
About This Presentation



Year Home was Built Researched __49. ... Confirm Owner Has a Copy Listing Agreement __110. ... Inspection Clause Requirements Completed __206. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Here

Heres What We Do to Get Your Home SOLD Fast
and For Top Dollar!
We Have a Plan. A Plan That Works. A Plan That
We Work Just For You.
Listing Checklist
__1. Research Ownership __2. Research Legal
Description __3. Assessment Status __4.
Research all currently Listed Properties __5.
Research Previous Sales Activity __6. Order
Property Profile from Title Company __7. Review
Property Profile __8. Assessors Tax Information
Ordered __9. Assessors Tax Information
Reviewed __10. Legal Names on Title
Research __11. Complete Market Study
Prepared __12. Enter in Rands Computer
Base __13.Send Confirmation for Listing
Appointment __14.Prepare Personal Listing
Information __15.Deliver Pre-Listing Information
Package to Seller __16. Deliver Video to Seller
Prior to Appointment __17. Confirm Appointment
ask pre appointment questions __18. Present Total
Market Overview, __19. Present Strategic Master
Marketing Plan to Seller __20. Discuss
Preparation to Market Effectively __21. Plan
Goals with Seller __22. Present Rands Plan of
Action to Seller __23. Suggest Financing
Alternatives __24. Listing Contract Addendums
Signed by Seller __25. Pre-Listing Information
Package Picked Up
__26. Video Picked Up or Seller Gives to
Friend __27. Pre-Listing Checklist
Completed __28. Advise Marketing Coordinator of
New Listing __29. Review Current Title
Information __30. Determine if a short term rate
is Applicable __31. Plat Map Ordered __32. Lot
Size Confirmed __33. Owners House Plans Received
if Applicable __34. House Plans Reviewed __35.
Organize File in Proper Order __36. Make Contact
Cards for and Marketing Coordinator __37. Put
Into Letter Sequence __38. Order Just Listed
Labels and Reports __39. Call Owner to Schedule
Caravan __40. April Makes Cookies for
Caravan __41. Buy Lottery Tickets for
Caravan __42. Prepare Flyers and Caravan
Feedback __43. Assign a Hotline Rider __44. Write
Hotline Ad for Hotline __45. Record Hotline Ad at
The Recording Studio __46. Interior Room Sizes
Measured __47. Exterior Home Dimensions
Plotted __48. Year Home was Built
Researched __49. Property Disclosure
Delivered __50. Property Data Sheet for
Office __51. Showing Instructions Prepared,
Office Notified __52. Loan Company Loan Number
Provided by Seller __53. Current Loan Information
Verified by Lender
Marketing Manager
You will meet our Marketing Manager. It is their
job to implement the marketing plan we have
designed to sell your home. When your home is
shown, need more flyers or anything, please call
our 'Client Hotline' and leave a message for our
Marketing Manager.
Listing (cont.)
Listing (cont.)
__54. Loan Assumption Requirements
Researched __55. Second Loan Company Loan
Number __56. Second Loan Information Verified
with Lender __57. Review Current Appraisal if
Available __58. Lot Information Researched for
Size Dimensions __59. Land Use
Researched __60. Zoning Researched __61. Required
Elementary School Researched __62. Required
Junior High School Researched __63. Required High
School Researched __64. Home Owner Association
Manager Contacted __65. Homeowner Association Fee
Verified __66. Copy of By-Laws Ordered __67. Home
Owner Association Services Provided __68. Copy of
Complex Lay-out __69. Have Extra Key for
Lockbox __70. Lock Box Installed __71. Sign
Ordered __72. Brochure Box Installed __73.
Electricity Available in Research __74. Average
Utilities Researched __75. Sewer/Septic System
Researched __76. Water Availability
Researched __77. Water Fees or Rates
Researched __78. Well Status Confirmed with Well
Report (if applicable) __79. Well Use Determined
as Household or Domestic __80. Well Production
Confirmed (G.P.M.)
__81. Well Depth Verified __82. Natural Gas
Availability Researched __83. Propane Tank Lease
Term and Rate Verified __84. Mobile Home
Foundation Confirmed Permanent __85. Mobile Home
Title Purged as Necessary __86. Property
Inclusions and Amenities are Noted __87. Property
Inclusions are Noted __88. Ads Written with
Sellers Input __89. Color Photo Taken __90.
Power of Attorney Reviewed and Filed __91. All
Proration's are Researched and Noted __92. All
Rents and Deposits are Verified __93. Copy of
Leases Provided __94. Coordinate Showings with
Tenant __95. First Right of Refusal
Verified __96. Repairs and Maintenance Noted
Completed __97. Home Owner Warranty Made
Available __98. Home Owner Warranty Application
Completed __99. Home Owner Warranty Application
Emailed __100. Home Owner Warranty
Received __101. Home Owner Warranty Filed __102.
Note All Unrecorded Property Lines
/Agreements __103. New Listing Checklist
Completed __104. Closing and Control Check list
Completed __105. New Listing Entered Into MLS
System __106. Make Copy of PFL for Buyers Agent
Ups Book
Transaction/Escrow Manager
Meet your "Transaction/Escrow Manager". In
addition to trouble shooting it is their job to
make sure the inspections are done, the appraiser
is on track, all the "i"s are dotted and the
"t"s are crossed, every detail, so that your
escrow closes ON TIME!
Listing (cont.)
Listing (cont.)
__107. Add Property to Our Active Listed
Inventory List __108. Add Property to Our Current
Production Book __109. Confirm Owner Has a Copy
Listing Agreement __110. Proof MLS Computer
Printout __111. Marketing Brochure
Prepared __112. Information tent to Go With
Brochure __113. Add to My Other Home Brochures in
the Area __114. Marketing Brochure Emailed to
Seller for Review __115. Marketing Brochure
Delivered to Brochure Box __116. Place Brochure
in All Agent Mail Boxes Board Offices __117.
Email Brochure to Top 10 Agents __118. Brokers
Caravan Scheduled __119. Promote at Board of
Realtors __120. Mail Out Just Listed
Announcements Neighborhood __121. Advise Our
Network Referral Members __122. Notify
Telemarketers of New Listing __123. Direct
Telemarketers to Call Geographic Area __124.
Follow-up on All Hotline Leads (Buyers
Agents) __125. Email Blast Hot Sheet to Board
Members __126. Provide Marketing Data to
International Relocation __127. Provide Marketing
Data to Incoming Referral Buyers
__128. Provide Special Feature Cards for
Marketing __129. Post on ALL Social Media
Sites __130. Schedule Virtual Tour __131. Post
on Site and Schedule for Syndication __132.
Upload Virtual Tour to YouTube Channel __133.
Optimize for Keywords YouTube __134. Distribute
to All YouTube Media Every 3 Days __135. Loan
Information Reviewed and Filed __136. Loan
Information Updated if Necessary __137. Feedback
Sheets Sent to Agents After Showings __138.
Showing Feedback Conveyed to Sellers Email
Copy __139. Get Information From Electronic Key
Boxes __140. Weekly Market Study Reviewed
Emailed __141. Update Sellers on Marketing and
Pricing __142. Prepare info for Peninsula
Showcase of Homes __143. Schedule Time to Film
the Property With the Seller __144. Write Voice
Over for Showcase of Homes __145. Pre-Approve
all Buyers __146. Price Changes entered into MLS
Computer __147. Price Changes Emailed to all
agents __148. Price Change on All
Brochures __149. New Brochures are delivered as
needed __150. Refer Seller to Best Agents at
their Destination
Clients for Life
We know that trust is earned,. Give us the
opportunity and we will work to earn your trust!
Under Contract
Initial offer
__173. Review Credit Report Results __174.
Provide Credit info to Seller if Owner
Carry __175. Assist in Arranging Financing __176.
Coordinate Discount Points locked with
dates __177. Provide Comparable Sales for
Appraiser __178. Schedule Appraisal __179.
Follow-up on Appraisal __180. Appeal for
Increase if Appraisal is low __181. Relay results
of CRV to Seller __182. Confirm Verifications of
APPROVED Loan __183. Follow Loan Processing to
Underwriter __184. Contact Lender weekly to Track
Processing __185. Relay loan details to the
Seller __186. Email ALL Documents as We Receive
to Seller __187. Email Control Form to Title
Company __188. Confirm Loan Payoff
Statement __189. Confirm Loan Assumption
Statement Ordered __190. Contact Existing
Lender-Assume. Requirements __191. Compile all
required items for Assumption __192.
Submit all required items for Assumption __193.
Order Title Insurance Commitment __194. Confirm
if Turn-in Policy Available __195. Review Title
Insurance Commitment __196. Confirm Purchaser
received Title Commitment __197. Confirm Agent
received Title Commitment
__151. Offer Received to Office __152. Contact
Selling Agent discuss Buyer Qualifications __153.
Offer Reviewed with Seller __154. All Responses
are Reviewed __155. All Required Forms presented
to Complete the Sale. __156. Offer is Accepted,
Amended or Countered __157. Signed Offer
Delivered to Selling Agent __158. Contract Signed
by all parties Under Contract __159. Advise
Escrow Manager of New Listing in Escrow __160.
Copies of Contract Emailed to Seller __161.
Copies of Contract Emailed to Selling
Agent __162. Copies of Contract in office file
(Cloud and Hard File) __163. Original Documents
files with agent obtaining offer __164. Sales in
Progress Checklist completed __165. Earnest Money
Deposit Recorded __166. Earnest Money is
Deposited in Escrow Account __167. Closing File
Forms and files updated. __168. Showings are
restricted if Seller Requests __169. Pending Sale
posted in MLS __170. Coordinate with Selling
Agent and Lender __171. Copies of Contract and
Addendums to Lender __172. Confirm Purchaser is
We GUARANTEE our services. Ask about our EASY
EXIT Listing Program.
Under Contract
Under Contract
__198. Note Title Insurance Requirements __199.
Coordinate all Title Insurance Requirements __200.
Verify Buyers Hazard Insurance __201. Provide
Home Owners Warranty for Closing __202.
Coordinate Home Inspection __203. Review the Home
Inspection Results __204. Negotiate Payment and
Completion of all Repairs __205. Inspection
Clause Requirements Completed __206. Deliver
Unrecorded Property Information to Buyer __207.
Septic Inspection Ordered __208. Septic Report
Received and Reviewed __209. Copy of Septic
Inspection Report Sent to All Parties __210. Copy
of Septic Report filed(Cloud Hard) __211. Well
Flow Test Ordered __212. Well Flow Test Report
Received and Reviewed __213. Copy of Well Flow
Test Report Delivered to Parties __214. Copy of
Well Flow Test Report filed (Cloud Hard) __215.
Water Pot ability Test Ordered __216. Water
Portability Test Received Reviewed __217. Copy
of Water Pot ability Test Delivered to All
Parties __218. Copy of Water Pot ability Test
filed (Cloud Hard) __219. Loan Approved __220.
Closing Location Selected
__221. Closing Date confirmed __222. Closing Time
Scheduled with Seller __223. Closing Time
Scheduled with Title Company __224. Closing Time
Scheduled with Lender __225. Closing Time
Scheduled with Selling Agent __226. Closing Time
Scheduled with Buyer __227. Final Walk Thru
Scheduled for Buyer __228. Closing figures from
Title Company __229. Closing Figures Received
and Reviewed __230. Closing Figures forwarded to
Selling Agent __231. Closing Figures forwarded to
Buyer __232. Closing Documents requested. __233.
Broker Review/Approve Closing Documents __234.
Forward Closing Documents to Sellers __235.
Confer and review Docs with Sellers
attorney __236. Provide Earnest Money Check for
Escrow __237. Oversee the Entire Closing
Process __238. Coordinate This Closing with Your
next purchase __239. Confirm Checks Delivered at
Fully Committed
We are 100 committed to selling your home for
the most money possible, not the Least!
Personal Service Guarantee
__240. Thank you sent to client buyer __241.
Follow-up Call Made to Client __242. Follow-Up
Call made to Buyer __243. Clients New address
Info entered in computer __244. Entire Closed
Package filed Cloud and File Cabinet __245.
Sellers Settlement Statement in February 1 tax
file __246. Buyers Settlement Statement in
February 1 tax file __247. February 1 of
Following Year Send Settlement Statements to
Buyers Sellers __248. Send request to pick up
sign __249. Pick-up Key Box __250. Pick up
Brochure Box __251. Pick up Display
Materials __252. Update Master Computer
Records __253. Remove Property from Property
Roster __254. Enter Client on the Sphere
List __255. Follow-up with Client on a Regular
Basis __256. Maintain a loyal relationship __257
Set Buyer/Seller to Automated Follow-up __258
Send Astound You report Card to All Parties
The "Everything to Gain ... Nothing to Lose
Personal Service Guarantee
If at anytime we are not doing everything we
promised to do, simply pick up the phone, tell us
what we did wrong. If we cannot correct it to
your satisfaction within 24 hours, we will cancel
the listing ourselves and refer you to our best
Thank You
Serving You
Keeping You Informed About The Progress of Your
I Will Not Abandon You Once
You List With Me!
  • 1. By Phone!
  • I promise to keep you up-to-date on the progress
    of your
    sale weekly by phone and daily when in escrow.
  • 2. By Email!
  • I will email you at least once a week to give you
    a report on the
    progress of your sale.
  • 3. Showing Feedback!
  • I will contact you personally by phone and email
    to give you feedback on what buyers have said
    about your home after each showing.

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