Title: Adaptations
By Mrs. Jeanelle Mahurin Gasconade County R-II
Galopagos Islands Tortoise
2Adaptations of Plants and Animals
Obj Students will explore how adaptations help
organisms. Obj Students will learn what
structural adaptations are. Obj Students will
discover what behavioral adaptations are.
Monarch Butterfly seasonal adaptation migrate
south for the winter.
3What Are Adaptations?
Structural Adaptation An adaptation of an
organisms body parts or its coloring.
Mimicry an adaptation in which one species
resembles another.
Behavioral Adaptation an inherited behavior that
helps an organism survive.
Video Animal Around us Animal Adaptations What
are they? www.unitedstreaming.com
4Are Mutations an Adaptation?
Smart Notebook
A mutation is a permanent change in the structure
of a gene or chromosome.
6Lets Practice Adaptations
Smart Notebook
7Why does an animal need adaptations?
Animals have adaptations to meet their basic
needs and survive in their surroundings.
Basic needs
- Food 6. Attract a mate/
- Water
- Oxygen
- Sunlight
- Avoid being eaten