Title: SHINE Campaign Event: 12 May 1998 Brian Welsch
1SHINE Campaign Event 1-2 May 1998Brian Welsch
( Yan Li)Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley
- Introduction Data, Context, etc.
- Work Completed Ongoing
- Poster Previews!
- The Punchline
- Primarily Interested in Two Halo CMEs
- 2230 UT 1 May 1330 UT 2 May
21) Solar Source Region AR 8210
- 2) MDI Full-Disk, Carrington Rotation 1935
3Photospheric Field Evolution
- Sub-Region of MDI Full-Disk Movies
- 1100 UT 1 May -- 0020 UT 3 May (37 hr)
- LCT velocities from subset of these data
- Notable evolution
- 1) Rotational motion injects energy, helicity
- 2) Flux cancellation creates flux rope?
- AR flows are hot topic three new methods to find
3-D flows, e.g., ILCT - More about flows in Poster previews!
- Modelers using these data to simulate eruptions!
4Development in Low Corona
- Yohkoh SXT Connections with AR 8214!
- CMEs global? Model-in-box problematic?
- Nearby coronal hole?
- CME-associated GOES Flares
- M-class _at_ 2230 UT 1 May,
- X-Class _at_ 1332 UT 2 May
5Development of CME 1
- Pre H-a /EIT crinkles away from core
indicative of breakout-type reconnection?
(Sterling Moore, 2001) - EIT 195 Movie, S. Regnier
- Halo CME, LASCO C2
6Development of CME 2
- Ha Images (Kanzelhöhe Sol. Obs.)
- Blast Waves Pohjolainen et al., 2002
- Wills-Davey Warmuth et al., 2001
- Radio Sources Pohjolainen et al., 2002
- Post Dimmings in SXT
- Halo CME
7Helio- Magnetospheric in situ Data
- Multiple-CMEs ? Disturbed IP environment!
- Effects of CME 1 difficult to discern
- ACE/WIND Data Shock, Southward Bz
- CME 2 was significantly geoeffective
8Basis for Selection as SHINE Event
- CME 1 also chosen as a MURI Event, for driving
coronal MHD codes from magnetograms (see Bill
Abbetts talk, tomorrow a.m., WG I.) - time series of Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM)
data prior to flare eruption - Good data coverage! But interpretation of CME
1s effects in situ CME 1 arent clear.
9Basis for Selection as SHINE Event
- CME 2 is well-observed on disk in multiple data
sets, and was strongly geoeffective.
10Poster Previews
- Loraine Lundquist et al. (48)
- Manolis Georgoulis B. La Bonte (51)
- Dana Longcope (7)
- Ilia Roussev et al. (talk tomorrow, WG 2)
11Take Home Points, a.k.a. The Punchline
- Used Data to Display Event Context
- Introduced Completed and Ongoing Work
- Including some presented at this meeting!
- GOAL Generate Consensus Report!
- Special issue of JGR?
- Living article?
- Much work to be done!
12And so, my fellow physicists
- Ask not what SHINE can do for you,
- but what you can do for SHINE!
- We need your data!
- We need your effort!
? Special Thanks to Yan Li! ?
13MDI Full-Disk, Carr. Rot.1935
14MDI Sub-region, 1100 UT 1 May 0020 UT 3 May
15Fourier LCT (FLCT) Velocities,1100 UT, 1 May
0020 UT, 3 May
16ILCT flows, c. 1940 UT, 1 May
- Inductive LCT, combined with vector magnetic
field data, enables us to find 3-D flow field
transverse flows are shown as arrows, up/down
flows shown as blue/red contours.
- For more details, see George Fishers poster 96
17GOES Flare Data, 1-3 May 1998
18Coronal Topology, from Sterling Moore (2001)
19Yohkoh SFD Images, 1-2 May
20Yohkoh SFD Images, 1-2 May
21EIT 195 Movie
22LASCO C2 Difference Movie, 1May
23LASCO C2 Difference Movie, 2May
24Kanzelhöhe Sol. Obs. H? Flare Images
25Moreton Wave, Pohjolainen et al. (2002)
26TRACE wave diff. movie (M.Wills-Davey)1
27Radio Timings, Pohjolainen et al. (2002)
28Radio Sources, Pohjolainen et al. (2002)
29Timeline, Pohjolainen et al. (2002)
30Dimmings, Pohjolainen et al. (2002)
31Solar Wind Data, ACE
32Petrinec et al. (1998) Movie of Bow Shock,