Title: Lessons%20from%20Other%20Countries
1Lessons from Other Countries
- Presented by
- Dr. Selim Raihan
2In this session we will discuss..
- Competition policy in different countries.
- Some case studies What are the evidences of
competition policy helping consumers in other
countries? - Lessons that Bangladesh can derive from cross
country experiences
3Competition Policy in Different Countries
- Australia
- Malaysia
- India
- Vietnam
- South Africa
- Chile
- Venezuela
4Australian Experience
- Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations,
(AFCO) officially founded in 1974, include - - Canberra Consumers,
- - The Country Womens Association,
- - The Australian Consumers Association and
- - The Consumer Action Movement.
5Australian Experience
- Policy Priorities of Consumers' Federation of
- Establishment of product standards,
- Trade practices law,
- Social justice
- The effects of inflation on consumers.
- Product labeling,
- Competition,
- Media ownership
- Health.
- National competition policy,
- Media ownership,
- Environmental issues,
- Product safety,
- Tobacco control,
- Financial services and
- Banking and deregulation.
6Australian Experience
- Details in
- Consumers' Federation of Australia
- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7Competition Policy in Malaysia
- No national competition policy law.
- Sectoral approach to competition and regulation.
- Policies of deregulation and liberalisation of
the economy since the 1980s - Deregulation of trade and investment,
privatisation of power generation, the
distribution sector, telecommunications,
transport and the postal services boosted overall
market competitiveness.
8Competition Policy in Malaysia (Cont.)
- No administrative authority for determining
appropriate business ethics and trade practices. - There are about 30 laws to regulate certain
activities of enterprises and to protect consumer
interests. - Under these laws a consumer or trader may seek
redress through the appropriate Ministry, public
agency or via the Civil Courts.
9Malaysia (Continued)
Competition Policy in Malaysia (cont.)
- For details please see
- Global Competition Forum Website
www.globalcompetitionforum.org - Lee, Cassey (2004) Competition Policy in
Malaysia, CRC Working Paper 68.
10Competition policy in India
- India had a competition law since 1969 by the
name of Monopolies and Restrictive Trade
Practices Act. - That law has become redundant for several
reasons. Therefore a new law has been drafted.
11Competition policy in India (cont.)
- India has consumer protection act and corporation
working for securing consumer rights against any
anti-competitive practices of firms. - The Consumer Protection Act is known as COPRA
(1986). It recognizes the followings rights to
the consumers - Safety
- Information
- Choice
- Representation
- Redress
- Consumer Education
12Competition policy in India (cont.)
- For details, please have a look at
- CUTS Centre For Consumer Action Research And
Training (CART) Consumer Rights And Its
Expansion Rights And Responsibilities - CUTS Articles on Consumer Policy and Issues
13Competition policy in Vietnam
- Sector wise policies and regulations.
- A competition Law promulgated in 2004 with a
competition Authority - The Competition Authority
- - Controls the process of economic concentration
- - Investigates unfair competition practices
- - Sanctions unfair competition practices
14Competition policy in Vietnam (cont.)
- For details
- Comparative Study of Sectoral Regulation in
Developing Countries Lessons for policy,
Governance and Implementation - -A Case Study of Vietnam.
15Competition policy in South Africa
- The Competition Commission plays a pivotal role.
- The Competition Act (Act. No.89 of 1998) was
passed by Parliament in September 1998. - The enforcement agencies are the Competition
Commission, the Competition Tribunal and the
Competition Appeal Court.
16Competition policy in South Africa (cont.)
- For details
- Global Competition Forum Website
www.globalcompetitionforum.org - Comparative Study of Sectoral Regulation in
Developing Countries Lessons for policy,
Governance and Implementation - -A Case Study of South Africa.
17Competition policy in Latin American Countries
- The Chilean system of protection of Competition
in markets is integrated by The Tribunal for the
Defence of Free Competition and The Economic
National Prosecutor's Office. The Decree-Law 211
of 1973 is the legal framework of this system. - The free competition regime in Venezuela started
in 1992 when the government settled a group of
new policies in order to prepare the country to
face globalisation process, including to the Law
to Promote and Protect the Exercise of Free
18 19The Indian Case Study
- Ghoten Gas Agency, a Kolhapur based gas supplier
in India, was forcing the buyers to buy hot
plates at the time of releasing fresh gas
connection. - The Competition Authority held such a practice.
- The Authority directed that wherever a customer
purchased a hot plate simultaneously with a fresh
gas connection, the gas agency should make it
clear on the invoice that the hot plates were
purchased voluntarily. - Further a notice board should be prominently
displayed in the agencys premises that the
customers were free to purchase hot plate either
from Ghoten Gas agency or from any other source. - Source CUTS Competition Policy and Law Made
20The Malaysian Case Study
- Prior to 2002, MAS was a monopoly operator in the
domestic airline market. - With the entry of AirAsia the domestic airline
market became more competitive. - AirAsia offers no-frills domestic flights at low
fares. - MAS responded by offering 50 percent discounts
for ten seats in every flight. - AirAsia also responded to MASs pricing strategy
by offering lower fares. - Despite MASs plea for government (Ministry of
Transport) intervention to resolve the perceived
price war, the government has maintained that
the competition between the two firms as healthy
21Case study-South Africa
The Spanish Case Study
- Four Sugar producers in Spain were engaged in
market allocation agreement (apart from price
fixing, sales quota agreements) that restricted
sugar supply to the level at which maximum
monopoly profits could be earned. - As a result. Spanish sugar prices, for many
years, were 5 to 9 percent higher than those in
the rest of Europe. - The Spanish Service for the Defence of
Competition uncovered the cartel and slapped 8.7
million euros fine on the four producers. - Source CUTS Competition Policy and Law Made
22Case study- Kenya
The Kenyan Case Study
- South Africa Bottling Company Pty (SABCO)
proposed of taking over all the other bottling
companies and consolidating them into one entity.
- The Kenyan competition authority decided that
such a plan would lead to both horizontal and
vertical concentration of market power and the
likely abuse of dominance, and accordingly
stopped the process from going further. - Thus, the Kenyan authority, dealing with a huge
global company, applied the competition law to
foreclose likely anticompetitive practices in the
market. - See pages 14,15 of UNCTAD, April 2002 Recent
Important Competition Cases in Developing
23The Argentinean Case Study
- Four foreign companies active in Argentina as
suppliers of medical oxygen to public and private
hospitals were fined 70.3 million pesos (US 24
million) for operating a price cartel for medical
oxygen. - See page 4 of UNCTAD, September,2005 Recent
Important Cases Involving More Than One Country
24The Brazilian Case Study
- Three chemical or pharmaceutical firms (Roche,
BASF and Aventis Animal Nutrition, the latter
formed through the merger of Rhône-Poulenc and
Hoescht) fixed the prices and allocated market
shares of bulk vitamins in Brazil as an extension
of their participation in an international
vitamins cartel which was prosecuted in the
United States. - See pages 5,6 of UNCTAD, April 2002 Recent
Important Competition Cases in Developing
25Lessons for Bangladesh
- Competition policy and law and consumer
protection policy can take different forms for
different countries. - There are verities of anti-competitive practices
and consumer abuses, so the regulatory authority
should be innovative in nature. - For developing countries, resource constraint is
one of the major problem in establishing
competition authority. - Consumer welfare should be explicitly mentioned
in the legislation. The role of consumer in CL
should also include the right of consumer
organizations to bring complaints to the CA. - It is very important that the reports on
anti-competitive practices be published in the
media to raise the awareness of the consumers.