Title: Faral Aluminium Radiators - AEL Heating
1AEL Heating Solutions
2Who We Are
- We are company in business since 1972
- We offer high standards of heating equipments and
products - Our work has started a breakthrough in energy
conservation - We have a equipments compatible with traditional
and modern heating systems in homes and offices
3What We Offer
- Aluminium radiators
- Faral radiators
- Designer radiators
- Cast iron radiators
- Radiator valves
- Commercial gas boilers
- Plate heat exchangers
- Heat recovery equipment
- Radiator guards
4Why Us
- We offer quality products
- A wide variation of boilers, radiators and heat
recovery equipments - Friendly customer service
- Supportive technical support department
- We provide consultation and advice
5Contact Us
- Address
- 4 Berkely Court, Manor Park,Runcorn,
Cheshire, WA7 1TQ, UK - Call 01928 579 068
- Fax 01928 579523
- Email sales_at_aelheating.com
- http//www.aelheating.com/