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CEDA Practical Session


As with most Windows software you have a number of ways of starting CEDA: ... The Pella-Tomlinson gave estimates of k, r, q and MSY ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CEDA Practical Session

CEDA Practical Session
FMSP Stock Assessment Tools Training
Workshop Mangalore College of Fisheries 20th
-24th September 2004
CEDA Practical Session
  • During the session we will look in detail at
  • File formats used in CEDA, importing and
    inputting data into CEDA.
  • Then using the pre-prepared CEDA tutorial to
    investigate some example catch and effort data
    analysis with the pre-prepared example datasets.
  • You will be able to use your own catch and effort
    data with CEDA later on in the course.

CEDA Example Datasets
  • During the course of the CEDA tutorial we will
    use two different datasets to illustrate
    different fisheries and how CEDA can be used to
    analyse them.
  • The first (SQUID.CD3) is a dataset from an annual
    squid fishery (Illex argentius, 1989). We have
    one seasons data showing the gradual removal of
    catch from the population.
  • The second dataset (XTUNA.CD3) is a long time
    series of catch and effort data for a Yellowfin
    Tuna (Thunnus abacares) fishery.

CEDA Tutorial Contents
  • Introduction
  • Loading data into CEDA
  • Analysis of tutorial dataset 1 SQUID.CD3
  • Analysis of tutorial dataset 2 XTUNA.CD3
  • Making projections
  • see help files Tutorial section

Starting CEDA
  • As with most Windows software you have a number
    of ways of starting CEDA
  • Double-click on the CEDA icon.
  • Start gt Programs gt MRAG Ltd gt CEDA3
  • Open up Windows Explorer. Find the program
    CEDA3.EXE and double-click.

Loading and Inspecting Data
  • There are three ways of loading and entering into
  • 1. Import of data from a text file
  • 2. Loading a previously created CEDA file .CD1
  • 3. Manual data entry into CEDA.

1 NB CEDA version 3.0 will not import files from
CEDA v1.0 only 2.0 and above
Manual Data Entry
  • It is possible to create a CEDA .CD3 file and
    manually enter data from scratch (try on Friday?)
  • However, we will be using pre-generated datasets
    during this tutorial session for CEDA ..

Loading the Squid Dataset
  • The squid dataset is initially in a text file
    called SQUID.TXT. This data is real catch and
    effort data for the Falkland Island squid fishery
    taken from Rosenberg et al (1990).
  • During the loading we will
  • Load the file
  • Allocate the columns
  • Check computed columns
  • Save the file as a CEDA .CD3 file.

Analysing the Squid Data (1/17)
  • The squid dataset is now loaded

CEDA Data Requirements (1/5)
  • Total Catch (in weight) - Total catch in weight
    taken in the fishery by all gears during the time
  • Total Catch (in numbers) - Total catch in numbers
    taken in the fishery by all gears during the time
  • Effort - In a fishery where only a single gear is
    employed, the effort column should include all
    effort for the fishery. In the case where
    several different gears are used, the effort and
    partial catch (see below) for the type of gear
    that most closely match the assumptions of the
    model or that are considered to be the most
    reliable should be used.

CEDA Data Requirements (2/5)
  • Mean Weight - The mean weight of individual fish
    in the time period. This is used to convert
    catch in weight to numbers for various models.
  • (Partial) Catch in weight The effort column in
    CEDA may contain effort for a single gear type
    rather than the whole fishery. In this case, it
    is necessary to specify a partial catch column
    i.e. a catch corresponding to the specified
  • (Partial) Catch in numbers -The catch
    corresponding to the effort column where the
    specified effort is not for all gear types.
  • Recruitment Index - This is an index whose value
    is proportional to the number of new recruits.
    The recruitment index model requires such an
    index to be specified for each time period.

CEDA Data Requirements (3/5)
  • Abundance Index (in Weight Only) - As an
    alternative to supplying a catch and partial
    effort series, CEDA allows you to specify an
    Abundance Index. This is an index whose value is
    proportional to the biomass of the population.
    CEDA then converts this internally to catch and
    effort columns.
  • Variance of Abundance Index - If estimates of
    variances of each abundance index value are
    available, these can be entered into CEDA and
    used to weight the fitting of models i.e.
    indices with smaller variances are given greater
    weight than those with bigger variances.

Data Requirements (4/5)
  • Timing - The Time column on the left-hand side is
    very important. In order to cater for the
    various temporal data that you may wish to
    analyse (e.g. monthly, weekly, annual), CEDA
    does not fix the time units for you. All
    datasets being imported in must have associated
    time units, although these can be of your own
    choice. The only constraint is that time periods
    must be denoted by integers and these must be

CEDA Data Requirements (5/5)
(No Transcript)
Analysing the Squid Data (2/17)
  • Now back to our squid data set

Analysing the Squid Data (3/17)
Analysing the Squid Data (4/17)
Analysing the Squid Data (5/17)
  • The most suitable method of analysis for this
    type of data from a squid fishery is a depletion
    model with no recruitment. This method of
    analysis is available in CEDA.
  • You are now ready to analyse the data.

Analysing the Squid Data (6/17)
  • Select Fit New Fit from the CEDA menu.
  • Select the No Recruitment model.
  • Mortality Rate 0.05
  • Error model Least Squares (unweighted)
  • What outputs do we get?

Analysing the Squid Data (7/17)
  • We now have a fit.
  • Next question to ask ourselves is Is this a good
  • We need to look at the residuals relating to this
  • Under the Graph menu you will see two residual
    plots for the residual catches vs time and
    expected catches.

Analysing the Squid Data (8/17)
Look at the two residual plots. What is wrong
with them?
Triangular in shape, not the best result for a
residual plot.
gtgt Saving the Fit ltlt
  • Before carrying on with the analysis you should
    save the work you have done so far. This is done
    by adding the fit to the Fit Manager. Each fit
    is logged separately within the CEDA file and
    saved automatically.
  • Select Fit Fit Manager from the menu. This
    brings up the fit manager, a tool which allows
    you to save, delete and reload different models
    you have run on your dataset. We are going to add
    the current model to the fit manager. Press the
    Add Current Fit button. You are then prompted to
    enter a description to identify your work.

Analysing the Squid Data (9/17)
  • We can now take a look at fitting a different
    model to the data, or excluding some of the data
  • In the case of the squid data we know from
    experience that the first few points of catch and
    effort data collected are not representative of
    the fishery as a whole as the squid are still
    migrating into the area. Therefore we have a
    valid reason to omit these three points from the
  • Remember you should not exclude any data points
    from your analysis unless you have a very good
    reason to!

Analysing the Squid Data (10/17)
  • Re-run the fit without these three points.
  • Check the fit against the residuals.
  • Are the residual plots better than the previous
  • Save it and then compare the fit against the
    first fit.

Analysing the Squid Data (11/17)
  • Comparison of the two fits we have done

Analysing the Squid Data (12/17)
  • We have now investigated the Least Squares
    (Unweighted) Model.
  • Now try doing the same process with the other two
    models, Log Transform and Gamma.
  • Run through the same process. Running the model
    at M0.05. Check the fit, the residuals and
    outputs. Check for outliers. Save Log Transform
    fit as Illex 3, and Gamma fit as Illex 4.

Analysing the Squid Data (13/17)
  • Comparison of the fits we have now done

Analysing the Squid Data (14/17)
  • We have throughout the analysis so far used
    M0.05. However, what if this is not right?
  • You should always test for the sensitivity of a
    model to key input parameters such as M. Try
    running the model with different (but likely)
    values of M in the range (use the Gamma Error
  • 0.01 0.10
  • logging the fits as you go (call e.g. M0.01), so
    you can compare them to each other.
  • Investigate the changes to N1 and q.

Analysing the Squid Data (15/17)
  • Example results of sensitivity analysis for M
    (Gamma Error)

Analysing the Squid Data (15/17)
  • Example results of sensitivity analysis for
    inclusion / exclusion of outliers (Gamma Error

Analysing the Squid Data (16/17)
  • All the analysis so far has given us point
  • These are dangerous to use as we all know
    fisheries are highly variable.
  • To include some of this variability in our
    analysis we need to add confidence intervals to
    our point estimates.
  • This can be done to any fit by selecting Fit
    Generate Confidence Intervals or pressing the
    button on the Parameter Estimates dialog box.
    Try this for a few fits.

Analysing the Squid Data (17/17)
  • You will see a new box added to the Parameter
    Estimates dialog box.
  • This shows the 95 CI of N1 and q.
  • You can also view the results of the
    bootstrapping by selecting the graphs from the
    Graphs menu.
  • Again, you should now recalculate the CIs for
    sensitivity of different values of M.

Summary Squid Analysis (1/2)
  • The no recruitment model with gamma error gives
    both satisfactory and useful fits to these data.
  • The diagnostic plots (residual/percentile plots)
    do not highlight any major problems and the
    confidence intervals are narrow.
  • The remaining possible outliers suggests that
    there may still be some problems with the model
    or the data, but the lack of sensitivity of the
    parameter estimates to these data points
    indicates the utility of the model.

Summary Squid Analysis (2/2)
  • One important conclusion is that the parameter
    estimates are very sensitive to the value used
    for the natural mortality rate M, and that the
    data yield very little information about M.
  • Given this sensitivity, a sensible course for
    management might be to consider how to improve
    the estimate of M.

(No Transcript)
Analysis of Tuna Data (1/12)
  • We now move on to the more complex tuna dataset.
  • The XTUNA.CD3 dataset only comprises four
    columns, for time (year), total catch (wt),
    effort and catch (wt).
  • With these data columns only the three production
    models, Fox, Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson are
  • We will start off trying to fit a Pella-Tomlinson
    model to the data.

Analysis of Tuna Data (2/12)
We need to set the initial parameters for the
model Initial Proportion The degree of
exploitation of the stock before the start of the
dataset. Here the default is 1. Z shape
parameter Shape of the curve, again assume the
default of 1. Time This is the time lag between
a biomass creating recruitment and this
recruitment becoming evident in the population.
Enter 0 for preliminary examination.
Analysis of Tuna Data (3/12)
  • As with the squid data we are looking at which
    error model best fits the data.
  • Check the residuals for the fit for Least Squares
    and then repeat for the Log Transform and Gamma
    error models, using the same parameters. Remember
    to save each fit to allow later comparison.
  • (call Tuna1, Tuna2 and Tuna3 respectively)
  • Gamma model will need to reduce parameter
    tolerance to 0.001.

Analysis of Tuna Data (4/12)
  • Residuals show better fit for the log transform
    and gamma models than for least squares. Which
    is best?
  • Still have two outliers for 1951 and 1953. What
    do we do with these?

Analysis of Tuna Data (5/12)
  • Outliers will occur at 95 confidence levels 5
    of the time.
  • These two outliers are very close to 0 and 1
    though, suggesting a problem with the data or the
  • We have no good reason to exclude them, so we
    must leave them in the analysis.
  • Neither error model seems to fit the data well.

Analysis of Tuna Data (6/12)
  • We need to test the sensitivity of the model to
    the different outliers.
  • Run both error models through excluding 1951,
    1953 and both years. Look for the differences in
    K, q and r and if excluding the outliers makes a
    significant difference to the fit (try Gamma and
    Log Transform models).

Analysis of Tuna Data (7/12)
  • Sensitivity of K to various fits

Analysis of Tuna Data (8/12)
  • Then repeat the analysis for sensitivity to the
    initial parameters (time lag, initial proportion
    and Z the shape parameter of the Pella-Tomlinson
    production model using just the Gamma model.
  • Examine sensitivity to Initial Proportion over
    range 0.8 1.0.
  • Examine sensitivity to the Time Lag over the
    range 0 4
  • Examine sensitivity to the Z-parameter over the
    range 0.5 2.0

Analysis of Tuna Data (9/12)
  • Sensitivity to Initial Proportion over range 0.8

Analysis of Tuna Data (10/12)
  • Sensitivity to Time Lag (in range 0 4)

Analysis of Tuna Data (11/12)
  • Sensitivity to Z parameter (over range 0.5 2.0)

Analysis of Tuna Data (12/12)
  • Confidence Intervals We now need to generate
    confidence intervals for the models, looking at
    the ranges for K, MSY, q.
  • You should consider the sensitivity of the model
    to the input parameters (e.g. Z, Time Lag,
    Initial Proportion) in terms of these confidence

Conclusions of the Tuna Data Analysis
  • Substantial discrepancies exist between the model
    and the data.
  • The residuals do not show a particularly good fit
    with runs of values above and below the expected
  • Two outliers exist that cannot be explained.
  • Wide confidence intervals are shown for MSY.
  • Results are sensitive to input parameters.

Ways Forward with the Tuna Data Analysis
  • The lack of contrast in the data means that
    good parameter estimates would always be
    difficult to obtain.
  • Methods of improving the contrast in future data
    from the fishery might also be considered.
  • Often your data will not show clear results. As
    frustrating as it is, this is the real world.

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Projection Scenarios (1/5)
  • CEDA can also be used to make predictions into
    the future given a set of data and a good fitting
  • We will now build a scenario based on future
    effort or catch for the tuna fishery and see the
    effects of this on the population size.

Projection Scenarios (2/5)
  • Select Projections Set up scenarios. We will
    enter our effort scenario as follows
  • However, try different scenarios yourselves.
  • Can also set Confidence Intervals about your

Projection Scenarios (3/5)
  • This is projecting a catch of 30,000 tonnes in
    1968, 25,000 in 1969 and 20,000 tonnes between
    1970 - 1980. It shows the stock recovering.

Projection Scenarios (4/5)
  • Select Projections Set up scenarios. We will
    enter our effort scenario as follows
  • However, try different scenarios yourselves.
  • Can also set Confidence Intervals about your

Projection Scenarios (5/5)
  • This is projecting a constant catch of 160,000
    tonnes the stock collapses.

Comparison of management options (TACs)
  • MSY catch 161 Kt, but not sustainable at
    current biomass
  • see Section 8.3, p142 for further explanation

Projections with confidence intervals
  • 50 confidence interval
  • for a 140 Kt TAC,
  • projected from 1968
  • There is less than a 25
  • chance that stock size
  • should fall below 50 Kt
  • after returning to the
  • MSY levels
  • But there is still some
  • chance that the stock
  • will crash in future .
  • - try projecting with a 95 confidence interval

Section 8.3, p142-3
  • CEDA uses Catch (Numbers or weight) and Abundance
  • Six models to choose from. We have looked at the
    No Recruitment Model (Catch in numbers) and the
    Pella-Tomlinson model (Catch in Biomass).
  • The Recruitment model gave estimates of N1, q and
    Final population size.
  • The Pella-Tomlinson gave estimates of k, r, q and
  • It is important to choose the correct Error Model
    (Use Residual plots to do this).
  • Varying your input parameters may influence the
    estimated parameters, so should perform
    sensitivity analysis on these.
  • Results should always be expressed in terms of
    ranges use confidence intervals.
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