Title: Cervical or lumbar Arrow points to
1Cervical or lumbar? Arrow points to ?????
2Think of the neurological deficits/pathways/tests
associated with SCD! Write a practice question
For me! Please make E the answer so I can
answer it correctly!
Vitamin B-12associated neurological diseases.
Pernicious anemia. Characteristic lemon-yellow
pallor with raw beef tongue lacking filiform
3What do these MRIs show?
4What is the arrow pointing to?
5Dorsal view of spinal cord, dorsal roots and
ganglia of C7
6Think about the the results of a lesion here.
Write a few practice questions!
7What pathway is in blue? Right or left?
8Bulge/nucleus indicated by the arrowClarks
nucleus Think of a question I could ask!
9Any thoughts on the Babinski?