Title: Vaccine Refusal and Risk of Vaccine Preventable Diseases
1Vaccine Refusal and Risk of Vaccine Preventable
Saad B. Omer, MBBS MPH PhD Emory University,
Rollins School of Public Health
2Impact of Vaccines on Infectious DiseasesUnited
3Evolution of Immunization Program and Prominence
of Vaccine Safety
Chen, CDC
4School Immunization Requirements in the United
- State laws (not federal)
- Major role in low rates of vaccine preventable
diseases - Exemptions
- Medical
- Religious
- Personal belief (philosophical) exemptions (21
5Relative Risk of Measles and Pertussis
inExemptors from School Laws
Measles Pertussis
- CO (1987-98) 22 5.9
- U.S. (1985-1992) 35
Feikin et al. JAMA. 2000 Salmon et al, JAMA.
6Complexity of Administrative Procedures to Obtain
Exemptions Proportion of Children with
Source Rota et al., AJPH, 2001
7Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
8Associations between State Exemption Policies and
Pertussis Incidence, 1986-2004
Adjusting for allowing parental signature for
school immunization forms, proportion inside
urbanized area, income (11 categories), and
education (7 categories)
Omer et al., JAMA, 2006
9State Policies
- Easy process High exemption rates
- Exemption rates associated with individual risk
of pertussis measles - State policies Disease
10Model legislation
- AAP (AR Chapter), JHBSPH, AR Med Society
- Precedence of public health interests
- Imposing mandatory requirements in low-risk
situations - Ultimate authority to public health agencies
11Non-Medical Exemptions by year1991 - 2003
12Nonmedical Exemptions for States With Religious
Exemptions and With Personal Belief Exemptions
-1991 - 2004
Only Religious Exemptions Permitted
Personal Belief Exemptions Permitted
Exemption Rate
Omer , Pan, Halsey et al., JAMA, 2006
Data updated
13Nonmedical Exemptions by Ease of Exemption 1991
- 2007
Easy Exemption Policy
Medium Exemption Policy
Difficult Exemption Policy
Omer , Pan, Halsey et al., JAMA, 2006
Data updated
14Variability in Vaccine Refusal
- Number of exemptors affects the incidence of
measles in nonexempt populations - e.g. school-based outbreaks associated with
exemption rates - Within-state variability in implementation of
Feikin et al. 00 Salmon et al., 99 05
15Relative Locations of Pertussis Space-time
Clusters Exemptions Spatial Clusters
Omer , Enger, Moulton et al., 2008
16Locations of schools included in exemption
clusters in California and Massachusetts
17Incidence Rate Ratios (IRR) of Pertussis in
Census Tracts Inside vs. Outside Exemptions
18WA State Counties School Entry Exemption
19Vaccine Delay
- Novel vaccine schedules
- Consequences not studied in detail
- Risk of vaccine preventable diseases is not
constant across childhood - Vaccine delays may leave young children
vulnerable - Potential exacerbation of health inequities
20MMWR, 2008
21MMWR, 2008
22Measles Outbreaks in England Wales
MMWR, 2008
23Risk vs. Benefit Calculus for MeaslesAn example
24Mechanisms to Ensure Vaccine Safety
- Animal testing
- Pre-licensure Clinical (Human) Trials
- Phases I, II, III
- Post-marketing Surveillance
- Phase IV studies, VAERS, CISA, VSD
25Institute of Medicine
- Established in 1970
- Congressionally chartered independent
organization - Science-based adviceĀ on biomedical science,
medicine, and health issues - Represents mainstream expert opinion
26IOM Immunization Safety Review on Vaccine and
- the body of epidemiological evidence favors
rejection of a causal relationship between the
MMR vaccine and autismthe body of
epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a
causal relationship between thimerosal-containing
vaccines and autism.
27Thank You!
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