Title: Computing the Universe: Simulating Cosmology and Galaxy Formation
1Computing the Universe Simulating Cosmology and
Galaxy Formation
- Prof. Romeel Davé
- University of Arizona
- Meet Our Universe.
- Quantum Genesis.
- Cosmos on a Computer.
- The Dark Side.
- Baryons Are Cool.
- Meet Our Universe.
- Quantum Genesis.
- Cosmos on a Computer.
- The Dark Side.
- Baryons Are Cool.
- Meet Our Universe.
- Quantum Genesis.
- Cosmos on a Computer.
- The Dark Side.
- Baryons Are Cool.
- Meet Our Universe.
- Quantum Genesis.
- Cosmos on a Computer.
- The Dark Side.
- Baryons Are Cool.
- Meet Our Universe.
- Quantum Genesis.
- Cosmos on a Computer.
- The Dark Side.
- Baryons Are Cool.
7Meet Our Universe
- We live in an accelerating, dark matter
dominated, inflationary, Big Bang universe.
8Big Bang
- Universe began 13.8 billion years ago, in a Big
Bang of super-hot super-dense plasma. - Our laws of physics cannot extrapolate prior to
10-43s after the Bang we do not have a Grand
Unified Theory. - Space itself expands, so that objects farther
away are receding at a faster rate (Hubbles
Law). - In small regions, expansion is halted (and
reversed) where bound by gravity (e.g on Earth,
or in our Galaxy).
9Big Bang
- Universe began 13.8 billion years ago, in a Big
Bang of super-hot super-dense plasma. - Our laws of physics cannot extrapolate prior to
10-43s after the Bang we do not have a Grand
Unified Theory. - Space itself expands, so that objects farther
away are receding at a faster rate (Hubbles
Law). - In small regions, expansion is halted (and
reversed) where bound by gravity (e.g on Earth,
or in our Galaxy).
10Big Bang
- Universe began 13.8 billion years ago, in a Big
Bang of super-hot super-dense plasma. - Our laws of physics cannot extrapolate prior to
10-43s after the Bang we do not have a Grand
Unified Theory. - Space itself expands, so that objects farther
away are receding at a faster rate (Hubbles
Law). - In small regions, expansion is halted (and
reversed) where bound by gravity (e.g on Earth,
or in our Galaxy).
11Big Bang
- Universe began 13.8 billion years ago, in a Big
Bang of super-hot super-dense plasma. - Our laws of physics cannot extrapolate prior to
10-43s after the Bang we do not have a Grand
Unified Theory. - Space itself expands, so that objects farther
away are receding at a faster rate (Hubbles
Law). - In small regions, expansion is halted (and
reversed) where bound by gravity (e.g on Earth,
or in our Galaxy).
If the Universe is expanding, why cant I ever
find a parking space?
- A fraction of a second after the Big Bang, the
Universe suddenly inflated by x1060 in a fraction
of a second. It then resumed normal expansion. - Quantum vacuum fluctuations were frozen in.
- We see these fluctuations today as Cosmic
Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation.
Vacuum is not empty!
- Less than a second after the Big Bang, the
Universe suddenly inflated by x1060 in a fraction
of a second. It then resumed normal expansion. - Quantum vacuum fluctuations were frozen in.
- We see these fluctuations today as Cosmic
Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation.
- Less than a second after the Big Bang, the
Universe suddenly inflated by x1060 in a fraction
of a second. It then resumed normal expansion. - Quantum vacuum fluctuations were frozen in.
- We see these fluctuations today as Cosmic
Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation.
Full-sky WMAP satellite data. Typical
fluctuation 1 part in 106
15Dark Matter
- We are made of ordinary matter, or what
Astronomers call baryonic matter. Baryonic
matter interacts with electromagnetic radiation
(light), via emission, reflection, refraction, or
absorption. - But we are in the minority 90 of the Universes
mass is non-baryonic dark matter that only
interacts via gravity.
16Accelerating Universe
- Recently, astronomers have observed that our
Universe is not just expanding, but accelerating! - The Universe contains a vacuum energy, causing
space to have pressure that drives acceleration.
17Quantum Genesis
- How did we get from this (smoooooth)
The Universe at z1189
18Quantum Genesis
The Universe today (z0) HST GOODS Survey data
19Cosmos on a Computer
- Structure formation is highly nonlinear. Our
solar systems overdensity is 108! - Easiest way to model is to numerically follow
growth of perturbations into nonlinearity. - Model random sub-volume of Universe using many
particles, each representing a bit of mass
(typically millions/billions of Suns!). - Simulate Compute forces on particles from
gravity, pressure advance particles velocities
and positions repeat until end!
MCR Cluster at Livermore
Fi mi S(agravahydro)
20Cosmos on a Computer
- Structure formation is highly nonlinear. Our
solar systems overdensity is 108! - Easiest way to model is to numerically follow
growth of perturbations into nonlinearity. - Model random sub-volume of Universe using many
particles, each representing a bit of mass
(typically millions/billions of Suns!). - Simulate Compute forces on particles from
gravity, pressure advance particles velocities
and positions repeat until end!
MCR Cluster at Livermore
vnew vold aDt
21Cosmos on a Computer
- Structure formation is highly nonlinear. Our
solar systems overdensity is 108! - Easiest way to model is to numerically follow
growth of perturbations into nonlinearity. - Model random sub-volume of Universe using many
particles, each representing a bit of mass
(typically millions/billions of Suns!). - Simulate Compute forces on particles from
gravity, pressure advance particles velocities
and positions repeat until end!
MCR Cluster at Livermore
rnew rold vDt
22The Dark SideThe Growth of Structure
- On largest scales, the Universe evolution is
governed by dark matter and gravitational forces. - Fluctuations grow via gravitational instability
Dense regions attract more matter,
becoming more dense, and so on (the rich get
richer). - Simulation shown contains 4 million particles,
each one about 1010M?.
23The Dark SideHalting the Collapse
- So what stops the runaway collapse?
- Dark matter must conserve energy and angular
momentum (it cannot dissipate!) - Torques are generated by tidal forces.
- Gravitational instability is halted by dynamical
24The Dark SideHierarchical Structure Formation
- Matter collapses into pancakes, then onto
filaments, creating a Cosmic Web. - At the intersection of filaments, matter breaks
away from Hubble expansion and collapses back on
itself, forming a galaxy.
25Galaxy Redshift Surveys
- The hardest problem in astronomy What is the
distance to an observed object? - Can obtain a good estimate using Hubbles Law
(vrH0d) If we measure recession velocity, we
know distance! - Recession results in characteristic atomic
emissions (e.g. HI Lya) being redshifted (i.e.
Doppler shifted) to longer wavelengths. - Redshift surveys are thus used to map the galaxy
distribution. - Examples CfA1 (original stick man, 1986), 2dF
(2002), Sloan Digital Sky Survey (2003).
26Observed Large-Scale Structure
- Galaxy redshift surveys observe the Cosmic Web!
- 2dF survey detects most galaxies out to 1000
Mpc, z0.3, 3 Gyr in lookback time, to bJlt19.45.
Total of 250,000 galaxies in 2000 deg2.
2dF Redshift Survey 250,000 galaxies
27Baryons Are Cool
- Thats nice, but it still doesnt look much like
28Simulating Forming Galaxies
- Baryons can radiate , i.e. convert their
potential energy into light, and thus achieve
super-high densities necessary to form galaxies
(106), stars (108), planets (109), etc.
Simulating Dark Matter Gravity Gm1m2 / r2
29Simulating Forming Galaxies
- Baryons can radiate , i.e. convert their
potential energy into light, and thus achieve
super-high densities necessary to form galaxies
(108), stars (1010), planets (1011), etc.
Simulating Dark Matter Gravity Gm1m2 / r2
Simulating Baryons Gravity Gm1m2 / r2 Pressure
-?P/r Shocks Viscosity Cooling
L(r,T) Photoionization Jn(r,T,r) Heuristic star
formation Supernova feedback/winds Heavy element
production Magnetic fields Kitchen sink
30Forming Spiral Galaxies
- Dark matter is forced to stay in a halo because
it cannot dissipate its gravitational potential
energy by emitting light (marble in a basin). - Baryons are dissipative, so they collapse down to
center of halo. But they still have angular
momentum, so the centrifugal force results in a
spiral disk.
31A Galaxys Life
- Most galaxies dont have such a fortunate,
peaceful existence instead undergoing mergers
and harrassment. - Generically, interactions tend to drive gas
stars to the center, forming a more concentrated
32Morphological Transformation
The Antennae Galaxy (HST)
- Mergers of galaxies can change the morphology of
galaxies, turning spirals into ellipticals. - Minor mergers make disks smaller and thicker.
- The Antennae galaxy is a merger caught in the
act. - Interactions can move galaxies along the Hubble
- We live in a accelerating, dark matter-dominated,
inflationary Big Bang Universe. The quantum
fluctuations from this early epoch are the seeds
of galaxies, stars, and planets. - The growth of structure can be modeled using
high-performance supercomputers, allowing
theories to be tested and new phenomena to be
elucidated. - Growth of large-scale structure is dominated by
dark matter driven by gravitational instability. - Galaxies form from dissipative baryons within
halos of dark matter. - Once galaxies are born, many processes can change
their morphology and color. - Understanding all these processes within a
cosmological framework remains a great unsolved
challenge for astronomers today.
34Galaxy Rotation Curves A Dark Matter Indicator
35The Constituents of Our Universe
- Densities are measured in terms of the critical
density, i.e. the amount of mass-energy it would
take to just halt the expansion due to
self-gravity. - Matter density Wm0.27
- Baryonic matter density Wb0.04
- Vacuum energy density WL0.73
- Hubble constant (today) H072 km/s/Mpc
36(No Transcript)
37Meet Our Accelerating Universe
- Recently, astronomers have observed that our
Universe is not just expanding, but accelerating! - The Universe contains a vacuum energy, causing
space to have pressure that drives acceleration.