Title: Good practices in banking mergers
1Good practices in banking mergers
Naples, March 23 and 24th, 2009 Ute
Meyenberg CFDT-Banques
2 Agenda
- 1000 Introduction Véronique Descacq
(Secrétaire Générale CFDT Banques) - 10 15 Présentation du projet PARTNER de fusions
bancaires par Andrea Pastacaldi (Chef de
Projet Partner) - 1045 Discussion
- 1100 Présentation de scenarios européens de
marches financiers (A. Pastacaldi) - 1130 Présentation du scenario français de
restructuration du marché bancaire Le
secteur bancaire en France un secteur en
mutation. (Ute Meyenberg CFDT-Banques) - 1145 Discussion
- 1345 Pratiques en France Présentation du
Guide des fusions (Véronique Descacq) - 1415 Exemples de bonnes pratiques (salariés et
management) en cas de fusions et
restructurations - a) Aspects juridiques (JP Raillard - Syndex)
- b) Aspects sociaux (Didier Mas - Calyon) La
prise en compte des aspects sociaux - c) Communication (Jean Pierre Jaraudy /Caisse
dEpargne) - d) Impact sur la santé au travail (Ute
Meyenberg) - e) Les bonnes pratiques internationales
(Bernard Drevon- BNPP) Fusions
transfrontalières - Limplication du CEE
- Andrea Pastacaldi APQ FIBA
- Marilena Furio - FIBA
- Veronique Descacq Secretary general
CFDT-Banques - J Paul Raillard - Syndex
- Luc Mathieu (Banques Populaires - Fédération
Banques) - Didier Mas (Calyon - CASA)
- Jean Pierre Janaudy (Caisse dEpargne IdF)
- Bernard Drevon (BNPP)
- Anne Pechtner (Fédération Banques Société
Générale) - Ute Meyenberg (Fédération Banques- Calyon)
- Joël Gerin (Crédit Agricole SA)
- Damien Lagaude (Fédération Services Assurances)
- Jean-Paul Bouchet (CFDT-Cadres)
- François David (CFDT-Cadres)
5The French banking system
- A sector under permanent restructuring
6The French Financial Sector
- A major weight in the French economy
- Banks represent 2,6 of GNP (2007)
- Capitalisation by end of 2007 11
- By assets, the 6 biggest banking groups are part
of the first 50 banks worldwide. - A very concentrated system
- The first 7 institutions collect 90 of deposits
and hand out 80 of loans - In a French department, one or two banks often
own up to 25 of total market share - By international comparison, France presents a
concentrated system - Employment 468 086 (BCE)
7The French Financial Sector
- 747 credit institutions (by end of 2007)
- Out of which 239 foreign institutions
- Out of which 321 finance institutions
- Out of which 347 , i.e. 48, owned by 6 big
banking groups - 6 public institutions (OSEO, La Banque Postale,
18 caisses de crédit municipal, Le Crédit
municipal de Paris, CMP Banque (filiale du crédit
municipal) et Banque Solfea (ex-Petrofigaz de GdF
et Cofinoga) - 27 695 cash points without La Banque Postale,
- 39 560 with BP (increase since 2000) this
increase is part of a technology change
8The French Financial Sector
Number of foreign banks in Europe in 2006
Most foreign banks in France are member of the
CEE (159 out of a total of 237 in 2007)
Source BCE
9 10Overview 1984-2006
Evolution of the number of cooperative banks
since 1984
The cooperative sector is the major actor of
restructuring in the late 80ies and early 90ies
11Regroupings after 1996
- After 1996, the reorganisation of the sector is
shown by - Mergers and acquisitions of national banking
groups - Reduction of the number of banks in France
- The internationalisation of the 3 major banking
groups (the idea behind was an export of know-how
in retail banking) - Acquisition of French banks by foreign
competitors (CCF by HSBC in 2000) - Establishment of production platforms (Caceis,
12Regroupings after 1996
Evolution of the Number of credit institutions in
- Since 10 years, all categories of credit
institutions have experienced a decrease. - - 25 for commercial banks
- - 32 in the cooperative sector
- - 58 for specialised institutions
13Merger activity
Number of Mergers and Acquisitions in France over
the last 10 years
The French financial sector has experienced the
most MA in Europe (together with Italy, Great
Britain and Germany)
14Foreign acqusitions
- French institutions have made significant
acqusitions abroad - BNP Paribas buys the 6th biggest Italian banks,
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro in 2006 - BNP Paribas is present via the US by Bank of the
West, a private banking group - Cetelem consumer loans
- Société Générale expansion in Central and
Eastern Europe (Czech Rep., Poland, Hungary,
Slovenia) - Crédit Agricole acquisition of Emporiki in 2006
(6th Greek bank) - Acquisition in 2006 of Cariparma and Banca
Populare Friuladria - Crédit Mutuel Alsace acquisition of Citibank
Deutschland in July 2008
15The crisis
- The crisis are there opportunities?
- Crédit Mutuel Alsace acquisition of Citibank
Deutschland in July 2008 - BNP Paribas acquisition of Fortis
- Merger of two major French groups Caisses
dEpargne and Banques Populaires the merger is
accelerated by the crisis and the losses of the
two groups. - Opportunistic buyouts since stock market crash
- Richelieu Finance by KBC in January 2008
- Buyout of stock trading company Potzamparc by BNP
Paribas in January 2009 - Société Générale and Crédit Agricole
Announcement of merger of asset management SGAM
and CAAM in January 2009 - Regrouping of Calyon Financial and Fimat (SG) in
2008 - Will international banks return home ?
- BNPP has closed its branches in Ukraine with the
problems in Eastern Europe..
16 17Employment
Employment in the principal banks in France since
CECEI 31/07/2008
Evolution des statutes and kind of emplyment
Source AFB
- An evolution of employment practices
- Replacement by higher classification levels
(66,4 of lowe levels in 2002 versus only 58,9
in 2006) - The qualification level (diploma) is increasing
significantly (2 years and more after graduation
of school increased from 26 in 1996 to 56 in
2006, out of which 26 have made at least 4 years
of studies) - Substitution of support functions and back
offices by salespeople
20Good practices in banking mergers
21Before a merger
- There are not many possibilities for works
councils to act before a merger - generally, the
information level is low. - However, since 2005, the law has enacted the
obligation to have a previsional management of
employment and competences. The aim is to prevent
22Merger Announcement
- In the case of restructurings, French labour law
stipulates that there is an obligation to inform
AND CONSULT works councils. - The word consultation means that an
advice has to be given by the works council. - This advice has to be taken into account by the
management of the undertaking. - Therefore, works councils must be given precise
and relevant written information and sufficient
time to analyse correctly the information (L.
23Works Councils and Trade Unions
- Respective roles
- Works councils
- Workers representatives are generally from TUs
- Works councils are consulted and give a motivated
advice on economic and social aspects of the
merger - Trade Unions
- Trade Union representatives are responsible for
the collective bargaining and negotiate
collective agreements and the content of an
agreement for collective dismissals
24Consultation phase
- The information and consultation phase is very
important - This phase must be used for negotiating the
coellective agreements of the new enterprise and
all measures accompanying the merger. - In this phase, the balance of power is in favour
of the workers representatives because the
employers objective is that the merger period is
smooth and successful. - Once the advice being obtained, the balance of
power changes.
25Consultation phase
- Restructurings put into play complex structures
of enterprises - Collective bargaining may happen at different
levels - Groups level of enterprise
- Different geographic entities
- The initial places of bargaining may become
irrelevant. - .
- Accords de méthode
- A new structure of bargaining, i.e. setting up
a committee of concertation , may be needed. - This type of new structure enables to work
together on - The future plan of collective dismissals
- The future statutes and collective agreements of
the new entity - This type of structure also allows a follow up of
the merger - i.e. a place to receive information about the
future organisation, new locations, and a
possibility to make suggestions to management -
26Consultation of works councils
- French law gives works councils a consultative
role in mergers and restructurings in the final
phase - What consultations ?
- L. 2323-6 The merger project and the
organisation of the new entity - which could
affect employment. - L. 1233-1 (and following articles) all social
measures to accompany the merger (Social plans,
collective dismissals, i.e. dismissals of more
than 2 people in a period of 30 successive days)
- Consultation modalties.
- Consultation must happen before the merger
- The two types of consultation are cumulative
- A consultation phase begins with the announcement
of a merger or acquisition - A consultation phase will be finished when the
works council has given a final motivated advice
on both economic and social aspects -
27Consultation phase
- The right of assistance of an expert
- In case of collective dismissals of over 9
people, the works council may request assistance
of an expert. - The mission of the expert may consist in an
economic analysis of the merger project, the
social consequences, etc. -
- .
28Transfers of work contracts
- The transfer of work contracts is regulated by
French labour law, based on the Council Directive
2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 - In French law
- L. 1224-1 employment contrats will be
transferred to the absorbing enterprise - All contracts full time, part time, in
suspension because of maternity leave,..) - Date of transfer date of real absorption.
29Collective Dismissals
- Collective dismissals are regulated by French
labour law L. 1233-1 and following - Obligation to consult the works council (cf
previous sides) - The content of the plan de sauvegarde de
lemploi (job safeguarding!!) will be
negotiated with the workers reps, i.e. the TUs
(although legally the decision is the employers
after consultation of the works council)
30Collective agreements
- Obligation to collective bargaining
- L. 2261-14 the collective agreements are bound
to be renegotiated those of the transferor
enterprise do not apply automatically to the
transferee. - In case of absence of negotiation, they will
become ineffective after a period of 15 months (3
months notice 12 months)
31Good practices in banking mergers
32Good Practices
- Inside the Trade Union
- Contact the TU federation in order to be put in
contact with TU section of the other bank - the collective agreements of the two enterprises
need to be compared - Set up concertative commissions between
representatives of the two entities - Need to negociate trade union rights (the social
mandates of the TU representatives of the
absorbed enterprise disappear once the
negociation is done)
33Good Practices
- Inside the Trade Union
- Relations between the different sections of the
Trade Union (i.e. CFDT) - The credibility of TU sections in enterprises
are largely determined by its capacity to work
together. This determines the force of its
proposals and the negociation strategy. It is
necessary to work together in a perfect agreement
and to let this know the employer, the employees
and other TUs - Relation with other TUs (France has more than
one!!!) - Inter-TU relations have to be useful for the
advancement of the strategy of CFDT, but not
avoid any TU to express its views
34Good Practices
- A merger may be an opportunity for social
dialogue and collective bargaining - What?
- All collective agreements
- Where?
- At the undertaking which becomes the employer
- Who?
- The workerss representatives of the transferee,
in accordance with the workers reps. of the
35Good Practices
- A merger may be an opportunity to negotiate
- How?
- By comparing the different agreements
- By making innovative proposals
- change opportunity !
- By keeping constant contact with the employees in
order to detect their needs
36Good Practices
- To be avoided
- Defending solely the advantages of ones initial
enterprise - Being absorbed in TU disputes between the two
enterprises - Getting involved in the power issues of
37Good Practices
- Exemples
- Reduction of wage differences between the two
firms - Improvement of social coverage (mutuelle)
- Transport cost indemnities
- Assistance to move house (monetary)
- Working time adjustments
- .
38Good practices in banking mergers
- Good Practices - Communication
39Good Practices - Communication
- Communication - A central issue!!!
- In times of troubles, employees need to be
comforted and re-insured - Collaboration between the TU of the the two
enterprises is essential - Content
- Useful information on negotiations, new issues,
reorganisations, etc - Analysis from the point of view of TU
- TU proposals
40Good Practices - Communication
- Communication - How
- Internet
- Newsletter
- Flyers
- E-mail to members only
- Monthly publication
- Questionnaire
- Its a lot of work, but it is worth it
41Good Practices - Communication
- Communication dos
- Regular feed-back from members
- Work together with TU from other enterprise
- Communication donts
- Systematic obstruction or opposition
- Communication is one of the most important
elements of TU strategy
42Good Practices - Communication
43Good practices in banking mergers
- Good Practices Health at Work
44Health at Work
- Psychology
- Times of trouble for employees
- Increase of stress
- Adjustment of work load (often in the sense of
more work) - ORGANISATION OF WORK is crucial
45Health at work
- How to use the Committee for Safety and Health at
Work - Document unique
- The prevention of stress should be at the charge
of the employer
46Good practices in banking mergers
- European Works Councils - The BNP Experience
- 1) Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
- Adjustment of EWC agreement (representation of
Italian members) - 2) Fortis
- Work together (Workers representatives and TU
level) - Exchange of information verify absence of
double tongue at Management level - Show unity - Common statement of French and
Belgian TUs
- European Works Councils - The BNP Experience
- At workers representative level
- Work sessions on EWC agreement
- Modalties of the merger
- At TU level
- Bilateral work with Belgian TUs
- Work with other French Unions
- Common statement French and Belgian TUs
- Workers representatives
- Manage transition period of existence of two
EWCs - Negociations of EWC agreement
- Trade Union level
- Negociations of in EWC and discussions between
the 8 partners - Define interrelations between French and Belgian
TUs - Creation of a European TU alliance in BNP Paribas