Title: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday
TAP 1 of 3 0830 - 1600 Someone Worth Talking
to 1700 - 1800
TAP 2 of 3 0830 - 1600 Survival Korean 1800 -
Pre-TAP 1000 1630
VA/DTAP 0830 1500
TAP 3 of 3 0830 1600
Buraksan Hike 0930 1430
Guam Cooking 1730 - 2000 Opening the
Floodgates 1700 1800 Mastering the
Interview 1800 - 2000
Lets Talk Korean 1100 1200 TSP 101 1800 - 2000
Resume Critique Clinic 0800 - 1000
Pyeongtaek City Tour - 1 0830 1600
Conversational Japanese 1800 1900
Adventure Dining 1800 - 2100
Resume Writing 101 0800 1000 Spouse
Orientation 0830 - 1600
Salary Negotiation 1100 1230 Indian
Cooking 1730 - 2000
Survival Korean 1800 2000
VA Briefing for First Sgts Supervisors 0830 -
Whos Afraid To Be A Millionaire? 1700 1900
- Pre-Sep Briefing Mandatory for all active duty
military separating within 1 yr and retiring
within 2 yrs. - Dates
- 1 Jun 1030 - 1200
- 9 Jun 1330 - 1500
- 16 Jun 1330 1500
- 23 Jun 1330 1500
- 30 Jun 1330 1500
- Initial NEO Warden Training
- 12 June, 0900 1000
- Battle Book Training
- 12 June, 1000 1100
- Monthly NEO Group Warden Meeting
- 12 June, 1100 1200
Pyeongtaek City Tour - 2 0830 1600 COEX Mall
0900 1700
Self-Esteem A Major Block of Confidence 1700
1800 Korean Cooking 1730 - 2000
CreditSmart Foreclosure Avoidance 1800 2000
Lets Talk Korean 1100 1200
Korean Culture 1100 1200
Welcome Home! Reconnecting with Your Child 1700
1800 Mediterranean Cooking 1730 - 2000
If program dates/times are not convenient call
for a one-on-one appointment.
Childcare for PCS and Volunteers is
available Please call for details
Please sign up in advance for classes and trips
Conversational Japanese 1800 1900
The Team Osan Airman Family Readiness Center is
just a call or mouse click away DSN 784-5440 /
Comm. (031) 661-5440 www.osan.af.mil/newcomers/air
manandfamilyreadinesscenter.asp or just drop by
Bldg 769
KIM 09
Adventure Dining Out We will introduce you to
an off-base restaurant frequently visited by the
locals. Bring won for dinner transportation.
Buraksan Hike - A 5-mile round trip hike through
the local countryside. Must be over 6 years old
to participate. Wear comfortable clothes shoes.
Bring water won. COEX Mall - A vast underground
cultural leisure development mall with a huge
aquarium. Conversational Japanese - This class
is suggested for those who plan to PCS to Japan
or anyone interested in learning
Japanese. Cooking Classes Due to the
popularity of these classes, attendance is
limited to 2 classes a month. CreditSmart
Foreclosure Avoidance - CreditSmart is a
FreddieMac premier financial education
curriculum. Designed to help you learn how to
build maintain Better Credit, Money Management
and prepare for successful long-term responsible
homeownership. Financial Classes Looking to get
ahead financially? Then sign up for Debt
Management, Loans Credit Reports and/or Savings
classes and set yourself up for financial
success. Attendees are allowed to bring lunch and
snacks are available. Initial NEO Warden Training
For all newly assigned NEO Wardens. Attendees
must bring their unit NEO Battle Book and
appointment letter to the class. Korean Culture
Class This class provides the opportunity to
learn about our host country culture and
traditions. Lets Talk Korean - Learn common
expressions and phrases, using simple sentences
scenarios. Mastering the Interview - Learn how
to prepare for the interview, answer difficult
questions, follow-up, and what to wear. Opening
the Floodgates - - This course examines
successful strategies for couples communication.
Emphasis is placed on types of communication,
learning to listen, and avoiding arguments.
Presented by MSgt Parks. Pre-Separation
Counseling Briefing Mandatory for all active
duty military separating and retiring within one
year (no less than 90 days prior). Pyeongtaek
City Tour - Visit local historical places and
wootdali cultural center to see more about our
city! Free trip sponsored by Pyeongtaek
city. Resume Critique Clinic - Résumés are
reviewed by a Certified Professional Résumé
Writer - a great opportunity for feedback to
improve your résumé format and content.
Pre-registration is required. Pre-requisites
Résumé Writing 101 or TAP and a copy of your
résumé, limit one per person submitted 48 hours
prior to the clinic to Rashaud.smith_at_osan.af.mil.
Resume Writing 101 This is a basic resume
writing skills course. It covers how to write and
format an effective private sector resume. Salary
Negotiation Learn many practical pointers on
salary negotiation. Bring your lunch! Self-Esteem
A Major Block of Confidence This presentation
will examine the importance of self-esteem,
characteristics of both low and high self-esteem
and important exercise to build high
self-esteem. Someone Worth Talking to (Couples
Communication Step 1) - During this class we
explore the ways our history, personality and
attitude effect our relationships with others.
Also, techniques are explained which can
encourage, rather than discourage interactions
with others. Presented by MSgt Parks Spouse
Orientation - A great opportunity to meet key
base representatives. In addition you will learn
about NEO, benefits availability of services,
Korean culture and how to get around. Survival
Korean Learn simple phrases and survival skills
for effective Korean communication as well as
Korean alphabet. TAP Workshop Retiring in a
couple of years or separating within a year? You
are highly encouraged to attend the 4-day
Transition Assistance Program Workshop. Topics of
discussion include a personal appraisal, coping
with transition, resume writing, job search,
interviewing skills and salary negotiation. All
attendees will have a draft Resume upon
completion of the workshop. TSP 101 - This
benefits is offered to employees of the U.S
Government. Come on by and learn more.
VA Briefing for First Sgts Supervisors - This
two-hour brief is designed especially for Shirts
and Supervisors so that they can better inform
their airmen on all that the VA has to
offer. VA/DTAP - Here is your chance to learn all
about your VA benefits. Learn about your Health
Benefits, Home Loan Guaranty Service, Education
Benefits and much more. Whether you have served
one year or 20 years in the military, you need to
know about your benefits. Additionally, there is
information about disabilities benefits and
vocational rehabilitation for 1) individuals
being separated due to a service-connected
disability 2) those who will be medically
discharged and 3) those who suspect they have a
service-connected disability. Welcome Home!
Reconnecting with Your Child This presentation
provides effective methods for prioritizing,
organizing, and managing all areas of time
management-family, workplace, and children. Whos
Afraid To Be A Millionaire? - with Kelvin Boston
- Offering financial strategies for middle-income
households. Open to ALL ranks.