Title: Know About Superfood And The Expert Ayurveda Doctors
1Ayurvedic Doctors
- By Ayurveda-doctor.org
- Ancient story says that Ayurveda was discovered
by the Indian Sages around 5000 years ago. Entire
Ayurveda depends on the plants. According to
recent research, more or less all plants contain
some powerful medical properties.
3Over weight??
- Losing extra fat through several exercises or
diet can become very challenging. But don't worry
Ayurveda is there for you. It is one of the
simplest way to reduce fat as it is free from all
side effects.
4Summer Foods
- Ancient principles of Ayurveda believes in
eating according to season. Seasonal foods are
very much helpful to increase the immunity level
as these foods or 'superfood' contain minerals,
vitamins etc. It also prevents several diseases.
Expert Ayurveda doctors also recommend various
food like Corn, Spices, Grilled Chicken etc.
5Deal With Stress
- As we know that stress has become a part of
our life. You can control it through massage
therapies, Meditation and yoga.
6Contact Us
Dharma Ayurveda Ayirooppara, Thiruvananthapuram S
outh Kerala, South India Pin 695584 Telephone
094 95 669999 Website http//www.ayurveda-doctor.
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