Title: Virtual Tour: The Philippines
1Virtual Tour The Philippines
2The Philippines is an archipelagic country
comprised of more than 7,100 islands located in
Southeast Asia. The country is divided into three
island groups Luzon in the north, Visayas in the
center and Mindanao in the south. The capital
city, Manila, is located in Luzon.
3More than 88 million people live in the
Philippines comprising multiple ethnic groups of
which 37 live in poverty.
4Catholic Relief Services has been working in the
Philippines continuously since 1945 when it
launched relief and reconstruction efforts in the
wake of the Second World War. While CRS continues
to provide relief to victims of natural and
human-made emergencies, it primarily supports
ongoing programs in Peace and Reconciliation,
Health, Enterprise Development, and
Agriculture/Natural Resource Management.
5With 36 of the population working in
agriculture, it is clear that farming is
important in the lives of millions of Filipinos,
particularly small-scale farmers who subsist off
the land
6Catholic Relief Services works through local
partner agencies to implement agriculture and
environment programs for the poorest farm
families and rural communities worldwide. CRS'
immediate goal is to improve family well-being
through agro-economic development and
environmental stewardship.
7Ruben Halasan is a farmer in Mindanao and makes a
living by selling his crops at Roadside Veggies
and Café, a roadside market supported by CRS
Small Farms and Marketing Program.
8As a result of attending workshops conducted by
CRS, Ruben saw a tenfold increase of his harvest
of cabbages, sweet peas, onions, tomatoes, and
other vegetables and earns a very good profit
selling them at the market.
9His farm has become an example to other farmers
who come to learn from onsite visits. Ruben has
even given a presentation about his success to
officials from the United States Department of
Agriculture, visiting his region.
10Your participation in Operation Rice Bowl
supports Catholic Relief Services efforts to
assist farmers like Ruben. Your prayers,
fasting, learning and giving in solidarity with
the poor will transform the world. Visit our
website to learn more about CRS work in the
11The Philippines