Title: Technology Partnerships with Federal Laboratories in Maryland
1Technology Partnerships with Federal Laboratories
in Maryland
- Steven L. Fritz, Ph. D.
- Director, Technology Transfer
2TEDCOs mission
- To foster the development of a technology economy
that will create and sustain businesses
throughout all regions in the State of Maryland. - Created by the State legislature in 1998, as a
public instrumentality of the State.
3TEDCO Outreach Initiatives
- Upcoming Federal Laboratory Showcases
- National Security Agency, November 12
- 2004 Showcases (tentative)
- Army Research Laboratory (February)
- Aberdeen Proving Grounds (May)
- Goddard Space Flight Center (July)
4Memoranda of Understanding
- TEDCO has entered into MoUs or other agreements
with nine Fed Labs and is in discussion with two
more - APG, APL, BARC, NAWC Pax River, NSWC Indian Head,
NSWC Carderock, National Naval Medical Center,
5Tech Transfer Partnering
- TEDCO and Fed Lab partners work jointly on
outreach, finding company partners, funding
CRADAs, VC referrals etc. - Sphere Software Demo 9/11/2003
- Multi-language search and analysis
- Al-Jazeera web site
- TEDCO has security clearance for classified
6TEDCO Seed Funding Initiatives
- Funding for technology collaborations between
companies and universities or federal
laboratories - Objective of all initiatives is to enable a
company in the earliest stages of a technology
partnering project to raise additional funding
for the project
7Public Laboratory
Product/ Service Development Project
Proof of Concept
Feasibility Testing
Product Development
Maryland Technology Transfer Fund Maryland
Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) DBED Challenge
University Technology Development Fund Federal
Laboratory Partnership Program
Toucan Capital New Markets Venture Fund DBED
Enterprise Fund SBIR ATP
Public Funding
Project Capital Funds
8Technology Transfer Program
- Federal Lab Partnership Program
- Enables companies to reduce the cost of a CRADA
with a federal lab in Maryland - Should be first collaboration between lab and
company - Provides funds from 50 to 90 of the cost of a
project with a maximum of 20,000.
9Technology Transfer Program
- Maryland Technology Transfer Fund
- Funds Maryland companies developing
technology-based products and/or services in
collaboration with the Universities and/or
Federal Laboratories in Maryland. - Maximum award amount is 50,000. A second award
may be received. - Reimbursable award
10FLPP/MTTF Awards
- 12 - 20K FLPP awards since May 2001
- NASA Langley, Beltsville Ag Research Center, JHU
Applied Physics Laboratory, NSWC Carderock, APL,
APG - 15 - 50K MTTF awards since March 2002
11MD Department of Business and Economic
Development Programs
- Challenge Fund
- Provides investments of up to 50,000 for
seed-stage companies to cover a portion of the
initial costs associated with bringing new
products to market. Follow-on awards may be
obtained. - Enterprise Investment Fund
- Makes direct equity investments in emerging
companies to enable them to move into their next
stage of development. The amount of investment
ranges from 150,000 to 500,000. - Thomas Bodnar, Director, Investment Financing
Group, 1-877-821-0099
12Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grants
- Large federal funding agencies participate
- Opportunity to propose innovative ideas that meet
the specific research and research and
development needs of the Federal Government - Three phase program
- Feasibility demonstration
- Development of phase I results
- Commercialization with non-federal funds
13Advanced Technology Program
- National Institute of Standards Technology
- Bridges the gap between research lab and market
place, stimulating prosperity through innovation.
- Through partnerships with the private sector,
ATPs early stage investment is accelerating the
development of innovative technologies that
promise significant commercial payoffs and
widespread benefits for the nation. - (1-800-ATP-FUND), atp_at_nist.gov
- www.atp.nist.gov
14TEDCO Ventures Toucan Capital
- Toucan Fund II is a 120 million fund that began
making investments in summer 2001 - Toucan Capital specializes in very early stage
investment opportunities. - The fund managers are particularly interested in
working with inventors, researchers, scientists
and first-time entrepreneurs at the beginning of
their efforts to commercialize an invention or
15TEDCO VenturesNew Markets Growth Fund
- Dingman Center
- 20 Million private equity fund
- Invests 100,000 - 1Million, may play a lead
role - Seed and early stage technology companies
- Later stage growth companies
- Located or willing to locate to designated
low-income geographic areas- Greater
Baltimore-Washington and Northern Virginia area - Contact Mark Grovic 301-405-9499
16For further information contact
- Steven L. Fritz, Ph.D.
- Director, Technology Transfer
- sfritz_at_marylandtedco.org
- 410-715-4166
Maryland TEDCO 5575 Sterrett Place, Suite
240 Columbia, MD 21044 www.marylandtedco.org