Title: History and significant legislation
1History and significant legislation
- 1917 Smith Hughes Act estab federal vocational
education for dislocated industrial workers
(during WWI) - 1918 Soldier Rehabilitation Act for WWI vets
- 1920- Smith Fess vocational rehabilitation act
for civilians with physical disabilities - 1921 Veterans Bureau is estab is US govt.
2History and significant legislation-2
- 1921 FDR contracts polio
- 1932 FDR is elected president
- 1935 League of Physically Handicapped is
organized - 1935 Social Security Act is passed establ
state-federal VR program as permanent (did not
establish appropriation)
3History and significant legislation-3
- 1943 Barden LaFollette Act extends VR to indiv
with mental retardation / mental illness
provides fed-state support for people with
blindness. - 1950 parent groups (Elizabeth Boggs) and others
(Gunnar Dybwad) organize advocacy groups to
improve services for people with DD.
4History and significant legislation-4
- 1954 Voc Rehab Act Amendments
- funding for colleges and universities for prep of
rehab professionals - expanded services to person with MR and MI
- 1955 Jonas Salk develops first successful polio
vaccine - 1956 Social Security disability enacted for
people over 50 - 1960 Social Security Disability expanded for
people under 50
5History and significant legislation-5
- 1961 William Stokoes paper on Sign Language
Structure legitimized American Sign Language and
ushers in the movement of Deafness as Culture. - 1962 Ed Roberts sues to gain admission to the
University of California, same semester that
James Meredith requires a lawsuit to become the
first black person to attend the University of
6History and significant legislation-6
- 1964 Civil Rights Act becomes law
- 1965 Vocational Rehab amendments estab
commission on architectural barriers deleted
economic need as requirement for services - 1968 amendments increased federal share to 80
- 1968 - Judy Heumann organizes Disabled In Action
(DIA) in New York City
7History and significant legislation-7
- 1968- Mills v. Board of Education in DC decides
that every school age child is entitled to a free
public education regardless of the severity of
the disability.
8History and significant legislation-8
- 1972 appalling conditions at Willowbrook State
School in NYC exposed on TV - demonstrations held in Wash DC by disability
activists to protest Pres. Nixons veto of what
will become the Rehab Act of 1973. - SSI program is created.
- first Center for Ind.Living estab in Berkeley.
9History and significant legislation-9
- 1973 Rehabilitation Act introduced the
Individualized Plan (IWRP) - Established priority of services to persons with
severe disabilities - authd demon projects for 6 centers of Independent
Living - 501-504 civil rights provisions prohibited
discrimination against and to provide access to
person with disabilities in federally funded
programs (and contractors).
10History and significant legislation10
- 1974 First convention of People First largest
US org of and led by people with dev.
Disabilities is held in Salem Oregon. - 1974 amendments strengthened Randolph-Sheppard
Act authd White House Conference on
Handicapped Individuals.
11History and significant legislation11
- 1975 IDEA (94-142) is passed.
- - Ed Roberts becomes director of the California
Department of Rehabilitation - 1977 following nationwide demonstrations by
disability activists, HEW secretary Joseph
Califano signs Section 504 regulations from the
1973 Rehab Act AND the Indiv the Dis Education
Act passed in 1975.
12History and significant legislation12
- 1978 amendments Estab IL services as part of
fed-state VR program - VR services for Am Indians tribes living on
federal and state reservations - establ Natl Institute for Handicapped Research
(later renamed NIDRR)Establ Rehab Research and
Training Centers (RRTC),
13History and significant legislation13
- 1979 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
is founded in Madison, Wisconsin. - 1981 International Year of Disable Persons
(IYD) is designated by the United Nations. - 1986 - Rehab Services must be delivered by
qualified personnel added supported employment
as a goal and provided funding for SE
14History and significant legislation14
- 1988 Gallaudet University uprising results in
the first deaf president of the University, I.
King Jordan - 1990 President George Bush signs the Americans
with Disabilities Act.
15History and significant legislation15
- 1992 advanced consumer empowerment by
increasing client choice of employment
objectives, - Estab consumer controlled State Rehab Advisory
Councils - Estab presumption of eligibility that individuals
could benefit from services unless agency could
demonstrate otherwise
16History and significant legislatio16
- 1998 Workforce Investment Act included Title
VI Rehab Act Amendments of 1998. - Enhanced collaborative relationship between
consumer and counselor increased consumer
control so consumers could develop their own
plans - Promoted linkages to One-Stop Centers
- Assist in transition planning for students with
17History and significant legislatio17
- 1999 Supreme Court Olmstead v. LC ruled that
institutionalization is a form of discrimination
prohibited by the ADA. - 1999 - Ticket to Work and Work Incentives
Improvement Act (TWWIIA) provided options for
health care benefits for people with disabilities
who work, and other work incentive programs.