Title: John Muir Elementary School
1John Muir Elementary School State of the Muir
Winter 2006
2Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are
we going?
3Where have we been?
- Voluntary Professional Day
- October Curriculum Tuesday
- Grade Level meetings
4Where have we been? Contd
- Generated
- criteria for who we serve- Ruby Payne poverty
presentation - Three major goals Language Arts, Math and
mission-minded culture. - need for professional development in test
development and data analysis grade level
meetings and faculty meeting in January. - Focus of Math and Literacy Math and Literacy
committee development - Everyday Math adoption K-5
5Where are we now?
6Where are we now?
- Math
- Everyday Math implementation in grades K-5
- Math Committee think-tank
- Problem-solving framework
- Math word wall
- Common vocabulary
- Happy couple
7Where are we now?
- Language Arts
- Language Arts Committee think-tank
- Love of Reading
- Home Reading connection of 20-30 minutes daily
- Intervention focus
- Awareness of OAT Reading Achievement Test
- Happy Couple
- Consistent review of best practices
8Where are we now?
- Mission-Minded
- Banners
- Phone calls
- Viking Pride
- Student of the Week
- Positive announcements
- New student postcards
- Review of Sundae Bar expectations
- Celebrating Arts Achievement
9Where are we going?!
10Where are we going?!
- Math
- Everyday Math Release time beginning the week of
2/21 March 24 - OAT data analysis from March testing
- Math word wall development
- Topical hallways
- Celebrating student accomplishments
11Where are we going?!
- Language Arts
- Ninety-minute literacy block
- OAT data analysis from March testing
- Writing process
- DIBELS overview
- Ongoing think tank work
12Where are we going?!
- Mission-minded
- Bully prevention
- Stairwells
- Breakfast program
- Tardy program
- Marzano 2/21 future faculty meetings e2e team
- Poverty framework
- New student orientation program
- Behavioral expectations
- Student motivation
- Dress code
13Where are we going?!
- Mission-minded
- Grading policy
- Service models
- Teaming philosophy
- Celebration of the Arts
- Climate Survey
- Parent and Student focus groups
- State of the Art Outdoor Education Center
- Purchase of staff shirts
- Celebration of our success!
To create a community where no one wants to
leave! A community where educators feel that
they are supported and appropriately challenged
in a collaborative and professional learning
culture. A community where parents are actively
engaged in the learning process and feel that
their efforts are appreciated. A community
where students are celebrated on a daily basis
and feel that they are the most valued members of
our building.