Title: What
1(No Transcript)
2Whats the NATA?
- Founded in 1950 with 200 members
- Comprised of certified athletic trainers,
students and others who support the athletic
training profession - Members work in colleges/universities, high
schools, pro sports, clinics, hospitals, the
military, performing arts and more - Today More than 32,000 members!
3Structure of NATA
- National office in Dallas, TX
- Executive director and staff of 44
- Divided into ten geographical districts
- NATA Board of Directors
- Athletic trainers elected by their constituents
- Attend your district meetings!
- Districts meet annually, just like NATA does
4Structure of NATA
- Committees
- Councils
- Think Tanks
- Project Teams
- Liaisons
5Structure of NATA
- CommitteesGroups established by NATA with a
specific purpose and duties. Committee membership
is typically district-based. Committee members
are appointed by their district directors and
approved by the board of directors. - CouncilsOngoing, adaptable entities whose
members provide expertise and advice on issues of
importance. - Project TeamsCreated to tackle specific
projects. Once the project has been completed,
the group members commitments end. - Think TanksVolunteer groups open to all
members. Think tanks provide a forum for
discussion, build connections for collaboration
and deliberation with peers, and open the door to
leadership opportunities and development. - LiaisonsMembers selected to serve as the link
between NATA and an outside group or association.
6Related organizations
- NATA Research Education Foundation
- Exists to support and advance the athletic
training profession through research and
education - Board of Certification, Inc.
- Separate entity from NATA
- Exists to certify athletic trainers and protect
the public - Administers the certification exam
7Why join NATA?
- Scholarships
- Eligible to apply for 70 scholarships through
the NATA Research Education Foundation - NATA News
- Award-winning monthly membership magazine
- Journal of Athletic Training
- Award-winning scientific journal
8Why join NATA?
- NATA Career Center
- State-of-the-art system to help you find a job
- Salary Survey information
- Up-to-date info about athletic training pay
- Brochures
- Up to 25 free brochures each year
9Why join NATA?
- NATA Web site
- Members-Only section
- Online Membership Directory
- NATA Annual Meeting
- Substantial discounts on registration to the
premier conference for athletic training - Member discount programs
- Discounts on high-quality products and
servicesyou use in your personal and
professional life
10Why join NATA?
- And networking!
- The opportunity to interact with thousandsof
certified athletic trainers and other students,
about issues that are importantto you
11Why join NATA?
- You have a responsibility to support the
association that actively promotes and supports
your career -- think of it as - Professional Socialization.
12NATA Strategic Plan
- Four key areas of focus
- Favorable state regulation
- Revenue for athletic training services
- Marketing and public relations
- Job development
- These areas of focus are the top professional
issues in athletic training.
13Favorable state regulation
- A statute
- Protects the public
- Facilitates insurance reimbursement
- Increases employment opportunities
- Enhances the stature of the profession
14Favorable state regulation
- For athletic training
- Licensure 36 states
- Certification 5 states
- Registration 2 states
- Exemption 3 states
- None of these 4 states
15Favorable state regulation 36 states with
Alabama Arizona Arkansas Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Maine Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Rhode Island South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Wisconsin
16Favorable state regulation Other
- 5 states with certification
- Kentucky Pennsylvania
- Louisiana South Carolina
- New York
- 2 states with registration
- Minnesota Oregon
- 3 states with exemption
- Colorado Wyoming
- Hawaii
17Revenue for athletic training services
- CMS (Medicare) decision
- Improperly restricts who can provide therapy
services incident to a physician - Doctors cannot bill Medicare for treatment
provided by athletic trainers
18Revenue for athletic training services
- Why is CMS recognition important?
- CMS sets the national health care agenda
- Drives who can practice where
- By default, credentials who is qualified
- Commercial insurance follows its rules (usually)
- Sets reimbursement rates
- Gatekeeper to patient access
- Gatekeeper to quality health care for all ages
(youth through seniors)
19Revenue for athletic training services
- Whats being done to reverse the CMS decision
- NATA is aggressively working to challenge and
reverse the incident to policy - NEW BILL H.R. 1846 Medicare Access to
Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Services
Improvement Act - Campaigns to members of Congress
20Revenue for athletic training services
- Impact of CMS decision
- Many athletic trainers have lost their jobs
- These were jobs in core athletic training
settingsnot necessarily reimbursement jobs
21Revenue for athletic training services
- How can you help with CMS?
- Support H.R. 1846
- Know and understand that this is both a patients
access to quality of care issue as well as an
athletic training jobs issue - Sign up for the NATA Legislative Alert
Center(online at www.nata.org Members-Only
section) - Respond when NATA issues a Call to Action
22Marketing and public relations
- Public recognition of certified athletic trainers
- Valuable members of the health care community
23Job development
- Employment
- Jobs for certified athletic trainers in
bothtraditional settings and new settings
24Web section for student members
- www.nata.org/members1/student
- Blogs
- Info about the profession
- Undergraduate and graduate programs
- Certification info
- Continuing Education
25NATA student member campaign
- www.nata.org/studentcampaign
- Benefits both students and educators
- Cash prizes and free convention registrations
awarded based on number of new student members
from your school
26NATA student member campaign
- Recruit 5 to 9 new student members
- 25 to the schools student athletic training
club - Recruit 10 to 14 new student members
- 150 to the student athletic training club
27NATA student member campaign
- Recruit 15-19 new student members
- 175 to the student club and
- Free Annual Meeting registration for one student
28NATA student member campaign
- For 20 or more new student members
- 200 to the student athletic training
club and - Free Annual Meeting registration for one student
member and - Free Annual Meeting registration for a faculty
member (or another student member)
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31Athletic Training Students - UNITE!