Title: Lecture Outline
1Lecture Outline
- Introduction
- Data mining sources
- GO, InterPro, KEGG, UniProt
- Tools to do the data mining
- FatiGO
- FatiWISE
2Data mining Microarray results
- Microarray experiments are done to answer a
biological question - Results generate sets of numbers (intensities)
which are then clustered to find data points of
interest - These themselves dont necessarily answer the
research question, these need to be converted to
biological information first
3Purpose of data mining
- Validation of results understanding why these
genes are grouped together - Using biological information to find significant
associations of biological terms to sets of genes - Understanding of the roles of the genes at the
molecular level
4Data mining (1)
Add gene identifiers
-AB02387 -SB07593 -AA00498 -AC008742
5Data mining (2)
Add gene descriptions
-AB02387 -SB07593 -AA00498 -AC008742
-RNA polymerase -Glycosyl
hydrolase -Phosphofructokinase
-Transcripiton factor -Glucose transporter
6Data mining (3)
Add GO terms
-AB02387 -SB07593 -AA00498 -AC008742
-RNA polymerase -Glycosyl
hydrolase -Phosphofructokinase
-Transcripiton factor -Glucose transporter
-GO0003456 -GO0006783
-GO0142291 -GO0054198 -GO0000234
7Data mining (4)
-AB02387 -SB07593 -AA00498 -AC008742
-RNA polymerase -Glycosyl
hydrolase -Phosphofructokinase
-Transcripiton factor -Glucose transporter
-GO0003456 -GO0006783
-GO0142291 -GO0054198 -GO0000234
Add functional annotation
8Data mining (5)
-AB02387 -SB07593 -AA00498 -AC008742
-RNA polymerase -Glycosyl
hydrolase -Phosphofructokinase
-Transcripiton factor -Glucose transporter
-GO0003456 -GO0006783
-GO0142291 -GO0054198 -GO0000234
Store results in database
Map onto pathways
9Sources of biological information
- Free text e.g. Medline
- Using text processing tools
- Curated repositories e.g. GO, KEGG, UniProt,
InterPro etc. - Using data mining
- Using tools e.g. FatiGO and FatiWISE
10Free text mining
- Advantages
- Vast amounts of data
- Many associated terms for each gene
- Disadvantages
- Synonyms and acronyms
- Context information
- Irrelevant terms
- Need to divide into entities and relationships to
structure text
11Example of problems
- The Sch9 protein kinase regulates
Hsp90-dependent signal transduction activity in
the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This
interaction was suppressed by decreased signaling
through the protein kinase A (PKA) signal
transduction pathway.
Text is unstructured needs to be divided into
entities and relationships
12Example of problems
- The Sch9 protein kinase regulates
Hsp90-dependent signal transduction activity in
the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This
interaction was suppressed by decreased signaling
through the protein kinase A (PKA) signal
transduction pathway.
Acronym could be used elsewhere for different
Negative term used
Some problems overcome using stats better
detection of entities and relationships
13Curated repositories
- These have reliable annotation
- Annotation is standardised
- They are usually well structured
- However, they usually have less annotation
- Examples GenBank, GO (FatiGO), UniProt,
InterPro, KEGG (FatiWISE)
14Gene Ontology (GO)
- http//www.geneontology.org
- Many annotation systems are organism-specific or
different levels of granularity - GO introduced standard vocabulary first used for
mouse, fly and yeast, but now generic - An ontology is a formal specification of terms
and relationships between them
15GO Ontologies
- Molecular function tasks performed by gene
product e.g. G-protein coupled receptor - Biological process broad biological goals
accomplished by one or more gene products e.g.
G-protein signaling pathway - Cellular component part(s) of a cell of which a
gene product is a component includes
extracellular environment of cells e.g nucleus,
membrane etc.
16GO relationships
- is-a e.g. mitochondrial membrane is a membrane
- part of e.g. nuclear membrane is part of nucleus
DAG structure
17Current Mappings to GO
- Consortium mappings -MGD, SGD, RGD,
FlyBase, TAIR - GOA (Gene Ontology Anotation)
- Swiss-Prot keywords
- EC numbers
- InterPro entries
- Manual mappings
- Unigene
- Medline ID mappings, etc.
Evidence codes NB
18GO Slim
- Slimmed down version of GO ontologies
- Selection of high level terms covering all or
most biological functions processes and cell
locations - Many different GO Slims available with different
depths and detail - Used to make comparisons between annotated
gene/protein sets easier (each gene may be mapped
to different granularity)
19Applications of GO slim
20GO consortium page
21UniProt annotation
- Protein sequence database from EMBL translations
and direct sequencing - Structured into specific fields e.g. description,
comments, feature table, keywords - Each field may have controlled vocabulary or
specific syntax - Swiss-Prot is well annotated, TrEMBL is not, and
may have less structured text
22Example Swiss-Prot entry
- Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
- Molecular interaction networks in biological
processes -PATHWAY database - Genes and proteins -GENES/SSDB/KO databases
- Chemical compounds and reactions
-COMPOUND/GLYCAN/REACTION databases - Includes most organisms and info on orthologues
24Example KEGG entry
- Integrates protein signature databases e.g. Pfam,
PROSITE, Prints etc. - Classifies proteins into families and domains and
lists all UniProt proteins belonging to each - Provides annotation on the family/domain and
links to 3D structure, GO, Enzyme Classification - Used to functionally characterise a protein
26Example InterPro entry
- Connecting microarray results with these
biological data sources answers questions e.g do
my differentially expressed genes have different
functions? - FatiGO is used to extract relevant GO terms for a
group of genes with respect to a set of reference
genes (the rest) - Can be used to list proportions of GO terms in a
set of genes
28FatiGO data sources
- Uses tables of correspondences between genes and
their GO terms (human, mouse, Drosophila, yeast,
worm and UniProt proteins curated if possible) - Uses genes from GenBank, UniProt
(Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL), Ensembl etc. - Problem in lack of standardisation of names use
EBI xrefs to link them, and for other databases
they use their own gene IDs - For GO associations they include GO evidence
codes, e.g. IEA
29Using the GO hierarchy
- Different levels in the GO hierarchy can be
chosen, depending on specificity required - FatiGO suggest using level 3 questionable?
- Deeper you go (more specific) fewer genes
annotated to the terms - Once level is set, for each gene FatiGO moves up
hierarchy until set level is reached increases
no. of terms mapped to this level easier to find
relevance in different distributions of GO terms - Repeated genes are counted once
30How FatiGO works
- Given two sets of genes, and selected GO level
- Retrieves GO terms for each gene on correct level
- Applies Fishers exact test for 2x2 contingency
tables for comparing 2 sets of genes (to get
p-values) - Extracts GO terms with significantly different
distributions - After correcting for multiple testing, provides
adjusted p-values for 3 tests - Step-down minP method (Westfall and Young)
- FDR independent (Benjamini Hochberg)
- FDR arbitrary dependent (Benjamini Yekutieli )
31Testing sets of GO terms
Gene set 2
Gene set 1
Set 1
Set 2
Significantly higher distribution in 1 than 2
Transport 20
Transport 60
Observed difference and possible stronger
Same distribution
Regulation 20
Regulation 20
32Multiple testing
- P-value is the probability, under the null
hypothesis of obtaining the observed result or a
more extreme result than one observed - Testing multiple null hypotheses (one per GO
term) that there is no difference in the
frequency of terms in each set - For 1 test, type I error rate (probability of
rejecting a true null hypothesis) is 0.05, but
for multiple tests this increases -Family wise
error rate (probability that one or more of
rejected nulls are true ) - Multiple testing allows controlling of Family
Wise Error Rate (FWER) and False discovery rate
33Step down min-P method
- Controls FWER
- Procedure with a test statistic equivalent to
Fisher's exact test for 2x2 contingency tables - No. of random permutations set at 10000
- Examines how many of the permuted p-values are
smaller than the one under consideration - Adjusted p-value for hypothesis H is level of
entire test set procedure at which H would be
rejected, given values of all test statistics
34Controlling False Discovery Rate
- Tends to be more liberal than controlling FWER
- Controlling expected no. of false rejections
(Type 1 errors) among rejected hypotheses - Consider the proportions of erroneous rejections
to the total number of rejections. Average value
of proportion FDR - FDR can be dependent on or independent of test
statistics, FatiGO gives - adjusted p-value using the FDR method of
Benjamini Hochberg control of FDR under
independence - adjusted p-value using the FDR method of
Benjamini Yekutieli control of FDR under
arbitrary dependent structures
35Using FatiGO -Input
- Search for Unigene cluster ID, or specific gene
IDs - Input results from SotaTree or Pomelo
- Or input Excel or text file with list of gene or
protein IDs, each on a new line - Input reference set of genes
- Select GO ontology and level (inclusive)
- Select whether multiple test should include
adjusted p-values for minP test
36FatiGO interface (1)
37FatiGO interface (2)
38FatiGO output
- FatiGO returns four columns the unadjusted
p-value (p-value from Fishers exact test without
adjusting for multiple comparisons) and adjusted
p-values based on the three methods - Results are ordered by increasing value of the
adjusted p-value, facilitating the selection of
GO terms with the most significant differences. - P-value of 0.01-0.05 some evidence, 0.01-0.001
strong evidence and lt 0.001 very strong
evidence against null
39FatiGO example output
Query set
Reference set
Unadjusted p-value
FRD (indep) adjusted
FDR (depend) adjusted
40(No Transcript)
41Link to AmiGO
42Other features of FatiGO
- You can input a list of genes and extract the GO
terms sorted by percentages - You can use GO results as a way to find
differentially expressed genes see if after
correcting for multiple testing, some GO terms
are overrepresented (provides more resolution
where p-value has no meaning)
43Percentages of GO terms within a set of genes
- Data mining to retrieve additional biological
info on InterPro motifs, KEGG pathways and
Swiss-Prot keywords - Uses Fishers exact test for 2x2 contingency
tables for comparing two sets of genes and
finding significantly different distributions - Corrects for multiple testing to get adjusted
p-value - Can get stats for one set of genes or compare 2
45FatiWISE input and output
- Data sources KEGG, InterPro, UniProt
- Input
- one or two sets of genes
- Selection of organism (for pathway)
- Output
- Unadjusted p-value
- Step-down min P adjusted p-value
- FDR (arbitrary dependent) adjusted p-value
46FatiWISE interface
47FatiWISE InterPro output
48FatiWISE KEGG output
49FatiWISE keyword output
- Data mining is used to bring the biology into
results - Curated data sources are the best for this, due
to structure and controlled vocabulary - FatiGO and FatiWISE are simple web tools enabling
data mining on 1 or 2 sets of genes - Exercises http//cbio.uct.ac.za/courses/MicroDM/
51Websites for Annotation
- Webgestalt http//genereg.ornl.gov/webgestalt/log
in.php - Fatigo http//babelomics.bioinfo.cipf.es/
52Websites for Sequence Analysis and Motif Finding
- Martview http//www.ensembl.org/Multi/martview
- TOUCAN http//homes.esat.kuleuven.be/saerts/soft
ware/tutorial1/TOUCAN_Tutorial_Overview.html - SeqVista http//zlab.bu.edu/SeqVISTA/tutorials/mo
tif.htm - Mitra http//fluff.cs.columbia.edu8080/domain/mi
tra.html - Spex http//ep.ebi.ac.uk/EP/SPEXS/
- Gene Expression Analysis http//geneontology.org/
GO.tools.microarray.shtml -