Title: Soil Taxonomy and Soil Geography
1Soil Taxonomy and Soil Geography
2DiagnosticHorizonsTable 3.1
3Soil Orders Table 3.3
4Suborders Table 3.6
5Great Groups Table 3.7
6Families Table 3.9
7Some subsurface horizon (not argillic) Or Umbric
surface horizon (low base saturation)
Degree of Weathering -mild
8Degree of Weathering -mild
Andic soil properties -on volcanic
ejecta Mellanic epipedon
9Organic soil material gt 40 cm thick wet
Degree of Weathering -slight
10Gellic soil properties Perma-frost
Degree of Weathering -slight
11Some subsurface horizon, Aridic moisture regime
Degree of Weathering -intermediate
12gt35 clay Cracks to 50 cm Evidence of movement
Degree of Weathering -intermediate
13- Mollic epipedon
- 50 B.S.
- gt 25 cm thick
Degree of Weathering -intermediate
14Degree of Weathering -intermediate
Argillic gt35 B.S.
15Spodic horizon
Degree of Weathering -intermediate
16Degree of Weathering -intermediate
Argillic horizon lt 35 B.S.
17Oxic horizon
Degree of Weathering -strong
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