Title: Premium TV Trends Industry2014: The year of 4K UHD
1Premium TV Trends 2014 The year of 4K UHD?
- Introduction
- The TV industry has struggled to innovate in
recent years, with such features as 3D failing to
take off. As a result, many manufacturers, such
as Sony, Samsung and LG, have focused on UHD
resolution and form factor changes in an attempt
to boost TV sales. This case study identifies
current trends in the TV market, the strategy
behind them and what impact they are likely to
have in 2014 and beyond. - Features and benefits
- This case study looks at incumbent TV
manufacturers' move towards 4K UHD resolution and
their reasons for doing so. - This report examines the roles of 4K UHD and form
factor as means of premium differentiation in the
TV industry and analyzes their potential impact.
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2Premium TV Trends 2014 The year of 4K UHD?
Highlights Declining TV shipments have hit the
likes of Sony, whose home entertainment sound
division has suffered consecutive yearly
operating losses. To compound the situation, Sony
is also losing market share to Korean powerhouses
Samsung and LG, although these strong leaders are
also under pressure amidst cheaper offerings from
rivals. Curved OLED TVs currently offer the
largest degree of premiumization in the US, where
both LG and Samsung released 55-inch curved OLED
TVs in 2013 that lacked UHD resolution. One of
the major factors inhibiting a wide adoption of
UHD TVs is the lack of current, native content.
Interestingly, on of the most notable steps
forward in terms of delivery of UHD video content
has come at the hands of Netflix, Inc., an online
video streaming provider.
Complete Report _at_ http//www.marketreportsonline.c
om/311674.html . Buy Report _at_
se.php?name311674 .
3Premium TV Trends 2014 The year of 4K UHD?
- Your key questions answered
- Why have TV manufacturers made the move to 4K
UHD? - What is holding the 4K UHD sector back at
present, and what will encourage consumer uptake? - How have major TV manufacturers used form factor
in order to premiumize their offerings?
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om/311674.html . Buy Report _at_
se.php?name311674 .
4Premium TV Trends 2014 The year of 4K UHD?
Table of Contents OverviewCatalystSummary TV
Manufacturers are StrugglingFalling TV shipments
have hit revenuesMarket leaders will face
further pressurePast attempts at 3D
premiumization have not taken off UHD is Driving
the Industry Forward4K UHD is the next
generation of consumer TV resolutionMost
manufacturers have unveiled a UHD TVPrice
competition is already an ongoing issue
Complete Report _at_ http//www.marketreportsonline.c
om/311674.html . Buy Report _at_
se.php?name311674 .
5Premium TV Trends 2014 The year of 4K UHD?
Form Factor Changes Will Drive PremiumizationCurv
ed OLED commands a greater premium than
UHDSamsung and LG are now merging UHD, curved
screens and OLED to drive premiumizationTVs are
getting bigger UHDs Success Will Rely on
ContentUHD native video content is expensive and
almost non-existent at presentNetflix and
streaming will dominate UHD content in
2014Partnerships will lead to streaming-capable
Smart UHD TVsSamsung has expanded its UHD HDD
offering AppendixDefinitionsSources
Complete Report _at_ http//www.marketreportsonline.c
om/311674.html . Buy Report _at_
se.php?name311674 .