Title: Consumer Health
1Consumer Health For Public Libraries Mary Klat
2Does this sound familiar?
- Patron I need information about peoria.
- Librarian Let see, Peoria, are you interested in
travel, geography, or history of the area?
- Patron Not Peoria Illinois. Its something I
got. My dentist told me.
- Librarian Oh, pyorrhea. Lets see what we can
3 What we will cover
- The role of public libraries in providing health
- Types of questions
- Ethical legal aspects
- Core print collection, weeding
- Core websites
- Evaluating Internet resources
- Health-E Illinos
- Participants will be able
- To identify primary consumer health resources
- To locate information on diseases, drugs, and
other medical topics. Be introduced to basic
print and Internet websites
- To evaluate websites that contain health
- To find services and providers in the state of
Illinois by disease, condition or location
5Public Libraries Librarians
- Community resource providing books, multi-media,
databases, selected web sites
- Sensitive and responsive to community information
- Provide Internet access (especially for those who
have no other access)
- People factor most importantly providing
guidance (including referrals) and assistance in
using health information resources
- Consumer Health Information
- Information on health and medical topics
provided in response to requests from the general
public, including patients and their families.
- Patient Education
- a planned activity, initiated by the health
care professional, whose aim is to impart
knowledge, attitudes and skills with the specific
goal of changing behavior, increasing compliance
with therapy and, thereby, improving health. - http//caphis.mlanet.org/resources/caphis_statemen
- Health Information literacy
- The degree to which individuals have the
capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic
health information and services needed to make
appropriate health decisions. - http//www.healthypeople.gov/Document/HTML/Volume1
8Types of Questions
- I need information on
- A disease or condition
- Medical tests / Medical procedures
- Medication/drug information
- Utilization of health care services
- Newspaper article or report (television, radio)
9Legal Responsibilities
- Do not give advice or interpret medical
information (practicing medicine without a
- Do not give opinions
- Do not share personal stories
10Ethical Responsibilities
- Advice/instruction on locating using materials
- Be clear to users about your role as a librarian
- Keep current
- Keep user requests confidential
- Be tactful, respectful, and non-judgmental
- American Library Association, Reference and User
Services Association. Guidelines for Medical,
Legal, and Business Responses. 2001.
11Core Print CollectionA Sampling
- Medical Dictionary
- General home medical guide
- Alternative medicine source book
- Drug information
- Laboratory tests
- Procedures
- System, or best medicine
- Health Reference Series http//www.omnigraphics.co
12Core Internet Websites
- MEDLINEPlus http//www.medlineplus.gov
- NIH Healthfinder - http//www.healthfinder.gov/
- NIH Senior Health
- Cancer.gov http//www.cancer.gov
- Drugs
- MedlinePlus
- FDA Consumer http//www.fda.gov
- Centers for Disease Control www.cdc.gov
- National Center for Health Statistics -
- www.medlineplus.gov
- Safe, trustworthy information
- From the U.S. Government
- More detailed information
- www.healthfinder.gov
- Safe, trustworthy information
- From the U.S. Government
15NIH Senior Health
- www.nihseniorhealth.gov
- Information for older adults from the U.S.
National Institutes of Health
- http//www.cancer.gov
- Types of cancer
- Treatments and clinical trials
- Screeing and testing
- Cancer statistics
17Federal Drug Administration
- www.fda.gov
- Food safety, allergens, food bourne illness
- Drugs regulations and drug information
- Medical Devices Choosing a device, problems
with devices, recalls
- Biologics vaccines, tissues, gene therapy
18Centers for Disease Control
- www.cdc.gov
- Diseases Conditions
- Healthy Living immunizations, smoking
prevention, exercise
- Emergency preparedness bioterrorism
- Environmental Health
- Travelers Health
- National Center for Health Statistics
19- KidsHealth www.kidshealth.org
- Easy-to-understand
- Information for kids, teens
- and their parents
20Healthy Web Surfing
- Source
- Quality
- Be skeptical
- Currency
- Site purpose
- Privacy
- Questions/concerns to health care professional
21Health-E Illinois Go Local A National Library of
Medicine Project
- Loyola University Health Sciences Library
- June 1, 2007
"Go Local" links accessed from MedlinePlus health
topic web pages enable a user to find related
health service providers in their area.
MedlinePlus Breast Cancer page will direct users
to Cancer Clinics, Oncologists, Support Groups,
etc. on the local state site
Health-E Illinois. Services include hospital
s, physicians, nursing homes, support
groups, health screening providers and many
23Access directly from MedlinePlus
24Health Information Local Resources
MedlinePlus NIH consumer literature News Nutri
tion Directories MEDLINE search ClinicalTrials.
gov Genetics Research Statistics Financial Issu
Health-E Illinois Featured Site Search Functions
Location Health Care Providers Programs and F
acilities Services for Diseases and Health I
ssues Topics
25Project Goals
Impact users ability to locate and access healt
h information Create a high-quality, user friendl
y database of health resources services in
Illinois, linked to subjects within MedlinePlus
Engage others to help identify local health
resources Increase awareness and use of MedlinePl
us and Health-E Illinois Increase statewide visib
ility and appreciation of the important role
played by Illinois librarians in linking health
care consumers and practitioners to needed health
26Go Local Nationally
18 states active 8 in projects in
27Health-E Illinois
Search by Location
29Search by Providers, Facilities, and Services
30Topic Search
5,750 Records
740 Health Topics Diabetes, Cancer, Senior Health
, etc Condensed for simpler indexing. 161 Servi
ce Terms Facilities, People, Programs Blood Bank
s, Allergists, Health Screenings, etc
35Assigning Terms
Service Term Topic Term
Advocacy Autism
Health Education Programs Autism
Referral Services Autism
Support Groups Autism
36Translating into results
Advocacy Autism
Health Education Programs Autism
Referral Services Autism
Support Groups Autism
Professional Associations Government Funds Recipi
ent Lists Illinois Department of Public Health H
ealthInfo Central Illinois Database
Commercial Directories Homegrown lists from hospi
tal referral services
40Available September 1st, 2007
8,000 searchable healthcare locations/services
Comprehensive State Coverage Free, online, one-st
op searching Reviewed and organized by informati
on professionals