Title: CA Firm Delhi - Call 9540003546
1Smart Accounting
We keep your Business Financials on Track
Does Your Business has
As well as providing all the standard accountancy
services you'd expect, we review all aspects of
your business. Then we give you practical
business development advice together with expert
advice on tax.
We're not interested in just looking at your
accounts once a year. We want to review your
business throughout the year and play an active
role in your business development.
We are mastering in Numbers
Neusource Process Outsource Private Limited
Corporate Office A - 96, Shanker Garden, opp.
Vikaspuri P.S., Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110018
(India) Ph. 91-11-45542840 Fax
91-11-28533269 Client Care Line 91-954 000
3547 (Heena)
Business is all about play to win in Numbers,
with Numbers, by the Numbers
Email info_at_neusourceindia.com,
neusourceprocess_at_gmail.com Website
2A Add Value to Business
S Statutory requirements are met
We have recently introduced the SMART accounting
concept. It explains the essential elements of
ideal accounting in a business. It also
elaborates our services appropriate to your
business as we want to help you
M Maintains Internal Control
T Techno - Savvy
R Reliable
Statutory requirements are met
Add Value to Business
A Business has to follow various statutes and
it's the duty of your accounts department to
keep a
Accountants can add value to an organization by
pursuing different alarming situations
condition that need immediate action or
check on filings deposition of fee/ Taxes, due
to the government. As well as they should also
take care of all renewable licences/
permissions. They also need to be equipped
attention like
Providing information for decision making and
planning Assisting managers in directing and
controlling operations
Measuring the performance of activities, subunits
and employees Assessing the organization's
competitive position
enough to claim subsidies/ Benefits refunds
receivable from the
Motivating employees toward the organization's
goals their targets