B'H' Foing, RSSD Chief Scientist Group Lead scientist ESA Staff scientists: A' Chicarro, P' Martin, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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B'H' Foing, RSSD Chief Scientist Group Lead scientist ESA Staff scientists: A' Chicarro, P' Martin,


NL Collaborators: I. Ten Kate, J. Garry, R. Ruiterkamp, N. Cox, P. Ehrenfreund ... Perry, C., Browning, R., Waltham, N., Kent, B., Swinyard, B., Parker, D., Perry, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: B'H' Foing, RSSD Chief Scientist Group Lead scientist ESA Staff scientists: A' Chicarro, P' Martin,

B.H. Foing, RSSD Chief ScientistGroup Lead
scientistESA Staff scientists A. Chicarro, P.
Martin, D.V. Koschny, J.P. Lebreton, A. Ocampo,
H. Svedhem, O. Witasse Post-doc Fellows T.
Zegers, G. Michael, N. Boudin Support R.
Pischel, R. Trautner, D. Heather, B. LehmannB.
Johlander, U. Telljohann, Trainees M.Almeida,
F. Simoes, Y. ConanNL Collaborators I. Ten
Kate, J. Garry, R. Ruiterkamp, N. Cox, P.
  • Comparative Planetology and Astrobiology Research
    at RSSD

  • Comparative planetology of Earth-like planets and
  • - Lunar research and Clementine /Prospector
    analysis (BHF, PM, MA, GM, DH)
  • - SMART-1 Co-I research preparation and analysis
  • - BepiC geochemistry science preparation (DVK,
    BHF, DH)
  • - Mars science orbital data analysis MEX Stereo
    camera, radar, Omega Co-Is tasks in geology,
    atmospheric science, spectrometry, support to
    landers, surface topography,
  • - Water on Mars, subsurface water/ice detection
    (PM, TZ, RT, FS, BHF, AC, HS)
  • Impact crater studies Chicxulub field studies,
    Envisat (AC, GM, AO), large impact craters on
    Mars/Moon/Venus, MGS/MOLA topography

  • Astrobiology
  • - Diffuse Interstellar Bands (BHF, NB, NC, RR,
  • - Evolution of Large Organics in Space
    Experiments on Biopan and Expose/ISS (BHF, NB,
  • - Exobiology in Mars simulation chamber (BHF,
    ItK, JG, NB, RR, RT, FS, AC, PM, UT, BJ
  • - Life sensors and biomarkers (BHF, NB, BJ, UT)
  • - Exobiology from Mars Express orbiter
    instruments and Beagle 2 (AC, HS, PM, RT, BHF,
  • - Impact basins in relationship to hydrothermal
    systems on Mars and early Earth (TZ, AO)
  • - Biospheric effects of large impacts (TZ, AO et
    al )

Refereed Papers Comparative Planetology
(2001-mid 2002)             Heather, D.J.,
Dunkin, S.K., and Wilson, L. 2002. Volcanism on
the Marius Hills Plateau Observational Analyses
Using Clementine Multispectral Data. JGR.
Accepted for publication.           Heather,
D.J. and Dunkin, S.K. 2002. Geology and
Stratigraphy of the Lunar Farside Crater King as
seen by Clementine. Icarus. Accepted for
publication.           Dunkin, M. Grande, D.J.
Heather, H. Alleyne, I. Casanova, A. Christou, P.
E. Clark, V.A. Fernandes, B.H. Foing, J.
Huovenin, J. Kaukkanen, B.J. Kellett, S.S.
Russell, B. Swinyard, O. Vilhu. 2002. Scientific
Rationale For The D-CIXS X-ray Spectrometer On
Board ESAs SMART-1 Mission To The Moon.
Planetary Space Science, in press.          
Grande, M, Dunkin, S.K., Kellet, B, Perry, C.,
Browning, R., Waltham, N., Kent, B., Swinyard,
B., Parker, D., Perry, A., Feraday, J., Howe, C.,
Houvelin, J., Muhli, P., Hakala, P.J., Vilhu, O.,
Thomas, N., Hughes, D., Alleyne, H., Grady, M.,
Russell, S.S., Lundin, R., Barabash, S., Baker,
D., Clarke, P.E., Murray, C.D., Christou, A.,
Guest, J., Casanova, I., dUston, L.C., Maurice,
S., Foing, B.H., Heather, D.J., Kato, M. 2002.
The D-CIXS X-ray spectrometer, and its
capabilities for lunar science. Advances in Space
Research, in press.           Heather, D.J., and
Dunkin, S.K. 2002. Crustal stratigraphy of the
Al-Khwarizmi-King/Tsiolkovsky-Stark region of the
lunar farside as seen by Clementine. Planetary
Space Science, in press.           Heather,
D.J., and Dunkin, S.K. 2002. A Stratigraphic
Study Of Southern Oceanus Procellarum Using
Clementine Multispectral Data. Planetary Space
Science, in press.           Foing, B.H., Duke,
M., Galimov, E., Mizutani, H., Pieters, C.,
Racca, G. and ILEWG members Heather, D.J.,
Frischauf, N., van Susante, P., Almeida, M. 2001.
Highlights From ICEUM4, the 4 th International
Conference On The Exploration And Utilisation Of
The Moon. Earth, Moon and Planets, 85-86,
133-142.           Foing, B.H., Heather, D.J.,
Almeida, M. and the SMART-1 Science Technology
Working Team. 2001. The Science Goals Of ESAs
SMART-1 Mission To The Moon. Earth, Moon and
Planets, 85-86, 523-531.           Foing, B.H.,
van Susante, P., Almeida, M., Heather, D.J.,
Duke, M., Dunkin, S.K. and the Lunar Explorers
Society. 2001. Lunar Explorers Society Goals and
Activities. Earth, Moon and Planets, 85-86,
533-538           Foing, B. H. Duke, M.
Galimov, E. Mizutani, H. ILEWG Members van
Susante, P. Almeida, M. Heather, D. , 2001,
Earth Moon Planets 85, 133, Highlights from
ICEUM4 4th International Conference on
Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon
          Martin, P. D., J. F. Bell III, S. L.
Murchie, and O. S. Barnouin-Jha, A preliminary
re-classification of surface materials at the
Mars Pathfinder landing site using recalibrated
IMP Superpan data, in preparation,
2001.           Racca G.D. et al ( incl. B.H.
Foing) SMART-1 Mission Description and
Development Status, Planetary Space Science 2002,
accepted           M. Hamelin, R. Trautner, R.
Grard, Detection of near-surface ice on Mars with
Electromagnetic Techniques on Board Future
Surface Vehicles, JGR planets, 2002, in
press           R. Trautner, R. Grard, M.
Hamelin, Localization and Characterization of
Subsurface Ice and Water deposits with a Mutual
Impedance Probe, Submitted to JGR planets,
2002           Fouke, BW, Zerkle, AL, Alvarez W,
Pope KO, Ocampo AC, Wachtman RJ, Grajales
Nishimura JM, Claeys P and Fischer, AG, (2002)
Cathodoluminescence petrography and isotope
geochemistry of KT impact ejecta deposited 360 km
from the Chicxulub crater, at Albion Island,
Belize, Sedimentology 49117-138.          
Pope, K. O., A. C. Ocampo, A. G. Fischer, F. J.
Vega, B. W. Fouke, R. J. Wachtman,D. T. King,
Jr., and G. Kletetschka (submitted). A new type
of impact ejecta deposit from the Chicxulub
crater, Science.           David L. Griscom,
Virgilio Beltran-Lopez, Kevin O. Pope, and
Adriana C. Ocampo (in press). New Geochemical
Insights from Electron-Spin-Resonance Studies of
Mn2 and SO3- in Calcites Quantitative Analyses
of Chicxulub Crater Ejecta from Belize and
Southern Mexico with Comparison to Limestones
from Distal Cretaceous-Tertiary-Boundary Sites.
ESF Workshop on Impact Markers in the
Stratigraphic Record to be published by Springer
Verlag (Berlin/Heidlberg) in the new Springer
series Impact Studies, edited by Francisca
Martinez-Ruiz and Christian Koeberl. Adelman et
al (incl. B.H. Foing) MNRAS 2001, 328, 1144
Elemental abundance analysis of
HD29647           Ruiterkamp R., Halasinski,
Salama, Foing et al 2002, AA 390, 1153,
Spectroscopy of large PAHs laboratory studies
and comparison to the Diffuse Interstellar Bands
          Ehrenfreund, Cami, Jimenez-Vicente,
Foing et al, 2002 ApJ 576, L117, Detection of
Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the Magellanic
Clouds           A Ocampo et al, Submitted to
Science on June 10, 2002 A New Type of Impact
Ejecta Deposit from the Chicxulub
Crater.           Ten Kate et al (inc. . B.H.
Foing) Laboratory studies of Complex Organics on
Mars, 2002, submitted to International Journal of
Refereed Papers Comparative Planetology
/Astrobiology (2003) Foing, B.H., Racca, G.,
Marini, A. et al SMART-1 mission to the Moon
technology and Science Goals, 2003 Adv. Space
Res. , Vol. 31, No11, 2323-2333 Duke, M., Foing,
B.H. Preface to the Moon Science, Exploration,
Utilisation, , 2003Adv. Space Res. , Vol. 31,
No11, i Shkuratov, Yu. G. Kreslavsky, M. A.
Stankevich, D. G. Kaydash, V. G. Pinet, P.
Shevchenko, V. V. Foing, B. H. Josset, J.-L.
The SMART-1 Mission Photometric Studies of the
Moon with the AMIE Camera , 2003SoSyR..37..251 Dun
kin, S. K. et al (incl. Heather, D., Foing, B.H.)
Scientific rationale for the D-CIXS X-ray
spectrometer on board ESA's SMART-1 mission to
the Moon 2003PSS..51..435 Grande, M. et al
(incl. Heather, D. , Foing, B.H.), The D-CIXS
X-ray mapping spectrometer on SMART-1,
2003PSS...51..427 Shkuratov, Y. et al (incl.
Foing, B.H.), Composition of the lunar surface as
will be seen from SMART-1 A simulation using
Clementine data, 2003JGRE.108d....1 Heather,
D.J. and Dunkin, S.K., Geology and stratigraphy
of King crater, lunar farside, 2003, Icarus 163,
307 Heather, D.J., Dunkin, S.K. and Wilson, L.,
Volcanism on the Marius Hills plateau
observational analyses using Clementine
multispectral data, 2003, JGR 108(E3),
5017  Foing, B.H., The case for the first Indian
Mission to the Moon, Current science, submitted
Michael, G.G. (2003), Coordinate registration by
automated crater recognition, Planetary and Space
Science 51, 563-568 Michael, G. G. (accepted)
Planetary and Space Science, Beagle-2 position
determination from the returned camera
panoramas F. Simões, R. Trautner, R. Grard, and
M. Hamelin, The Electrical Properties of the
Martian Soil Simulant JSC Mars-1 as Functions of
Temperature, Density and Water Content, J.
Geophys. Res., Planets, 2003 Molina-Cuberos, G.,
Witasse, O., Lebreton, J.-P., Rodrigo, R.,
López-Moreno, J.-J, Meteoric ions in the
atmosphere of Mars, Planetary and Space Science,
Volume 51, Issue 3, p. 239-249, 2003.  Witasse,
O., et al., Correction to Prediction of a CO22
layer in the atmosphere of Mars'', Geophysical
Research Letters, Volume 30, Issue 7, pp. 12-1,
2003. Morel, L., Witasse, O., et al., Diagnostic
of the dayside ionosphere of Mars using the Total
Electron Content measurements by the
NEIGE/Netlander experiment an assessment study,
Planetary and Space Science, in press. Blelly,
P.-L., Witasse, O., and Lilensten, O.,
Self-consistent modelling of the dayside
ionosphere of Mars I Description of a new
coupled kinetic, MHD fluid model, JGR Lilensten,
J., Witasse, O., et al., Self-consistent
modelling of the dayside ionosphere of Mars II
Impact of the kinetic module on the aeronomy,
Journal of Geophysical Res. Witasse, O., et al.,
Self-consistent modelling of the dayside
ionosphere of Mars III Viking 1 lander and
Mariner 6 cases studies, Journal of Geophysical
Research, submitted Culot, F., Lilensten, J.,
Lathuillere, C., and Witasse, O., The OI 630.0
and 557.7 nm dayglow measured by Windii and
modelled by Transcar, Journal of Geophysical
Research, Zegers, T.E., in press, Granite
formation and emplacement as indicators of
Archean tectonic processes, in Condie, K.C., and
Eriksson, P., eds., Tempos and events in
Precambrian time Amsterdam, Elsevier. Boudin
N., Foing B.H., A survey of the photoelectron
spectra of PAHs and consequence for their search
in the interstellar medium , to be submitted Cox
N. et al (including B.H. Foing), Diffuse
Interstellar Bands in the LMC, to be submitted
Ruiterkamp et al The PAH charge state
distributionin diffuse and translucent clouds
implications for DIB carriers Boudin, N., Neiner,
C., Foing, B.H. Search for polarisation of
diffuse interstellar bands
3a) Books B.H. Foing, Editor, 2002, Open Session
on Lunar Exploration, Planetary Space
Science B.H. Foing, D. Heather, Editors, 2002,
Lunar Exploration 2000, Adv. Space Res., B.H.
Foing, B.Battrick, Editors 2002, ESLAB36 Earth
Like Planets and Moons A. Chicarro et al ESA-SP
Publication on ERS survey of Impact craters
  3b) International Conferences organisation A.
Chicarro, convener EGS/EGU Mars sessions (April
2002, 2003, 2004) B.H. Foing, convener EGS/EGU
lunar session (April 2002, 2003, 2004) B.H.
Foing, convener ILEWG conferences (Hawaii Nov 03,
Udaipur Nov 04) B.H. Foing, convener EGS session
on Challenges of geosciences (April 2002) B.H.
Foing, convener EGS session on Near Earth Objects
Hazards (April 2002) B.H. Foing, et al (ESLAB36
organisation) B.H. Foing, co-convener IAF lunar
session, World Space Congress WSC, Houston Oct 02
B.H. Foing, convener joint COSPAR lunar session,
Houston Oct 02, Paris July 04 D. Heather,
Convener, New Views of the Moon, Europe Workshop,
Berlin Jan 2002 J.P. Lebreton, Co-Convenor,
Huygens Titan Conference, ESTEC April 04 H.
Svedhem, Convener, EGS/EGU Geophysical
Instrumentation sessions

Lunar research and SMART-1 exploitation
  • Lunar volcanism
  • Impacts on the Moon
  • Integration of Clementine and Lunar Prospector
  • Development of data analysis tools for AMIE
    camera, SIR IR and X-ray spectrometer,
  • Future Lunar Exploration


Implications in planetary missions
  • B.H. Foing, RSSD Chief scientist
  • SMART-1 Project Scientist, MEX, COROT, ISS
  • Patrick Martin, MEX science ops.
  • A. Chicarro, MEX PS
  • D.V. Koschny, Planetary science Ops, SMART-1
  • J.P. Lebreton, Huygens PS
  • H. Svedhem, Venus X PS
  • O. Witasse, Huygens support, MEX Spicam co-I
  • Post-doc Fellows T. Zegers, MEX science ops
  • G. Michael, N. Boudin
  • Support B. Johlander, U. Telljohann, R.
    Trautner, D. Heather
  • Trainees M.Almeida, SMART-1 co-I and science
  • F. Simoes, Y. Conan
  • Collaborators A. Ocampo, R. Pischel MEX co-I,
  • P. Ehrenfreund Astrobiology MEX RCL

Mars research and MEX exploitation
  • Co-I preparation for MEX Stereo camera and radar
    (BHF, AC, PM, GM et al)
  • Data analysis tools for HRSC stereo multi-colour
    imaging, Omega spectrometry
  • Mars astrobiology from orbit
  • Maps for landing sites
  • Research support for lander Operations and
  • Future Mars exploration

Water on Mars
  • - Investigations on water cycle on Mars from MEX
    orbit and lander (atmosphere, surface frost,
  • - test of Mutual Impedance probe prototype for
    detection of water in the Mars simulation chamber
    with Mars soil simulants and varying water
    content and temperature

Impact cratering research
  • ENVISAT proposal to catalogue known impact
    craters on preserved paleo-surfaces on Earth.
  • field work and collection of samples in Belize on
    the ejecta blanket of the Chicxulub impact
  • Sample analysis of impacts
  • Stratigraphy of large impact craters
  • Fluidized ejecta morphology, petrology,
    sedimentation and stratigraphy
  • Modelling for large impact basins on Mars
    (ie.Planitias) of energy affecting hydrothermal

Astrobiology DIBs
  • VLT-UVES WHT surveys of galactic magellanic
  • New DIB proposals for VLT, CFHT, WHT
  • PAHs ISO SWS (with VILSPA)

Astrobiology Evolution of Organics in Space
  • Spectroscopy of PAHs
  • Data Biopan organics space exposure flight
    (oct 2002)

Mars simulation chamber (operational phase)
  • Status 2004 vacuum chamber refurbished, equipped
    with solar simulator, lamps, sample tray, GCMS
  • Procurement and processing of Mars-like soils
  • Simulations on surface water
  • Simulation of survival of organics
  • Experiments related to biological activity dark
  • Sensors for Organics and life

(No Transcript)
    RESEARCH 2004  
  • ? Exploitation of SMART-1, Mars Express,
  • ? Preparation for Huygens, Venus express, Bepi
    Colombo, ExoMars
  • Involves 4 Project Scientists, and 3 Science
    operations staff from planetary missions
  • Role of research fellows and networking/exchange
    with community
  • Refereed publications from the group (15 in
    planetology, 9 in astrobiology in 2 years),
  • invited talks (more than 30 over 2 years)
  • organisation of international workshops (more
    than 12 from the group over 2 years
  •  proposals selected competitively (Smart-1/Mars,
    WHT, ESO-VLT observations, etc..)
  •  press releases and outreach (lunar/planetary
    outreach events, Lunex, Venus transit jun 04
  • Improve Collaborative Research with member states
  • SMART-1 collaboration with CH, RAL, IAS-Orsay,
    OMP Toulouse
  • Mars-Ex collab. HRSC (DLR and Co-Is F, D, US),
    Marsis Radar (I ), Omega/SPICAM (F et al)
  • Interstellar Organics (observations VLT, La Palma
    WHT and INT/Musicos, OPMT, CFHT)
  • BIOPAN/EXPOSE ISS (collaborations Leiden,
    Muenster, Paris, NASA Ames)
  • Exploitation of Mars simulation chamber
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