Title: Implementing Mobile A/C Refrigerant Service Environmental Enhancements
1Implementing Mobile A/C Refrigerant Service
Environmental Enhancements
- Jim Resutek
- OTB Consultants
- June 2008
- Provide opportunity to implement new technology
and enhanced dealer service capabilities with
both environmental and cost benefits.
3Key Topics
- Government/Industry Drivers
- Current A/C Warranty Process
- Industry Changes and New Technology Provide Cost
Savings Opportunities for OEMs - The Opportunity
4Government/Industry Drivers
- Government
- 609 Regulations
- Technician Certification
- Recovery Reuse Requirements
5Government/Industry Drivers
- Industry
- Enhanced service leak detection standards (J-
1627 enhanced to J- 2791) - Enhanced Recovery/Evacuation/Recharge standards
(J-2210 to J-2788) - OEM
- Enhanced system designs less refrigerant,
tighter charge tolerances, tighter systems
6 Enhanced Recovery/Evacuation/Recharge standards
(J-2210 to J-2788)
7SAEEnhanced service leak detection standards (J-
1627 enhanced to J- 2791)
8Service Equipment Suppliers Conundrum
- Invested several millions of dollars in
development, implementation and marketing to meet
new standards - Leveraged Opportunity Costs to accelerate
market release of new product - Limited support from OEMs and Government
agencies to drive need for new equipment
9Implementation Motivation Issues
- Requirements to manufacture equipment to new
standards BUT no requirements for service
community to rush into equipment implementation - Industry OEMs reluctance to mandate dealer/fleet
compliance - Continued competition from non compliant a/c
service operations
10Business Case Examples
- Employing Warranty cost reduction to implement
dealer/fleet service equipment upgrades OEM
application - Out of the Box service tool/procedures Vehicle
Recycle Industry
11Business Case Examples
- A few OEMs have reviewed the options of
implementing warranty reductions towards
offsetting service tooling costs
12Current A/C Warranty Process
- Labor
- 100s of warranty operations require refrigerant
removal - A/C
- Powertrain
- Suspension related
- Reimbursement time
- .6-1.2hr for single A/C systems
- .8 -2.0hr for dual A/C systems
13Current A/C Warranty Process
- Material
- Refrigerant recovered is reimbursed to dealers _at_
100 vehicle A/C refrigerant capacity - Government Regulation
- EPA mandates that mobile refrigerant MUST be
recovered and recycled
14Current A/C Warranty Process
- Millions of A/C recovery operations per year is
the Service Requirement estimate - ( --- xxxx dealers x 2/day x 260
days/yr ) - Average Refrigerant charge
- Front system only 2 lb 90 of production
- Front and rear system combined 3 lb 10 of
15Current A/C Warranty Process
- Validated Example
- Labor operation Over 12 months had 67,500
payouts (142,000lb _at_ 6.50 923,000)
Estimated warranty national mean amount paid
July 07 Composite 90 67.5k _at_2 .10 67.5k
16Current A/C Warranty Process
- Sample Estimated Yearly Warranty Refrigerant
Usage - A/C recovery operations
- 90 of single system vehicles 6.5 M lb
- 10 of dual system vehicles 1.1 M lb
- 7.6 Million pounds of R-134a per year
17Current A/C Warranty Process
- Economic Impact R-134a Pricing
- July 07 - Dealer cost per pound 3.14
- Warranty reimbursement cost 6.50 per pound
includes dealer markup
18Current A/C Warranty Process
- J-2210
- State of the art equipment provided to dealers in
1993 - Meets SAE J-2210
- Smaller vehicle A/C charge requirements need
equipment meeting SAE J-2788 to maintain system
- Governmental Regulation
- Manufacturers can only build J-2788 compliant
equipment effective January 2008 - EPA and other environmental groups highly
recommend implementation of J-2788 equipment due
to higher recovery (95 of refrigerant vs.
J-2210 80 recovery) - EPA has not mandated J-2210 replacement
21Technology Highlights
- New SAE J-2788 Compliant Equipment
- Recovers 95 of R-134a
- Scale accuracy of /- 0.5oz
- Encrypted code for warranty tracking and
authentication - Ability to work with Hybrid vehicles (PAG/Ester
oil separation) - Quicker recovery time
22Todays Reality
- Current J-2210 is over 15yrs old
- Cant be re-worked/retrofitted to meet new SAE
J-2788 requirements - Doesnt meet new charge accuracy requirement
- Maintenance expenses increase with age
- Fully depreciated by dealers
- New Vehicle A/C Requirements
- Require increased charge accuracy for optimum
performance - Greater percentage of vehicles will incorporate
electrical hybrid A/C systems requiring oil
23Present New Opportunities
- Opportunity to
- Reduce refrigerant charges
- Provide enhanced equipment to dealer
- Continuous yearly savings
- Payback range for 100 funding with equipment
rollout 6-12 months
- Implementation
- Estimated cost of replacing J-2210 to meet new
J-2788 - 4500 per unit (Based on dealers receiving one
unit per) - Average Industry cost
- Implementation of encrypted code - cross check on
warranty RO payment - Dealer resistance to purchasing a new machine
- Dealer investment subsidizing OEM savings
- Offset via N/C equipment
- No Dealer capital investment
- Lower equipment maintenance charges
- Enhanced recovery increasing customer pay return
- OEMs reimbursing dealers only for Refrigerant
loss (similar to current engine coolant policy)
25Savings Potential
- Estimated Savings
- R-134a
- Quantity Range --- 5 million to 10 million pounds
- Cost Range --- 4 --- 10 per pound
- 33 - 65 million per year warranty
26Business Case Example - 2
- Out of the Box service tool/procedures Vehicle
Recycle Industry - Reduce the amount of time to recover
- Reduce the equipment investment
- Enhance the residual payback
27Vehicle Recycle Industry
28Out of the Box service tool/procedures Vehicle
Recycle Industry
- Reduce the amount of time to recover
- Check quickly for charge presence
- Pierce line/hose to recover units will be
scraped once recovery completed eliminates time
to locate and connect to service ports
29Out of the Box service tool/procedures Vehicle
Recycle Industry
- Reduce the equipment investment
- Standardize equipment employed at recovery sites
- Review need to identify gases
30Out of the Box service tool/procedures Vehicle
Recycle Industry
- Enhance the residual payback
- Segregate recovered refrigerant
- Employ company wide standardization and
- Industry Service Tools Equipment Implementation
- OEM pro-active implementation throughout their
service facilities will provide a large footprint
impact into reducing emission. - OEM participation will provide volume discounts
and trickle down of older equipment to the servce
32Summary (cont)
- Industry Service Tools Equipment Implementation
- Business cases drive OEM actions