Company Law

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Company Law


Promoters have the following liabilities under the Companies Act, 1956 They can be liable for non compliance of the provisions of the Act Severe penalty may be ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Company Law

Company Law
What is a company?
  • A Company is a voluntary association of persons
    formed for the purpose of doing business, having
    a distinct name and limited liability.
  • They can be incorporated under the Companies Act
    (it may be any type of company)
  • Corporations enacted under special enactments (
    Even those which are incorporated outside India)
  • Corporate sole
  • Any other body corporate notified by the central

Features of a company
  • A company is considered as a separate legal
    entity from its members, which can conduct
    business with all powers to contract.
  • Independent corporate entity (Saloman V. Saloman)
    It is independent of its members and shareholders

Other features
  • Limited Liability ( either by share or guarantee)
  • It can own property, separate from its members.
    The property is vested with the company, as it is
    a body corporate.
  • The income of the members are different from the
    income of the company ( Income received by the
    members as dividends cannot be same as that of
    the company)

  • cont.

Features continued..
  • Perpetual succession Death of the members is not
    the death of the company until it is wound up
  • As it is a legal entity or a juristic person or
    artificial person it can sue and be sued
  • The company enjoys rights and liabilities which
    are not as that of the members of the company

Lifting of Corporate Veil
  • As the company is a separate legal entity , is
    has been provided with a veil, compared to that
    of individuals who are managing the company.
  • But if the court feels that such veil has to been
    used for any wrongful purpose, the court lifts
    the corporate veil and makes the individual
    liable for such acts which they should not have
    done or doing in the name of the company

Circumstances to lift the corporate veil
  • The corporate veil can be lifted either
  • under the
  • Statutory provisions or
  • Judicial interpretations
  • The statutory provisions are
  • Provided under the Companies
  • Act, 1956
  • The other circumstances are decided
  • through Judicial interpretations, which
  • are based on facts of each case as per
  • the decisions of the court

Statutory circumstances for lifting the corporate
  • Reduction in membership- Less than seven in
    public company and less than two if it is a
    private company
  • Failure to refund application money- After the
    issue of shares to the pubic, the company has to
    pay back the initial payment to the unsuccessful
    applicants (SEBI Guidelines- 130 Days), if they
    fail to do so, the corporate veil can be lifted.
  • Mis-description of companies name- While signing
    a contract if the companys name is not properly
    described, then the corporate veil can be lifted.

  • Misrepresentation in the prospectus- (Derry Vs
    Peek) In case of misrepresentation, the
    promoters, directors and every other person
    responsible in this matter can be held liable.
  • Fraudulent Conduct- In case the company is
    carried on with an intent to defraud the
    creditors, then the court may lift the corporate
  • Holding and subsidiary companies- A subsidiary
    has a distinct legal entity from the holding
    company other than in a few circumstances, so if
    otherwise shown, the court may under the Act ,
    lift the corporate veil of the subsidiary

Circumstances to lift the corporateveil through
judicial interpretations
  • When the court feels that there are no statutory
    provisions which can pierce the corporate veil,
    and the identity of the company is not the one
    which has to exist, and the court has to
    interfere in order to avoid the activities that
    are done in the name of the company by persons
    managing them, it has been empowered to do so
  • The circumstances are..

Judicial interpretations by the court are as
  • Protection of Revenue- When ever a company uses
    its name for the purpose of tax evasion or to
    circumvent tax obligations
  • Prevention of fraud or Improper conduct- The
    incorporation has been used for fraudulent
    purpose, like defrauding the creditors, defeating
    the purpose of law etc..
  • Determination of the character of the company-
    Enemy company or all the members being the
    citizens of the enemy country. (Daimler Co. Ltd
    V. Continental Tyre Rubber Co. Ltd)

Other circumstances
  • Where a company is used to avoid welfare
    legislation- If a company is formed in order to
    avoid the benefits to the workers like bonus, or
    other statutory benefits..
  • For determining the technical competence of the
    company- To look into the competency of the
    company or the shareholders or promoters
  • (New Horizons Ltd and Another V. Union of
  • (1994)

Types of Companies
  • Limited Company ( Limited by share or by
  • Unlimited company
  • Government Company
  • Foreign Company
  • Private Company
  • Public Company

Limited Company
  • Limited by Shares- In such companies, the
    liability is only the amount which remains unpaid
    on the shares.
  • Limited by Guarantee not having share capital-In
    this type of companies the memorandum of
    Association limits the members liability. It
    will be based on the undertaking that has been
    given in MOA for their contribution in case of a
    winding up.
  • Limited by guarantee having share capital- In
    such cases , the liability would be based on the
    MOA towards the guaranteed amount and the
    remaining would be from the unpaid sums of the
    shares held by the person concerned.

Unlimited Company
  • There is no limit on the liability of the
    members. The liability in such cases would extend
    to the whole amount of the companys debts and
  • Here the members cannot be directly sued by the
  • When the company is wound up, the official
    liquidator will call upon the members to
    discharge the liability.
  • The details of the number of members with which
    the company is registered and the amount of share
    capital has to be stated in the Articles of
    Association (AOA).

Government Company
  • When 51 of the paid up share capital is held by
    the government.
  • The share can be held by the central government
    or state government. Partly by central and partly
    by two or more governments.
  • As the legal status of the company does not
    change by being a government company, there are
    no special privileges given to them.

Foreign Company
  • A company incorporated outside India, but having
    a place of business in India.
  • If it does not have a place of business in India
    but only has agents in India it cannot be
    considered to be foreign company.

Private Company
  • A company which has a minimum of two persons.
    They have to subscribe to the MOA and AOA
  • It should be have a minimum paid up capital of 1
    lakh or more as prescribed by the article.
  • The maximum number of members to be fifty ( it
    does not include members who are employed in the
    company, persons who were formerly employed)
  • The rights to transfer the shares are restricted
    in the Private companies

  • continued.

  • Prohibits any invitation to the public to
    subscribe and therefore it cannot issue a
    prospectus inviting the public to subscribe for
    any shares in, or debentures of the company
  • It prohibits acceptance of deposits from persons
    other than its members, directors or their
  • If two or more are holding one or more shares in
    a company jointly, they shall for the purpose of
    this definition, be treated as a single member.
  • As there is no public accountability like a
    public company, there is no rigorous surveillance.

Exemption and Privileges of a Private company
  • It can have a minimum of two members.
  • It can commence business immediately after
    obtaining certificate of incorporation.
  • It need not issue prospectus or statement in lieu
    of prospectus.
  • It can have a minimum of 2 directors.
  • It need not hold statutory meeting or file
    statutory report with the ROC.

Public Company
  • A Public company means a company-
  • gt Which is not a private company
  • gt Which has a minimum paid-up capital of Rs 5
    lakh or such higher paid-up capital, as may be
  • gt Which is a private company and is a not a
    subsidiary of a company, which is private
  • gtIt includes- any company which is a public
    company with a paid up capital of less than 5
    lakh, then it has to enhance its paid up capital
    as per the statutory requirement

Conversion of Company
  • The Act provides for conversion of public company
    into a private company and vice versa
  • A private company is converted into a public
    company either by default or by choice in
    compliance with the statutory requirements.
  • Once the action for conversion takes place then,
    a petition can be filed with the central
    government with the necessary documents for its
    decision on the matter of conversion

Registration and Incorporation
  • Association of persons or partnership or more
    than 20 members ( 10 in case of banking) can
    register to form a company under the Companies
    Act, 1956
  • If they do not register they can be considered to
    be illegal association. The contract entered into
    by this illegal association is void and cannot be
    validated. Its illegality will not affect
    its tax liability or its chargeability
  • The certification of incorporation is the
    conclusive evidence, that all the requirements
    for the registration have been complied with the

Incorporation of a Company
  • The persons who conceive an idea of a company
    decide and do the necessary work for formation of
    a company are called the promoters of the
  • The Promoters are the persons who decide on the
    formation of the company.
  • The promoters of a company stand undoubtedly in a
    fiduciary position though they are not the agent
    or a trustee of a company. They are the ones
    who create and mould the company.
  • They may have to enter into pre-incorporation
    contracts , which can be validated after the
    incorporation of the company for obtaining
    certificate of incorporation.

  • They can be remunerated for their services, but
    they have to enter into a contract before the
    incorporation of the company through a pre
    incorporation of the company
  • They will usually act as nominees or as the first
    directors of the company
  • They enter into contracts after the incorporation
    and before the commencement of business.
  • But they need not compulsorily participate in the
    formation of the company.

  • Sometimes , a few persons may only act as
    professionals who help the promoters on behalf of
    the company.. like the solicitor, chartered
    accountant etc.. and get paid for their services.
  • The promoters in most of the cases decide as to
    What is the type of a company to be formed?
  • In India promoters generally secure the
    management of the company that is formed and have
    a controlling interest in the companys management

Legal Position of the Promoters
  • They cannot make profit at the expense of the
    company, which they have promoted without the
    knowledge and consent of the company. In case
    they do so , they may be compelled to account for
  • They cannot sell their property to the company at
    a profit unless all the material facts are
    disclosed at the independent board of directors
    or the shareholders of the company.
  • If they do so, the company may repudiate the
    contract of sale or confirm the sale after
    recovering the profit made by the promoter.

Promoters have the following liabilities under
the Companies Act, 1956
  • They can be liable for non compliance of the
    provisions of the Act
  • Severe penalty may be imposed
  • The court may suspend the promoter from taking
    part in the management of the company
  • Liable for any untrue statement in the prospectus
    to the person who has subscribed for any shares
    or debentures on the faith of the prospectus
  • The liabilities are .
  • a) to set aside the allotment of shares,
  • b) sued for damages,
  • c) sued for compensation
  • d) criminal proceedings

The requirements are as follows
  • Application for availability of name
  • Preparation of MOA and AOA
  • Selection and finalization of MOA and AOA- Its
    printing, stamping and signing
  • Preparation of other necessary documents
  • Filling of the required documents for
    Registration to obtain certificate of
    incorporation and Certificate of commencement
    of business

Memorandum of Association
  • It is the charter of the company
  • It contains the fundamental conditions upon which
    the company can be incorporated
  • It contains the objects of the companys
  • The company has to act within objects specified
    in the MOA
  • It defines as well as confines the powers of the
  • Any thing done beyond the objects specified in
    the MOA will be ultra vires. Their transactions
    will be null and void
  • The outsider have to transact looking into the MOA

Conditions of the MOA
  • It should be printed
  • Divided into paragraph and numbers consecutively
  • Signed by at least seven persons or two in case
    of public and private company respectively.
  • The signature should be in the presence of a
    witness, who will have to attest the signature
  • Members have to take shares and write the number
    of shares taken with full address

The MOA of the Limited Company
  • The name of the company with limited as the
    last word
  • The name of the state where the registered office
    of the company is to be situated
  • The objects of the company stating the Main
    objects and the other objects
  • The declaration about the liability of the
    members is limited ( limited by shares or
  • The amount of the authorized share capital,
    divided into shares of fixed amounts.

The Compulsory Clausesin MOA
  • The Name Clause it decides on the name of the
    company based on the capital involved
  • The Registered Office Clause- where it has
    registered its head office and other branch
    office ( The registered office can be changed
    with the permission of the ROC)
  • The Object Clause- Main object, ancillary object
    and the other objects of the company are clearly
    specified ( Ashbury Railway Carriage Co V.
    Riche). The applicable doctrine here is the
    Doctrine of Ultra Vires beyond the powers of the
    company (opposed to Intra Vires)

  • The Liability Clause- What is the liability of
    its members.. limited by shares or guarantee or
    unlimited, there can be alteration in the
    liability clause
  • The Capital Clause - The amount of the nominal
    capital of the company, number of shares in which
    it is to be divided alteration of the capital
    clause etc
  • The Association or Subscription clause- Where the
    subscribers to the MOA declare that they
    respectively agree to take the number of the
    shares in the capital. It has to have the
  • a) They have to sign in the presence of two
    witnesses, who attest the signatures,
  • b) The subscriber to take at least one share.
  • c) After the name the subscriber has to write
    the number of shares taken

Doctrine of Ultra Vires
  • The powers exercisable by the company are to be
    confined to the objects specified in the MOA.
  • So it is better to define and include the
    provisions regarding the acquiring of business,
    sharing of profits, promoting company and other
    financial, gifts , political party funds etc
  • If the company acts beyond the powers or the
    objects of the company that is specified in the
    MOA, the acts are considered to be of ultra
    vires. Even if it is ratified by the all the
    members, the action is considered to be
  • Even the charitable contributions have to be
    based on the object clause. ( A Lakshmanaswami
    Mudaliar V. LIC of India)

The consequences of the ultra vires transactions
are as follows
  • Injunction
  • Directors personal liability.
  • If a property has been purchased and it is an
    ultra vires act, the company can have a right
    over that property.
  • The doctrine to be used exclusively for the
    companies interest.
  • But the others cannot use this doctrine as a tool
    to attack the company

Articles of Association
  • It is the companies bye- laws or rules to govern
    the management of the company for its internal
    affairs and the conduct of its business.
  • AOA defines the powers of its officers and also
    establishes a contract between the company and
    the members and between the members inter se
  • It can be originally framed and altered by the
    company under previous or existing provisions of

  • AOA plays a subsidiary part to the MOA
  • Any thing done beyond the AOA will be considered
    to be irregular and may be ratified by the
  • The content of the AOA may differ from company to
    company as the Act has not specified any specific
  • Flexibility is allowed to the persons who form
    the company to adopt the AOA within the
    requirements of the company law
  • The AOA will have to be conversant with the MOA,
    as they are contemporaneous documents to be read
  • Any ambiguity and uncertainty in one of them may
    be removed by reference to the other.

Contents of the AOA may be as follows
  • Share capital
  • Lien on shares
  • Calls on shares
  • Transfer and transmission of shares
  • Forfeiture of the shares
  • Surrender of the shares
  • General meetings
  • Alteration of the capital
  • Directors etc..
  • Dividends and reserves
  • Account and audit
  • Borrowing powers
  • Winding up
  • Adoption of the preliminary contracts etc.

Doctrine of Constructive notice and Indoor
  • Persons dealing with the company have to satisfy
    themselves. But need not know the internal
    irregularity. Royal British Bank V. Turquand
    (Turquand Rule) Directors issuing a bond.
  • The doctrine of Constructive notice can be
    invoked by the company to operate against the
    persons dealing with the company.
  • The outsider cannot embark, but only can acquaint
    upon the MOA and AOA. (Official Liquidator,
    Manasube Co Pvt Lid V. Commissioner of Police)

Exceptions to the Doctrine of Where the outsider
cannot claim the relief on the grounds of
Indoor management
  • Knowledge of irregularity
  • No knowledge of articles
  • Negligence
  • Forgery
  • Non- Existent authority of the company

Raising of Capital From Public
  • The companies can raise money by offering
    securities for sale to the public.
  • They can invite the public to buy shares, which
    is known as public issue.
  • For this purpose the company may issue a
    prospectus, which may include a notice circular,
    advertisement or other documents which are issued
    to invite public deposits.

  • It is an invitation issued to the public to
    purchase or subscribe shares or debentures of the
  • Every prospectus must be dated. The date of
    publication and the date of issue must be
    specifically stated in the prospectus.
  • The golden rule of the prospectus is that every
    detail has to be given in strict and scrupulous
    accuracy. The material facts given in the
    prospectus are presumed to be true.( New
    Brunswick and Canada Railway. Land Co. Vs.

Various forms in which the prospectus can be
  • Shelf Prospectus Prospectus is normally issued
    by financial institution or bank for one or more
    issues of the securities or class of securities
    mentioned in the prospectus.
  • There can be deemed prospectus also if it is
    issued by the issue house
  • Information Memorandum It means a process,
    which is undertaken prior to the filing of
  • Even an Advertisement , that the shares are
    available is considered to be prospectus

Contents of the prospectus
  • General information
  • Capital structure
  • Terms of present issue
  • Management and projects
  • Management and perception of risk factor
  • It is compulsory to register the prospectus
    with the Registrar

Civil Liability for MisstatementsIn case of any
untrue statement in the prospectus
  • The liability will be on the director of the
    company , whose name was written during the time
    of issue
  • The persons who have authorized their names to be
    theirs in the prospectus to be named as directors
  • Promoter
  • Every person including the person who is an
    expert and has authorized his name to be issued
    with the prospectus

Remedies for misstatements in the prospectus
  • Relying on the prospectus if any person buys
    shares, the person may
  • Rescind the contract ( only when there is
    misrepresentation relating to the material facts.
  • The rescission has to be done within a
    reasonable time
  • Claim damages- it can be claimed from the
    directors, promoters or other persons who has
    authorized their name to be written during the
    issue of the prospectus

Share Capital
  • Share Share is defined as an interest having a
    money value and made up of diverse rights
    specified under the articles of association.
  • Share capital Share capital means the capital
    raised by the company by issue of shares.
  • A share is a share in the share capital of the
    company including the stock.
  • Share gives a right to participate in the profits
    of the company, or a share in the assets when the
    company is going to be wound up.

Other features of a share
  • A share is not a negotiable instrument, but it is
    a movable property.
  • It is also considered to be goods under the Sale
    of Goods Act, 1930.
  • The company has to issue the share certificate.
  • It is subject to stamp duty.
  • The Call on Shares is a demand made for payment
    of price of the shares allotted to the members by
    the Board of Directors in accordance with the
    Articles of Association.
  • The call may be for full amount or part of it.

Share Certificate and Share Warrant
  • Share Certificate The Share Certificate is a
    document issued by the company and is prima facie
    evidence to show that the person named therein is
    the holder ( title) of the specified number of
    shares stated therein.
  • Share certificate is issued by the company to the
    ( share holder) allottee of shares.
  • The company has to issue within 3 months from
    the date of allotment. In case of default the
    allottee may approach the central government
  • Share Warrant The share warrant is a bearer
    document issued by the company under its common
    seal. As share warrant is a negotiable
    instrument, it is transferred by endorsement and
    by mere delivery like any other negotiable

Kinds of shares
  • gtPreference shares- It can be further classified
  • Participating preferential shares.
  • Cumulative preferential shares
  • Non Cumulative preferential shares
  • gtRedeemable Shares and
  • gtIrredeemable Shares
  • gtEquity or ordinary shares
  • gtShares at premium
  • gtShares at discount
  • gtBonus shares
  • gtRight shares

Transfer and Transmission of shares
  • AOA provides for the procedure of transfer of
    shares. It is a voluntary action of the
  • It can be made even by a blank transfer In such
    cases the transferor only signs the transfer form
    without making any other entries.
  • In case it is a forged transfer, the transferors
    signature is forged on the share transfer
  • Transmission of shares is by operation of law,
    e.g. by death, insolvency of the shareholder etc.

Buy-Back of Securities
  • The company may purchase its securities back and
    it is popularly known as buy back of shares
  • To do so , the company has to be authorized
    under the AOA.
  • The company has to comply with the provisions of
    the Company law to buy back its securities.
  • The listed company has to seek permission from
    the SEBI (SERA 1998). Specifically for the
    private company etc, the Buy Back Securities
    Rules1999 will be applicable.

  • The sharing of profits in the going concerns and
    the distribution of the assets after the winding
    up can be called as dividends
  • It will be distributed among the shares holders
  • The dividends can be declared and paid out of
  • Current profits
  • Reserves
  • Monies provided by the government and the
    depreciation as provided by the companies.
  • It can be paid after presenting the balance
    sheet and profit and loss account in the AGM

  • Other than the equity shareholders, even the
    preferential shareholders can get the dividends.
    Rather they are the first ones to get the
  • Dividends are to be only in cash, if otherwise
    specified in the AOA.
  • In exceptional cases, even the central government
    may permit the payment of interest to
    shareholders , even though there is no profit.

  • The Legal Status of the director
  • The director occupies the position of a
  • As a Trustee- In relation to the company
  • As Agents- When they act o n behalf of the
  • company
  • As Managing Partner-As they are entrusted with
    the responsibility of the company
  • Qualification Shares
  • In case there is requirement as per the
    AOA for the director is bound to buy
    qualification shares
  • If acts are done by the director prior to he
    or she being disqualified, the acts are
    considered to be valid.

  • As per the company law, the following
  • persons are disqualified from been appointed
  • as a director
  • Unsound mind
  • An undischarged insolvent
  • A person who is convicted by the court
  • Who has applied for being adjudged insolvent
  • Not paid for the call on shares
  • Persons who are already directors in maximum
    number of companies as per the provisions of the
    Act or
  • Any other person who has been disqualified by the
    court for any other reason

Appointment of Directors
  • The appointment can sometimes be by based on the
    proportional representation like minority
  • There can be alternate directors, additional
    directors, casual directors.
  • The third parties can appoint the directors
  • Other than the shareholders and the first
  • directors ,the central government and
  • NCLT may also appoint directors.

Duties and Liabilities of the Directors
  • Fiduciary Duties
  • To act honestly and with good faith
  • Not to use confidential information of the
    company for their own purpose
  • Duty of Care and to act reasonably while acting
    for the company
  • Statutory Duties
  • Not to contract with company, where he/she or his
    relative has an interest in the contract
  • where he/she has a interest, they need to inform
    the board or seek prior approval while entering
    into contract, otherwise the contract is voidable
  • Duty to attend and convene meetings
  • Duty not to delegate

The directors liabilities
  • The liability of the directors can be either
    civil or criminal.
  • If provided in the MOA, the liability may be
    unlimited, for a limited company, otherwise it
    may be altered.
  • Liability may be for breach of fiduciary duties
  • The directors are personally liable for the
  • a) Ultra vires acts
  • b) malafide acts
  • c) negligent acts
  • d) liability for the acts of third parties

Criminal Liability
  • Liability of the director for any untrue
    statement in the prospectus
  • Inviting any deposits in contravention of the law
  • Liability for false advertisement
  • Failure to repay the application money, which was
  • Concealing the names of the creditors
  • Failure to lay the balance sheet.
  • Failure to provide information to the auditor etc

Company Meetings
  • A meeting may be convened by the director,
    requisitionist, or the NCLT
  • Notice to be given by the secretary after the
    time and place have been fixed by the directors
  • Even the shareholders can call a meeting as an
    extraordinary general meeting (EGM)
  • The NCLT can call an Annual General Meeting

Classification of Meetings
  • Shareholders meetings
  • a) Statutory meetings ( which happens only
    once in the lifetime of the company)
  • b) EGM- Convened to transact some special or
    important decision to be taken
  • c) Class meetings- This is the meeting of
    the shareholders- which is convened by the
    class of shareholders based on the kind of shares
    they hold.
  • continued..

Other meetings
  • AGM-it can be conducted based on the provisions
    given in the Articles or by passing a resolution
    in one AGM for the subsequent AGMs
  • Board Meetings- This is conducted for the smooth
    running of the company and for collectively
    taking the decisions. The meetings may be
    conducted to call on shares, issue debentures,
    borrow money, to make loans, To invest the funds

How to conduct meeting?
  • Written notice to be given
  • Notice to be issued under the authority of the
  • In case of failure to give a notice, the persons
    concerned may be punished with fine and the
    proceedings of the meeting will be rendered

  • A motion when passed is called a resolution.
  • The resolution in the General body meetings can
    be an ordinary resolution
  • ( Simple majority) and special resolution.
  • Special resolution- ( notice of 21 days to be
    given) the notice has to specify the purpose. The
    number of votes to be cast in favour of the
    resolution is to be three times the number vote
    cast against.

Quorum and proxy
  • The minimum members to be present must be
    according to the provisions of the law.
  • Public company ( minimum Five) and private
    company (minimum of 2)
  • The quorum must be those members who are eligible
    to vote in respect of the agenda of the meeting.
  • If the quorum is not present within half an hour
    from the appointed time, either the meeting
    stands dissolved or may be adjourned in the same
    day next week or any other as may be determined
    by the directors
  • A person in case of being incapable to attend a
    meeting and who is eligible to vote may appoint a
    proxy in writing to attend the meeting of the
    member and vote on his or her behalf. The proxy
    can only vote and cannot participate in the

Compromise, Reconstruction and Arrangement
  • Reconstruction includes reorganization,
    arrangement and amalgamation.
  • Arrangement includes all forms of reconstructing.
  • It has been broadly defined as all forms of
    capital reorganizations either by consolidation
    of shares or division of shares or both
  • Reorganization and arrangement are done when
    there is only one company is involved

  • continued.

  • Reconstruction can be effectively done through a
    compromise or arrangement.
  • To do so the meeting or the members or the
    separate class of the shareholders has to be
    conducted or in case of winding up the meeting to
    be called by the liquidator
  • Even a banking company (sick bank) may be
    reconstructed or amalgamated by the central
    government on the basis of the Reserve Banks
    application for a fixed period of time.
  • The reconstruction or amalgamation can be done
    with any other banking institution.

Scheme to be approved
  • Any kind of scheme to be accepted, it has to get
    approval from the members or the members may
    reject the scheme.
  • After the scheme is approved by voting, the court
    has to sanction the scheme or reject, if it is
    against the public interest or if it feels that
    the scheme is not beneficial.
  • The legal provisions vary based the mode of
    scheme adopted by the company.

Modes of Reconstruction or Amalgamation
  • By sale of undertaking- it can be the whole or
    part of sale ( the court will decide)
  • By sale of shares ( Maximum number of companies
    adopt this scheme- In such schemes the shares are
    sold and registered in the name of the purchasing
    company or on its behalf. The shareholders
    selling the shares are compensated either by cash
    or with the shares of the acquiring company.
  • Amalgamation can take place even for the sake of
    Public interest by the central government. In
    such cases, it will be notified in the official

Mergers, Acquisitions and Take over of companies
  • Merger connotes union of two or more commercial
    interests, corporations, undertakings, bodies or
    any other entities.
  • Fusion of two or more corporations by the
    transfer of all property to a single corporation.
    It is used as a synonym for amalgamation. Even
    the Act makes no distinction between merger and

The changing of legal entity after mergers and
  • In a merger- one of the company loses its
    corporate existence and the survivor company
    acquires the assets as well as the liabilities of
    the merger company.
  • In acquisition, it is acquiring the ownership in
    the property is the purchase of a controlling
    interest in the share capital of another
    existing company. It is an act of acquiring asset
    and management of the company.

Winding up
  • It is the process whereby the life of the company
    is ended and its property is administered for the
    benefit of its creditors and members.
  • During this process a liquidator is appointed to
    take control of the company. The liquidator will
    be responsible for the assets, debts and final
    distribution of the surplus to the members.
  • It is the process for discharge of liabilities
    and returning the surplus to those who are
    entitled for it.
  • But even a company which is making profit can be
    wound up is the special feature of winding up ,
    which is different from that of the process of

How can be company be wound up?
  • By passing a special resolution
  • If there is a default in holding the statutory
  • Failure to commence the business
  • If there is reduction in the membership of the
    minimum number of members as per the statutory
  • If it not able to pay its debts

Modes of winding up
  • Compulsory winding up under the supervision of
    the court
  • (Reasons as stated in the previous slide)
  • Compulsory winding up may happen for just
    and equitable reasons also.
  • The just and equitable grounds can be like
    loss of substratum , where there is dead lock in
    the management, etc
  • Voluntary winding up ( Members voluntary winding
    up and creditors voluntary winding up)
  • Voluntary winding up subject to the supervision
    of the court.

Winding up procedure
  • A petition for winding up has to be filed by the
    concerned person to the prescribed authority
  • Liquidator to be appointed to safeguard the
    property of the company
  • Then the court will hear the matter and pass
    necessary orders. It can dismiss the petition or
    pass an order of winding up

Dissolution of the company
  • When the company ceases to exist as a corporate
    entity for all practical purposes it is said to
    have been dissolved.
  • Dissolution has to be declared by the court.
  • It will not be extinct and will be kept under
    suspension for 2 Years.
  • The order has to be forwarded by the liquidator
    to the Registrar of the Companies within 30 days
    from the date of the order of dissolution.
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