Title: Eliminating Illegal Logging: A Business Approach
1Eliminating Illegal LoggingA Business
- The Forest Dialogue
- March 8, 2005
- John Heissenbuttel, Vice President, Forestry
Wood Products - American Forest Paper Association
- AFPA Policy Statement on Illegal Logging
- Presidents Initiative on Illegal Logging
- Illegal Logging and Global Wood Markets The
Competitive Impacts on the U.S. Wood Products
Industry - Illegal Logging Enforcement Alliance
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program
3AFPA Position Statement on Illegal Logging
- Adopted by AFPA Board January 2002
- Obey domestic and sovereign laws
- End illegal logging in protected areas
- Support government monitoring and assessment
- SFM Certification can help but is not the solution
4Presidents initiative Against Illegal Logging
- Announced July 2003
- Assist developing countries combat illegal
logging - Good governance
- Community-based actions
- Technology transfer
- Harnessing market forces
5Illegal Logging and Global Wood MarketsThe
Competitive Impacts on the U.S. Wood Products
- Prepared for AFPA by
- Seneca Creek Associates, LLC
- and
- Wood Resources International, LLC
6Study Background Scope
- Provide perspective and context, i.e. how valid
are reported estimates? - Analyze impacts of illegally produced and traded
wood products on the ability of U.S. producers to
export into key overseas markets - Review institutional and government initiatives
7Reported Estimates of Illegal Logging
Reported in the Literature
Analyzed Log Supply (Production Plus Imports)
All Species, All Sources
Tropical Imports Only
Tropical Hardwood Only
Imports Only
Source Seneca Creek Associates, LLC
8Illegal Forest Activity Represents
- Between 5 and 10 of global roundwood production
- Between 3 and 10 of global lumber and plywood
production (all species) - Between 15 and 20 of global production of
hardwood lumber and plywood
9Corruption Illegal Logging
Source Transparency International WRI/SCA
10Increase in US Wood Product Exports due to
Elimination of Illegal Logging
Based on GFPM simulation, opportunity cost for
U.S. exporters is at least 460 million annually
Cumulative 4.6 billion Average 460
11Selected Findings/Observations
- Suspicious wood products depress world prices
- Opportunity cost can be measured
12Goal Reduce the Cost Spread
Legitimate Material
Illegal Material RISK
13Goal Not Widen the Cost Spread
Legitimate Material
Illegal Material RISK
14Selected Findings/Observations
- Illegal Activity Confused with Sustainable
Management - Primarily a symptom of unclear or poorly enforced
forest tenure, weak political institutions,
corruption, inadequate natural resources planning
and monitoring, and lax enforcement of sovereign
laws and regulations.
15Selected Policies/InitiativesWill They Eliminate
Illegal Logging?
- FLEG (T)
- EC bilateral agreements to create a Timber
Licensing System - Shipments of logs, lumber and plywood would
require a certificate of legality - Green Procurement Policies
- Guidelines for legal, legal and progressing
toward sustainable, and legal and sustainable - UK Central Point of Expertise on Timber (CPET)
advises on validity of certification programs
16Alliance to Combat Illegal Logging
- Conservation International and AFPA
- Identify and develop cost effective means of
identifying commercial scale, illegal logging
activities in globally significant protected
areas (i.e. national parks)
17Alliance to Combat Illegal Logging
- Support enforcement of laws
- Reach out to responsible, local forest sector
companies and other interested parties for their
18Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program
- 2005-2009 SFI Standard
- Objective 8. To broaden the practice of
sustainable forestry through procurement
programs. - including efforts to thwart illegal logging.