Title: Advertising: Creative Planning
1Advertising Creative Planning
2Creative Planning
IMC Plan
Advertising Plan
- Creative Plan
- Objectives
- Strategy
- Execution
Media Plan
Creative and media solutions are planned together
and integrated with other IMC plans.
3Communications Process
Consumer Response
4Consumers Process Messages
Advertising influences consumers at each stage.
DAGMAR Defining Advertising Goals for Measured
Advertising Response
5FCB Grid
High Involvement
Central Route to persuasion (Fact Based)
Peripheral Route to persuasion (Value Based)
Low Involvement
Creativity, Boom and Relevance videos
6Generic Creative Brief Worksheet (Copy Platform
or Creative Strategy)
- Problem that the advertisement must solve
- This is a statement of the communications problem
your creative objective will solve - Target audience
- 1. Define (name) behavioral sub segment (e.g.
loyal users, switchers buy competitive) for this
particular ad - 2. List Key factors from your Target Audience
behaviour - 3. Personal behavioral and learning factors
(Hot-Buttons) - Communication objective of this specific ad
- In simple terms, what is it that you want your ad
to accomplish related to general campaign
objectives and to the problem you stated in 1.
above. See typical objectives - Key promise or benefit statement
- 25 words or less stating the single greatest
benefit to the consumer being shown in this ad.
Relate to objective. What do you want the
consumer to know, feel or believe after they have
seen the ad?
Supporting reasons for the benefit statement One
of Demonstrated or physical proof, Proof of
consumer preference, Proof by association,
Subliminal proof . Describe how the elements of
the ad( words, pictures, music, action prove or
support the benefit or promise you are making.
Personality or feeling of Your Ad (select one
or two) affectionate energetic mysterious warm
deliberate cocoon alluring friendly polite brash
effervescent daring authoritative generous
romantic enchanting intelligent hip believable
genteel sensuous kindhearted jovial scientific
clever home-oriented sexy zany unabashed
hedonistic conventional idealistic sophisticated
zesty venturesome exaggerated considerate
impeccable sympathetic logical exciting
safe Measurement How will you determine that
the Creative objective was met? Consistencies Appe
al Tactic
7Creative Objective
Target Audience
Positioning Strategy Hot buttons
Message Strategy Key benefit focus
Proof, Reason why
Tone, Appeal Media
A document developed by the client for
discussion with the agency about an advertising
8Problem / Goal
What is the primary focus of the campaign? These
are only a few examples
- To create or increase awareness
- To alter a perception
- To build or enhance image
- To launch a new product
- To attract a new target market
A campaign needs focus!
9Creative Objectives
Creative objectives are behavioural in scope and
quantitative in nature.
To achieve and awareness level of 75 within 12
months. To achieve a trial purchase rate of 25
within 12months.
Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action
10Positioning Strategy
A positioning strategy statement should stimulate
the creative development process.
Positioning Strategy
Creative Concepts
Creative Execution
Clients evaluate agency concepts and final
executions against the positioning strategy
statement. Is it on strategy?
11Creative Strategy
The search for the BIG IDEA. The concept or
central theme that will bind the campaign
Kellogs Nike Mountain Dew
Key Strategic Elements
12More Big Ideas
Nike Just Do It Volkswagen Drivers
Wanted KFC Finger lickin good Maytag The
Idle Repairman
Good creative concepts have longevity and cross
many markets.
13Creative Appeal Techniques
A sampling of possibilities to motivate the
target market!
- Positive
- Negative
- Humour
- Sex
- Affective
- Emotion
- Lifestyle
- Comparison
- Facts
- Resonance
14Creative Execution
What specific techniques will be used to bring
the strategy to life?
- Product Demonstrations
- Testimonials
- Endorsements
- Taglines and Slogans