Title: Pricing For Profit
1Pricing For Profit
- CWCF Conference 2006
- By
- Peter Hough, MBA
- To gain an understanding of the basics of pricing
in order to determine at what level of sales at a
particular price, will enough revenue be produced
to generate the wages and profits which the co-op
3Why is pricing important
- Price is often a key determinant of market
acceptance of the product or service. - Pricing is a key factor in determining the amount
of revenue a co-op will generate. - Since revenue is required to pay expenses and to
produce profit, pricing is crucial.
4Setting Prices
- Value
- Does your product have unique features
- Position (niche or mass market)
- Competition
- Similar products
- Alternative products
- Price strategy
- Market Share
5Setting Prices
- Price sensitivity
- Is it an essential or discretionary purchase
- Size of the market and diversity of market
- How much market share do have or need?
- At what stage of business development is your
6The Fundamental Question
- At this particular price will enough customers
purchase this particular good or service to cover
your costs and produce the required profit?
7Financial Concepts
- Revenue
- Fixed Expenses
- Variable Expense
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Mark-up
- Gross Margin
- Profit
- Revenue is generated from the sale of goods and
services - Revenue is determined by the number of units sold
and the price per unit
9Fixed Expenses
- Expense for a particular period (say 1 year)
which are incurred no matter what is the co-ops
level of sales.
10Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
- COGS is the amount the co-op must spend to
purchase and/or produce the products or services
so that they are ready to sell. - For a retailer this would include cost of the
goods plus freight. - For the manufacturer it would include the cost of
raw materials with freight and all production
inputs such as labour that are required to
produce the item ready for sale.
- The mark-up is the percentage of the cost of an
item which is added to the cost to determine the
selling price. - COGS - 1.00
- Mark-up 50 1.50
- Mark-up 10
- Mark-up 100
12Gross Margin
- The gross margin is the difference between the
revenue generated from the sales of goods and
services and the COGS - It can be expressed in dollars or as a percentage
of revenue. - Revenue 200
- COGS 160
- Gross Margin 40 40
- Gross Margin 40 / 200 x 100 20
13Mark-up Versus Gross Margin
- It is important to note these are very different
Mark-up Gross Margin
10 9.1
25 20
50 33
100 50
- Profit is the difference between revenue
generated and the total expenses incurred for a
particular period. - The benefit a member of a worker co-op gains
includes both wages and a share in profits. Since
wages are an expense, increasing or decreasing
members wages will decrease or increase profits
- Number of units required to breakeven
- Fixed Costs Number of Units
- Unit Price COGS/Units
- 10,000 10,000 200 Units
- 100 - 50 50
- What is the mark-up?
- What is the Gross Margin?
- In dollars of revenue
- Fixed Cost Dollar Sales
- Gross Margin
- 10,000 10,000 20,000
- (100 - 50) .5
- 100
17Breakeven Plus Target Profit (PT)
- Number of units required
- Fixed Costs PT Number of Units
- Unit Price COGS/Units
- 10,000 5,000 15,000 300 Units
- 100 - 50 50
18Breakeven Plus Target Profit (PT)
- In dollars of revenue
- Fixed Cost PT Dollar Sales
- Gross Margin
- 10,000 5000 15,000 30,000
- (100 - 50) .5
- 100