Earthquakes and natural disasters - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Earthquakes and natural disasters


Iran warns US as forces pound holy sites in Iraq. Headline DT 24 May ... Countless insects attacked trees and lawns, enveloping them in a crawling, yellow carpet. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Earthquakes and natural disasters

Earthquakes and natural disasters
Celestial Fireworks
  • Headline
  • Celestial fireworks as solar storm hits
  • Headline DT 31 Oct
  • Event
  • The 3rd major solar storm in a week was predicted
    to hit earth today, threatening satellite and
    communication systems.
  • Astronomers say the scale of current solar
    activity is extremely unusual.
  • One of the largest solar flares ever seen has
    led to some breath-taking displays of aurora
  • Comment
  • Maybe we take these spectacular heavenly events
    for granted but I think we need to view increased
    activity in the heavens as another literal sign
    in the sun moon and stars.
  • Bible Quote
  • Lu 2125 And there shall be signs in the sun,
    and in the moon, and in the stars

Iran Earthquake
  • Headline
  • 20,000 killed by Iranian earthquake
  • Headline DT 27 December
  • Event
  • More than 20,000 people were killed at dawn
    yesterday when an earthquake virtually destroyed
    the ancient Iranian city of Bam. Government
    officials confirmed the figure and said that a
    further 50,000 people had been injured in the
    south-eastern city on the old Silk Road to China.
    The quake measured 6.3 on the Richter scale.
  • Comment
  • It was only last weekend when an earthquake of
    similar magnitude struck California. Again we are
    warned by Jesus that there will be earthquakes in
    diverse places. There can often be political
    implications when these things occur. God uses
    earthquakes and other dramatic events to bring
    about his purpose. We know Iran (Persia) will be
    involved in the final battle against Israel. Who
    knows what implications may come from this
  • Bible Quote Mark 13
  • 8 For nation shall rise against nation, and
    kingdom against kingdom and there shall be
    earthquakes in divers places,

Earthquake / political consequences
  • Headline
  • Disaster could destabilise government
  • Headline DT 29 December
  • Event
  • Ascending the steps of his Boeing 727 as he left
    Bam yesterday, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei offered a
    regal wave to the exhausted Iranian Crescent
    workers. Some clapped and cheered, but it was
    clear that the earthquake had not only shaken the
    weak foundations of the ancient city, but had
    also caused echoes of discontent that could help
    destabilise the theocratic government.
  • Comment
  • As we said last week, earthquakes can have
    tremendous consequences politically and we can
    see Gods hand working here. The Daily Telegraphs
    editorial said on the 3rd Jan, Earthquakes have
    a way of shaking the political landscape as well
    as the earths crust. We know that there is to
    be one great earthquake at the end which will
    itself usher in great political change. The long
    awaited kingdom.
  • Bible Quote Revelation 16
  • 18 And there were voices, and thunders, and
    lightnings and there was a great earthquake,
    such as was not since men were upon the earth, so
    mighty an earthquake, and so great.

Mission to Mars
  • Headline
  • British probe could be first to answer the
    question about alien life
    - Headline DT 26 December
  • Event
  • British scientists waited yesterday for news from
    the 50 million probe, Beagle 2. The only way to
    discover whether Martian rock contained Martian
    life was to send a laboratory to the Red planet.
    Beagle 2 was named after the ship that took
    Charles Darwin on the voyage that led to his
    theory of natural selection.
  • Comment
  • You have to smile at this. Darwin tried to
    explain the existence of life on the earth
    occurred by chance. Man now tries to prove there
    is life on another planet that also presumably
    would have started by chance. Both theories are
    utterly ridiculous and neither will / can be
    proved. We know the Lord God made all life on
    this earth and according to the Bible has only
    ever created life here. They could have saved 50
    million if they only looked at the heavens and
    marvelled but instead man launches another
  • Bible Quote Isaiah 45
  • 18 For thus saith the LORD that created the
    heavens God himself that formed the earth and
    made it he hath established it, he created it
    not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited I am
    the LORD and there is none else.

Earthquake may strike Jerusalem
  • Headline
  • Earthquake may strike Jerusalem in 50 years
  • Headline Jerusalem Post 16 January
  • Event
  • A geological survey says that Jerusalem's walled
    Old city would be among the worst hit in the
    event of another earthquake because it rests on
    layers of debris, not solid rock. A three-year
    study, conducted by the Geological Survey of
    Israel released this week, has found that the Old
    City is more at risk than modern neighborhoods
    because of its ancient construction and the
    underground layers of shifting debris left behind
    by ransacking armies, said Amos Bein, the
    centres director. A natural disaster in the Old
    City could bring devastating political
    aftershocks because it is the fiery heart of the
    conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
  • Comment
  • An earthquake is coming with tremendous political
    consequences. It may not be as long as 50 years
    in coming though. Interesting it is an Amos
    warning of this!!
  • Bible Quote Amos 1
  • 1 The words of Amos, who was among the herdmen
    of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the
    days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of
    Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel, two
    years before the earthquake.
  • This earthquake is compared to the final
    greatest earthquake see Zechariah 145

Earthquake in Israel
  • Headline
  • Earthquake shakes up Middle East
  • Headline BBC online 11 February
  • Event
  • An earthquake has shaken parts of Israel, the
    West Bank and Gaza Strip, according to witnesses.
    Local media reported that the earthquake had a
    magnitude of 4.5 and had its epicentre on the
    northern shore of the Dead Sea.
  • Cable TV and wireless networks were knocked out.
  • "It was big, I felt it," Yossi Shamir, evacuated
    from an office in Jerusalem, told Reuters. "It
    was scary." The earthquake shook the Knesset
    building strongly for about 20 seconds, startling
    MKs who were convened in committee meetings and
    making a long crack above a ceiling-support beam
    at the driveway exit to the VIP entrance.
  • Comment
  • A shaking in Israel. Not the magnitude it will be
    but nonetheless a warning to all of what is to
    come. The government building, the Knesset, now
    has cracks in the support beams. We surely see
    Gods hand in this. We await the greater
    earthquake when the whole earth shall be shaken.
  • Bible Quote Ezekiel 38
  • 19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my
    wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there
    shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel

Earthquake in Morocco
Headline Quake wrecks villages near Morocco
coast Headline BBC online 25 February
  • Event
  • At least 400 people were killed early yesterday
    when an earthquake struck northern Morocco,
    destroying hundreds of stone and mud-brick
  • Villages in the Rif mountains near the
    Mediterranean city of Al Hoceima were worst hit,
    with one, Ait Kamara, where 6,000 people live,
  • Comment
  • We have seen a number of earthquakes recently in
    the very areas the Bible mentions will be
    involved in the final battle over Jerusalem. We
    have seen earthquakes in Turkey, Iran, Israel and
    now Morocco all within the last few months.
  • Morocco is not specifically mentioned but many
    believe that when the Bible refers to Ethiopia
    and Libya in Ezekiel that it is referring to
    most of Northern Africa. Specifically the Arab
    nations there.
  • Bible Quote Ezekiel 385 Joel 2110
  • Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them all of
    them with shield and helmet
  • 1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an
    alarm in my holy mountain let all the
    inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of
    the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand 10 The
    earth shall quake before them

Once in a lifetime phenomenon
  • Headline
  • Britain captivated by Venuss heavenly body
  • Headline DT 9 June
  • Event
  • One of the rarest events in the astronomical
    calendar will be visible across Britain tomorrow
    morning when Venus passes in front of the sun.
    For the first time since 1882. The planet will
    appear as a small black disc gliding slowly
    across the Suns face.
  • Comment
  • On August 11, 1999 there was a total solar
    eclipse. At the time I wrote an article about how
    the shadow cast by the eclipse covered the very
    nations spoken of in the Bible that will come
    against Israel in the final battle. Eg Europe,
    Russia, Middle East and Northern Africa. It is
    interesting to me that that those nations able to
    view Venus passing in front of the Sun closely
    correspond once more to those same nations that
    will invade Israel. The best viewing of the
    transit of Venus was the Middle East. Click to
    see diagram.
  • Bible Quote - Luke 21
  • 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in
    the moon, and in the stars

Iran - US warning and earthquake
  • Headline
  • Iran warns US as forces pound holy sites in Iraq
  • Headline DT 24 May
  • 30 killed as north Iran is hit by Quake DT 29 May
  • Event
  • Iran issued a "formal warning" to the Bush
    administration yesterday as American military
    forces launched a major attack on the Iraqi holy
    cities of Najaf Kufa
  • Rescue efforts have been going on through the
    night in Iran following a violent earthquake
    which shook much of the north of the country on
    Friday. About 30 people are reported to have been
    killed in towns and villages over a large area,
    its epicentre being in Mazandaran province by the
    Caspian Sea.
  • Comment
  • Iran (ancient Persia) has now issued a formal
    warning to the US. We know that Iran is involved
    with the Gogian host that comes to invade Israel.
    The most direct route would be through Iraq!
    Whether Iran goes through Iraq or not the fact is
    that Iran (and the other invaders of Israel)
    would technically be at war with the UK and US
    anyway. America would never willing let Israel be
    invaded. On top of these political tensions we
    also see natural tensions in the same area with
    earthquakes. ( in diverse places!) We have now
    seen 2 earthquakes in Iran in just a few months.
  • Bible Quote Ezekiel 38 see Matthew 247 for
    earthquake verse
  • 5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them all of
    them with shield and helmet

Volcanic tidal wave threat
  • Headline
  • Geologist sounds alarm at volcanic tidal wave
  • Headline DT 10 August
  • Event
  • A collapsing volcano could trigger a vast tidal
    wave capable of wiping
    New York, Washington and Miami off the map as
    well as bringing
    devastation to southern England, governments were
    warned yesterday.
    Geologists are concerned that an unstable flank
    of the Cumbre Vieia volcano on the island of La
    Palma in the Canaries is in danger of sliding
    into the sea. If shaken loose by a volcanic
    eruption, the slab of rock - which is the size of
    the Isle of Man - would send a tsunami more than
    500ft high racing across the Atlantic at the
    speed of a jumbo jet.
  • Comment
  • Though this is hypothetical I thought it worthy
    of note. We know for certain that a terrible
    earthquake is coming on this earth the like of
    which has never been before. It therefore becomes
    likely that with the earthquake will come other
    destruction as detailed by this geologist.
    Governments have been warned about this threat of
    tidal wave. The world has been warned by God of
    coming judgement.
  • Bible Quote Isaiah 2 read whole chapter about
    judgement of God
  • 17 And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down,
    and the haughtiness of men shall be made low 21
    .when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

Quakes coming in Israel
  • Headline
  • Quakes coming
  • Headline Jerusalem Post 20 August
  • Event
  • The number of local earthquakes in recent months
    is a reminder of the ongoing disquiet in the
    troubled region - not only above ground but deep
    in the earth itself.
  • The latest tremor occurred last Sunday afternoon,
    some five kilometers (three miles) west of Jenin,
    along what is known as the Carmel Fault and
    measured 4.0 on the Richter scale. It was the
    second quake in roughly the same area in less
    than three weeks. The apparent increase in the
    number of incidents could be signs of
    preparation for a much more serious earthquake.
  • Comment
  • There are indeed signs of preparation! The Lord
    God and his angels are preparing for the day of
    the Lord, when at last all nations will know
    that He is LORD. The final great shaking of the
    earth appears to be centred in Israel but the
    whole earth will feel it. Indeed, Ezekiel makes
    clear that all men on the face of the earth will
    shake and every wall will fall to the ground. We
    watch the tremors in Israel knowing these things
    will surely come to pass.
  • Bible Quote Ezekiel 38
  • 19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my
    wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there
    shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel

Locust plague
  • Headline
  • Locusts plague home of Gibson's Christ
  • Headline DT 26 August
  • Event
  • The humble town of Matera in southern Italy had
    been hoping for a tourist boom after Mel Gibson
    made his film The Passion of Christ there.
    Instead it has been hit by a biblical plague of
    locusts. The millions of locusts have driven the
    tourists away and are doing untold damage to
    crops. The town's economy has suffered so badly
    that businessmen are calling for a state of
  • Comment
  • A biblical plague of locusts! Many times in the
    scriptures God talks of using locusts as a plague
    on the people. I do not look upon this plague as
    coincidence but the hand of God. It was at this
    very place that The Passion of Christ was made
    and now we have a plague upon it. Why? This film,
    (endorsed by the Pope), follows the Catholic
    faith and values in respect of the crucifixion of
    Christ. They do NOT remember Christ at Mass but
    believe it is his real body and real blood. He is
    permanently dieing and suffering. Therefore this
    brutal and violent film is all about the fear
    element and keeping our Lord on the cross
    forever. Once more the Catholic Church has found
    a way to reach millions of people with its
    message. A plague is coming upon it.
  • Bible Quote Galatians 19 If any man preach
    any other gospel unto you than that ye have
    received, let him be accursed.

West Africa in terror of locust plague
  • Headline
  • West Africa in terror of locust plague
  • Headline DT 2 September
  • Event
  • Children fled in terror as swarms of ravenous
    locusts invaded Senegal's capital, Dakar,
    yesterday, devouring every patch of greenery in
    their path.
  • Countless insects attacked trees and lawns,
    enveloping them in a crawling, yellow carpet.
    Flying locusts hurtled into the windscreens of
    the city's drivers and enmeshed themselves in the
    clothes and hair of anyone caught outside.
  • The largest swarms for 15 years,summoning
    Biblical images of a plague, are advancing across
    West Africa. A single locust will consume its own
    weight in food every day.
  • More than 16 million acres of farmland in some of
    the world's poorest countries has already been
    damaged. President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal has
    likened the crisis to a war between mankind and
    the locusts.
  • Comment
  • It cannot be coincidence that at this time of
    terror and fear we see terrible plagues coming on
    the earth as well. God uses plagues for
    judgement. We know that the world is symbolic of
    Egypt. This world is being infected by similar
    plagues. See Exodus 1014
  • Bible Quote Luke 21 Jesus said there would
    be pestilences
  • 11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers
    places, and famines, and pestilences and fearful
    sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Hurricane Ivan caves offer sanctuary
  • Headline
  • 155 mph tempest heads for Cuba and Florida
  • Headline DT 13 September
  • Event
  • Hundreds of thousands of people in Cuba and
    Florida were fleeing before the path of Hurricane
    Ivan at the weekend, after it killed more than 50
    people in its devastating tour of the Caribbean.
  • The deadly tropical storm, its strength close to
    Category 5, the top of the scale for measuring
    hurricanes, yesterday unleashed gusts of up to
    155mph and an unrelenting downpour on the
    British-ruled Cayman islands.
  • On Cayman Brac, one of the two smaller islands,
    residents again took shelter in a network of
    caves, last used in 1932 when Hurricane 10 hit
    the islands.
  • Comment
  • We know that there shall be great storms at the
    time of the end. These hurricanes over the last
    month have been some of the most ferocious on
    record. As we see people on the Cayman islands
    literally hiding in caves to escape we read that
    men will do the same when the Lord God judges the
    world. See Psalm 8315. See stats above!!
  • Bible Quote Isaiah 2 17-19 ..and the
    haughtiness of men shall be made low and the
    LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.And they
    shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into
    the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and
    for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to
    shake terribly the earth.
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