy in the event of any
    concerns or allegations
  • The club will ensure that anyone working with
    young people and vulnerable adults undertake a
    screening procedure, namely a Criminal Records
    Bureau Disclosure
  • All club members are made aware of the Club
    Code/s of Conduct
  • The club will obtain written medical details of
    child/vulnerable adult paddlers which will be
    made known to coaches where deemed appropriate
    and/or necessary
  • The club will only use BCU qualified/updated
    coaches unqualified coaches can only work
    alongside a qualified coach. The club will
    encourage and support helpers to gain
    qualifications and assist coaches to stay
  • The club will identify a person whose role it is
    to deal with any issues concerning child
    protection and vulnerable adults and notify this
    person to all members. Anyone with concerns in
    respect to children or vulnerable adults should
    then contact that person. If that person is
    unavailable they can contact the BCU Child
    Protection Officer on Tel 0845 370 9500
  • The club will regularly review its policies

CRB Checks

Who Must Be CRB Checked
  • If an ICC Coach declines to be CRB checked then
    they cannot teach or lead groups on club events,
    regardless of whether only adult pupils or not
  • If an event organisers is not CRB cleared before
    the event then either
  • The organiser must insist parents/guardians of
    young people and vulnerable adults attend the
    event, stay in the same accommodation, and take
    charge of that person when not on canoeing
  • Or young people nor vulnerable adults must not
    attend the event
  • Or the organiser must be replaced with someone
    who is CRB cleared
  • Or the event must be cancelled
  • Adults who have significant contact with young
    people and vulnerable adults. Maybe an adult who
    transports juniors to Club events, particularly
    if this is a regular occurrence, or maybe an
    adult left alone to supervise young people or
    vulnerable adults
  • This assessment must be a standing item on the
    Committee Meeting agenda

Who Does Not Need CRB Checks
  • Visiting Coaches running ICC courses
  • If they coach a group that includes adult ICC
    members, at least one of whom is CRB checked, and
    the visiting coach is never left alone with young
    people or vulnerable adults
  • External Courses Advertised By ICC
  • We are thinking of things such as the Eastern
    Region Coaching Weekend, Suffolk Dart Trip and
    Lifeguards Convention here
  • These events have a duty to set their own
    policies to ensure the wellbeing of young people
  • Other adult members of the Club
  • Because they will not be left alone with young
    people or vulnerable adults.
  • Even on trips involving an overnight stay, most
    adults would not be left alone with young people
    or vulnerable adults.
  • Anyone who is likely to be left alone will be
    identified and CRB checked see earlier

ICC CRB Check Process 1
  • Bernie Holloway, Child Protection Officer, 24
    November 07
  • Following BCU recommendation Coaches and helpers
    who work with young people are expected to
    complete a CRB disclosure form.
  • The process to be used by the club is described
    below. It assumes that the BCU is the registered
    body and takes account of the way the BCU handles
    CRB disclosure applications.
  • CRB Disclosure process
  • The coach or helper obtains a CRB form from the
    clubs Child Protection (CP) Officer and the CP
    Officer logs the date, CRB reference number and
    name of the individual.
  • The coach or helper completes sections A, B, C, D
    and H of the CRB form (See the BCU instructions
    for completing the application form for Voluntary
    Coaches and helpers)
  • The proof of identity and address documents are
    shown to the Child protection officer who
    verifies the details as entered on the CRB form.
    (See the BCU instruction regarding the types of
    documents required)
  • The Child protection officer logs the date of
    posting to the BCU.
  • The BCU records the name of the individual and
    forwards the application for CRB checking. After
    checks are complete the results of the CRB check
    are sent to the BCU and the Coach or helper
    concerned. (Note it is not sent to anyone else,
    the CRB return is stored by the BCU in a secure
    file for six months and then shredded)
  • The individual lets the Ipswich Canoe Clubs CP
    Officer know when the CRB return has been
    received. The Child protection officer logs the
    date of this return and passes a record of the
    CRB completion to the Club Membership Secretary
    for inclusion in the list of club coaches and
    helpers with CRB clearance. The Child Protection
    Officer also monitors the progress of this CRB
    disclosure process and contacts the BCU or
    individual as necessary. (The BCU does not inform
    the club when a CRB disclosure has been
  • When the CRB disclosure is due for renewal the
    Club Membership Secretary sends out a reminder to
    the individual and the clubs CP Officer. A new
    CRB form is obtained by the CP Officer and passed
    to the individual for completion. The name,
    reference number and date of this are logged by
    the CP officer.

ICC CRB Check Process 2
  • Bernie Holloway, Child Protection Officer, 24
    November 07
  • Procedure for handling Referred CRB Disclosures
  • If the BCU considers that the information
    provided by the CRB is likely to affect the
    individuals role as a Coach or helper, the BCU
    writes to the nominated contact no details of
    the offence are given. The nominated person for
    the Club is the Child Protection officer with the
    Chairperson as the alternate (If there is a
    problem with the CRB return for the Child
    Protection officer then the letter would be sent
    to the Chairperson). .
  • The individual is contacted by the CP officer who
    explains the CRB application has been referred by
    the BCU and asks if they are prepared to have the
    matter reviewed by the CP Officer and the
    Chairman. If the individual agrees and following
    the review their role in the club is considered
    to be acceptable then they are deemed cleared
    and a record of the outcome and any risk
    assessment is recorded in writing and filed with
    the secretary and the BCU.
  • If the CP Officer and Chairman feel in any way
    uncomfortable in clearing the person then the
    referral must be debated by the full Committee
    plus CP Officer - Junior members and any co-opted
    members must be excluded from this.
  • If the individual is not prepared to co-operate
    then the referral must be debated by the full
    Committee plus CP Officer - Junior members and
    any co-opted members must be excluded from this.
    The likely outcome is that the individual must be
    excluded from the Club unless the individual or
    BCU can provide evidence to alleviate concerns.
  • Finally the club writes to the BCU to record how
    the referral has been handled. A copy is also
    sent to the individual concerned and held by the
    CP Officer.

CRB Check Failures
  • If a club member fails a CRB check such that the
    BCU and ICC Committee believe they are a
    potential risk to young people and/or vulnerable
    adults within the club then their membership of
    ICC should be rescinded and their current years
    membership fees refunded to them.
  • Before this happens the ICC CP Officer must
    ensure the BCU Child Protection Office supports
    this action.
  • The individual should be informed in writing of
    the decision and justification and the letter
    signed by the ICC Chairman.
  • The BCU Child Protection Office should be sent
    copies of correspondence.

ICC Committee CRB Requirements
  • ICC provides a nominated officer to the BCU.
    This will be the Child Protection (CP) Officer
    with the Chairman as a secondary contact
  • Committee meeting agenda to have a standing item
    to review names against events to ensure they are
    CRB checked
  • CP Officer and Committee to regularly review
    whether individuals are obeying any
    caveats/restrictions imposed

CRB Renewals
  • The BCU requires a CRB disclosure to be renewed
    every three years
  • The Membership Secretary will record when a CRB
    check is done and ask the CP Officer to contact
    the individual when it is due for renewal, and
    provide relevant forms

Parental Consent Forms

ICC Parental Consent Forms
  • BCU policy states Written permission of
    parents/guardians should be obtained for all
    overnight away trips
  • ICC will use parental consent forms for all
    events involving an overnight stay. This will be
    compulsory for all under 18s who do not have a
    parent or legal guardian present on the trip and
    staying in the same accommodation. A template
    will be provided that can be tailored if deemed
    necessary by the event organiser
  • Additionally, the ICC Membership Secretary will
    provide all current ICC Coaches with a list of
    members, their emergency contact details, date of
    birth if under 18, and any alergies/illnesses/
    disabilities they have declared. This will be
    kept updated with any new information provided
    during the year.
  • ICC Coaches should always carry this information
    with them if leading a group or club event

ICC Parental Consent Forms
  • See attached form
  • This form must be completed for all ICC events
    involving an overnight stay by all under 18s who
    do not have a parent or legal guardian present on
    the trip and staying in the same accommodation

ICC Membership Form
  • See attached form
  • Medical and Emergency Contact information will
    be collected from members. Both new members form
    and annual renewal form need to contain the
    information as attached

ICC Members Medical Info
  • See attached Coach Prompt form
  • The Medical and Emergency Contact information
    from the membership forms will be collated and
    passed to the coaches. It is strongly advised
    that coaches carry this with them when leading a

Coach Verification

ICC Coach Verification
  • Just because a member says theyre a current
    Coach, it doesnt mean they are!
  • We cannot afford to expose any members or guests
    to Coaches who tell us they are qualified and
    re-validated but arent, and particularly not
    young people and vulnerable adults
  • The ICC Membership Secretary needs to have proof
    of coaching qualifications, revalidation
    information, and a current first aid certificate
  • The Coach to show original certificates to the
    Membership Secretary who will record award,
    discipline, expiry date, and certificate number.
  • This does not need to be an annual activity, but
    just when an update is needed and should be
    prompted by the Membership Secretary
  • Refusal to provide this information does not mean
    the person cannot be a club member just that
    they cannot coach or lead groups on club events
  • If under-pinning requirements lapse then the
    coach must commit to update them in a reasonable
    time. If the coach does this then they can
    continue coaching within the Club so long as the
    BCU still recognises their qualifications. The
    Membership Secretary must record this plan.

ICC Coach Verification
  • See attached form
  • Records of coaching qualifications should be
    held by the Membership Secretary. These are used
    to verify new coaches and to prompt existing
    coaches to update CRBs, first aid, etc.

BCU Guidelines

BCU Guidelines
  • The BCU publishes a large amount of information
    on child protection best practice on their
  • The most relevant bits to ICC not already covered
    in this Policy are reproduced below, and the Club
  • adopts them as part of their policy
  • If possible, avoid situations where you are alone
    with a child/vulnerable adult
  • If any form of physical support is required then
    ask the paddlers permission and explain what you
    are doing
  • Where there are mixed groups they should always
    be accompanied by an adult male and adult female
  • The club should appoint a group leader for away
    trips. That person should have overall
    responsibility for the childrens well being,
    behaviour and sleep arrangements.
  • All trips should be risk assessed
  • It is a good idea to be familiar with the
    area/venue to which you are travelling, or to
    have made an exploratory visit
  • Adequate adultchild ratios should be observed
  • As a norm, adults should not share a room with a
    child. Where the presence of an adult is needed
    there should be more than one child in the room
    with the adult. If children are sharing a room,
    it should be with those of the same age and sex
  • Where a self-drive minibus is arranged, all
    drivers should have attended a minibus driving
    course as appropriate and have the appropriate
  • Follow BCU guidelines for photography

Getting Changed

Getting Changed
  • Getting changed from general clothing into
    canoeing gear and back is a necessary part of our
    sport as is showering etc. It is identified as a
    potential area of issue and so club members are
    made aware of the following
  • Parents must ensure they find the conditions
    under which their child will get changed
    acceptable. They must also make efforts to
    ensure the child feels comfortable changing in
    the environment provided.
  • Rarely are there specific enclosed childrens
    areas for changing on canoeing events. Even at
    our indoor pool the changing is only separated by
    gender, and adult and children change together
  • Most canoeing events are held outdoors where
    changing rooms are not available
  • We ask all members to change discretely and with
    thought for others

Reporting Concerns

Reporting Concerns
  • If you have any concerns about someones conduct
    towards a young person or vulnerable adult this
    should be reported immediately to ICC Child
    Protection Officer.
  • If the ICC CP Officer is not available then your
    concerns should be reported to the BCU Child
    Protection Officer on 0845 370 9500
  • You must never question a child or try to
    investigate yourself as you could prejudice any
    case. If an investigation is necessary it can
    only be handled by trained Child Protection

CRB Self Certification
  • See attached form
  • Return to the ICC Event Organiser or Child
    Protection Officer, whoever is requesting it.
  • Do not return to the BCU despite what it says!
  • The CRB Self Certification should not be used in
    place of a full CRB check. It is seen as of
    minimal benefit in deterring people who may be a
    problem but is included in this policy as a tool
    for coaches and event organisers to use if they
    think it appropriate.

ICC Child Protection Policy
  • Keeping our club a
  • place for young
  • and vulnerable adults
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