The Isles of Shoals: History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Isles of Shoals: History


'Lady Ghost of the Shoals' 'Lady Ghost of the Shoals' wife of Blackbeard or ... Ghost seen at 'Babb's Cove' wearing a butcher apron and carrying a large knife ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Isles of Shoals: History

The Isles of ShoalsHistory Photographs
  • Jennifer Kennedy
  • Director, Blue Ocean Society for Marine
  • Portsmouth, NH

The Isles of Shoals-Introduction
  • Nine barren, windswept islands
  • Site of one of the first settlements in America
  • One of the richest fishing commercial ports in
    the new world
  • Host to a popular Victorian summer resort
  • Haven to some of the most famous pirates in
  • Scene of several shipwrecks and cold-blooded

The Basics
  • 9 Islands (8 at low tide, 9 at high). With rocks
    and ledges, total 18.
  • 6 miles off the coast of Rye, NH
  • Split between ME (5) and NH (4) by a dividing
    line drawn by Mason Gorges in 1635
  • Entire land area is about 205 acres

1873, John Scribner Jenness, Riverside Press.
Why Isles of Shoals?
  • Ledges?
  • Schools of fish?

Early History - Discovery
  • Explored by Vikings Leif and Thor Ericson in 1000
    and 1002
  • In 1603, Martin Pring stopped in the Piscataqua
    River and noted the Shoals in his log
  • In the mid-1500s-early 1600s, there were
    already European fishing boats anchored in
    Gosport Harbor at the Shoals
  • Charted by Samuel Champlain in 1605

Early History Capt. John Smith
  • Isles were explored by Captain John Smith in July
  • Charted the coastline, giving it the name New
    England, the first time that term was used.
  • Named the islands Smiths Isles
  • Smiths voyage said to have turned the tide of
    English migration to these shores
  • After his summer exploration, made sail from
    England 4 separate times, but was deterred by
    storms and never made it back to his Isles.
    Buried in 1631 in London at the age of 54.

Smiths Chart of New England
Early History Rise of the Fishing Industry
  • Original fishermen settled on Appledore (Hog)
    Island, part of the Mass. Bay Colony
  • In 1679-1680, 40 families moved to Star Island to
    avoid taxation
  • In 1715, Star Island was given the name Gosport
    after a small town near Portsmouth, England

Early History Fishing Industry
  • Estimated 600-1000 fishermen and their families
    lived on the Shoals year-round
  • Reputation as a hard-drinking, godless, lawless
    people, who resisted any attempts to tax, govern
    or redeem them
  • Dunfish was highly prized and commanded 4x the
    market price
  • Important trade port as many as 100 ships were
    anchored in Gosport at one time

Making Dunfish
Early History Pirates Ghosts
  • Celia Thaxter wrote the Isles were infested by
  • Famous pirates included
  • Capt. Quelch
  • Dixie Bull
  • Sam Black Bellamy (Captain of the Whydah)
  • William Kidd
  • andy Gordon (the Scott), and
  • Blackbeard
  • John Quelch supposedly buried 100K at the Shoals
    and 275K worth of treasure.

Lady Ghost of the Shoals
  • Lady Ghost of the Shoals wife of Blackbeard
    or pirate Scot?
  • The Scot, wife Martha, Blackbeard and his fiancée
    dropped anchor at the Shoals
  • Marriage celebration lasted for days
  • Gordons set up on White Seavey, Teachs on
  • Treasure and ghost still on Lunging Island...?

Ghost of Phillip Babb
  • Lived on Appledore in 1600s
  • A butcher and constable. Dug a hole and found a
    large treasure chest, but smoke sulfur came out
    when he tried to lift it.
  • Ghost seen at Babbs Cove wearing a butcher
    apron and carrying a large knife to guard the
  • Celia Thaxter He is supposed to have been so
    desperately wicked when alive that there is no
    rest for him in his grave. His dress is coarse, a
    striped butcher's frock, with a leather belt, to
    which is attached a sheath containing a ghostly
    knife, sharp and glittering, which is his delight
    to brandish in the face of terrified humanity."

Early History Grand Hotel Era
  • Thomas Laighton purchased Hog, Smuttynose, Malaga
    and Cedar Islands with a partner in 1839 and
    accepted a position as lighthouse keeper at White
    Island Light
  • Wife Eliza opened the Mid-Ocean House on
    Smuttynose while her husband was in the NH

Grand Hotel Era
  • The Mid-Ocean House was such a success that the
    Laightons opened the Appledore Hotel in 1848
  • One of the largest Victorian hotels on the NE
  • Could accommodate 500 guests
  • Had a bowling alley, a swimming beach and a new
  • Eliza was said to be the secret to the success
  • Laighton brothers took the hotel over as their
    parents grew older

Appledore Hotel
Celia Laighton Thaxter
  • Married her fathers business partner in 1851 at
    the age of 16
  • One of the most noted literary figures of the
  • Poems included Landlocked and Sandpiper
  • Also known for her gardens
  • Held salons and entertained figures such as
    Childe Hassam, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pres.
    Franklin Pierce, and Harriet Beecher Stowe.

The Oceanic Hotel
  • Built by John Poor in 1873, burned down in 1875
    and rebuilt from 2 existing structures
  • Bought by the Laightons, who ran both hotels
    until the Appledore Hotel burned in 1914

(No Transcript)
History Conference Era
  • Conference era born in the 1890s when Thomas
    Elliot and his wife Lilla visited the Isles
    instead of attending a Unitarian conference in
    Weirs Beach
  • First conference held in 1897, both hotels filled
  • Hotel island purchased in 1916 by the Star
    Island Corporation (made up of Unitarian
    Universalist United Church of Christ) for
  • Conferences on all topics still being held today.

Island By Island - Duck
  • Used to have old fishing shack, said to be
  • Used as a bombing target in WWII
  • Now a wildlife refuge to allow island to go back
    to natural state
  • Home to colony of harbor seals, eider ducks,
    cormorants and gulls

Island by Island - Appledore
  • Shoals Marine Laboratory founded by Dr. John M.
    Kingsbury of Cornell, 1967
  • Over 20 credit courses for undergraduates, plus
    adult continuing-ed courses
  • Celia Thaxters Garden

Island by Island - Smuttynose Malaga
  • Smuttynose got its name from a stone profile
  • Mid-Ocean House of Entertainment built and run
    by Samuel Haley in late 1700s, later run by
  • Haley Cottage one of the oldest structures in ME
  • Haley found buried treasure built breakwater
    between Malaga Smutty
  • Owned by Celias great-granddaughter

Island by Island Smuttynose Malaga
  • Haley family built a grist mill, salt works,
    bakehouse, blacksmith cooper shops, and a
    cherry orchard
  • Kept a lighted candle in window as a beacon to
    sailors in Jan. 1813 the Sagunto was driven
    ashore, 14 sailors tried to make it to shore

Smuttynose Murders
  • March 5, 1873
  • Fishing business on Smuttynose Hontvent
    Christiansen family
  • Karen Anethe Christiansen murdered
  • Subject of The Weight of Water by Anita Shreve
  • House burned in 1885

Island by Island Cedar
  • Southernmost island on the coast of ME
  • Named for 4 shrubby old cedars seen by Capt.
  • Foyes Halls operated a lobster fishing business
    for 7 generations

Island by Island Star
  • Home to the Star Island Conference Center
  • Approx. 270 guests/week, 100 staff
  • Water/mail ferried out, power is by generators

Island by Island Star
Star in the 1860s
Island by Island Star
Star Island Chapel
Island by Island Star
Tucke Monument
Vaughn Cottage
Island by Island Star
Caswell Cemetery Oceanic Hotel
Island by Island - Lunging
  • Originally fishing base of the London Trading
  • House built in late 1800s by Thomas Leehee,
    doubled by Oscar Laighton
  • Now owned by the Randall family
  • Did Blackbeard bury treasure there in 1718?

Island by Island - Lunging
The Honeymoon Cottage
Island by Island - Lunging
  • Note in the kitchen from Oscar Laighton
  • Welcome to anyone entering this house in
    shipwreck or trouble. Start a fire...and make
    yourself comfortable...Beds are made up in the
    chambers. Help will reach you from the other
    islands the moment it is possible

Island by Island White Seavey
  • White Island First lighthouse built in 1820, new
    tower built in 1859 and finished in 1865

The Lighthouse Kids the Crack in White Island
Island by Island White Seavey
  • Seavey Island is home to a tern restoration
    project, sponsored by
  • NH Audubon Society
  • NH Fish Game
  • Dept. of Resources Economic Development
  • NH Coastal Program

Get to the Isles
  • Isles of Shoals Steamship Company
  • Public island tours from May-September
  • Star Island Corporation
  • Shoals Marine Lab

References Shoals Reads
  • Among the Isles of Shoals, Celia Thaxter
  • An Island Garden, Celia Thaxter
  • Gosport Remembered, Peter Randall Maryellen
  • Here's How We'll Do It An Informal History of
    the Construction of the Shoals Marine Laboratory,
    John M. Kingsbury
  • Isles of Shoals in Lore and Legend, Lyman V.
  • Land of Lost Content, Robert H. Whittaker
  • Moonlight Murder at Smuttynose, Lyman V. Rutledge
  • Ninety Years at the Isles of Shoals, Oscar
  • Sprays of Salt Reminisces of a Native Shoaler,
    John W. Downs
  • Ten Miles Out, Lyman V. Rutledge

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