Title: Celebrating 40 Years of Vatican II: Gaudium et Spes
1Celebrating 40 Years of Vatican IIGaudium et
- Diocese of Joliet
- Timothy Mullner, General Manager,
2Helping adults, teens, and children to
Know, Love, and Serve Jesus!
3Ministry in the 3rd Millennium
4The challenge of effective faith formation
5Making the connection between life faith
6Fostering Catholic identity
7- Where were you during Vatican II?
- In the generation of renewal since the Council,
what have we LOST - And, what have we GAINED?
8Blessed Pope John XXIII
- Humble roots
- Diplomatic experience
- Ability to connect faith and life
- Sense of humor
- Traditio Aggiornamento!
9Bringing the Council to Life
- 1. Calling the Council
- 2. Synod in Rome
- 3. Close Vatican I
- 4. Worldwide Consultation
- 5. Preparatory Period
- 6. Council Rules
- 7. Bishops Arrive Opening Speech
10The Councils Impact
- Liturgy Eucharist as source summit
- Church Identity The People of God
- Universal Call to Holiness flowing from Baptism
- The Church IN the Modern World
- Role of Laity Marketplace Church
- Ecumenism Ut Unum Sint
- Religious Freedom Informed conscience
- The Call to Discipleship and Steward We are in
communion for mission!
11Gaudium et Spes The Church in the Modern
- Not planned for during the preparatory period
- Addressed to all humanitypeople of goodwill A
FIRST! - International, transglobal, ecumenical
- Is the result of and fosters Dialogue
12Where did the document come from?
- Blessed Pope John XXIIIs opening speech, October
11, 1962 - The Councils Opening Message to Humanity
- Speech by Belgian cardinal, Leon-Josef Suenens,
December 4, 1962 (V1 to V2) - Support Cardinals Augustin Bea, Giacomo Lecaro,
Giovanni Battista Montini - Presented for debate October 20, 1964 (in
French, not Latin)
13The DebatesOctober 20, 1964
- Subcommittes for doctrinal biblical soundness,
and the signs of the times - Secretary, Fr. Bernard Häring worked with Fr.
Haubtmann, Paris who drafted the text - January 31 February 6, 1965 29 council
fathers incorporated amendments - March 29- April 6, 1965 final draft ready
- Final vote December 7, 1965 2,309 to 75
14Prefaceproclaimed by Pope Paul VI, December 8,
- The joy and hope, the grief and anxiety of the
people of this age, especially those who are
poor or in any way afflicted this is the joy
and hope, the grief and anxiety of the followers
of Christ. (1) - The presence and function of the Church IN the
modern world. (2) - We wish to enter into dialogue with the whole
human family (3)
15Part One The Church and Humankinds
- To understand the world we must read the signs
of the times (4) - Signs rapid change, more wealth, growing
poverty/illiteracy, more freedom, social
psychological slavery, brink of unity
interdependence, drive for better world yet
without spiritual advancement - Technological transformationadvances in social
science, biology, pyschology, etc.
16Mores Signs of the times
- New social organization, urbanization
- Efficient media
- Migration
- Young people not waiting to take role
- While science and knowledge address superstition
and magical world view, more are abandoning
religionsee art, humanities, history, and civil
law (7)
- Family is in tension (households)
- Resulting inmistrust, division, hardship (8)
- A movement to extend social benefits to the
worlds starving, women, workers, farmers (9) - A movement toward universal community
- Leaves us with What is the human person? How
do we respond to evil? What can we expect from
life? What follows?
18Ch. 1 The Dignity of the Human Person
- Imago dei (Gen. 126-31)
- Created for interpersonal communion (12)
- Separated by sin (13)
- Called to live the Incarnation (14)
- Following an inner law (conscience) 16
- Authentic freedom means responsibility (17)
- Death and atheism (18-22)
- The truth and meaning of our lives is wrapped up
in the mystery of Christ, the Incarnate Word of
God. (22)
19Harmartia Sin To miss the mark. Shub
1,000 xs To transgressbreak the Law.
- Name the joy and hopes, the griefs and
anxieties of todays culture - What needs to happen in parish life to respect
the dignity of the human person?
21Ch. 2-3 The Community of Humankind and Our
Activity in the World
- Gods plan communion (Jn. 17)
- Foster the common goodhuman life, economic,
social, and political conditions (26) - Dignity rights of human person (Rahner)
- Save the least of these (Mt. 25)murder,
genocide, abortion, euthanasia, self-destruct. - EUJD Dialogue
- Use the benefits of creation for ALL (34)
22Ch. 4 The Role of the Church in the Modern World
- A leaven and soul for society (40)
- Offers light, guidance, and the energy of love
(42) - Connects faith and everyday life (43)
- A visible sign of unity, speaking the language of
the people - In order to build Gods Reign (45)
23Part 2 Problems of Special Urgency Ch. 1
Marriage Family Life
- A community of love (47)
- Conjugal love is sacramentala mutual service to
each other (48) - Procreative AND unitive (50-51)
- Regulation of birth by methods approved by the
Church - Family is a kind of school of deeper humanity.
(52) - What are families asking of the parish today?
24Ch. 2 The Proper Development of Culture
- Community livinglanguage, practices, customs,
laws, arts, science, and beauty(53) - New humanism responsible for each other (54)
- Increase exchange among cultures (56)
- See Principles 57 60
- Emotional balance (61)
- The Deposit of Faith is one thing, the way it is
expressed is another (62)
25Ch. 3 Socio-Economic Life
- Move beyond being hypnotized (63)
- Address the inequitiesrich poor
- Economic development vs. growth at all costs
(65) - Balance labor and leisure (ludere to play)
- Value of workers and self direction (unions)
- Be good stewards of the earth (69)
- Public vs. private ownership ( 71)
26Ch. 4 The Life of the Political Community
- Foster an inner sense of justice, generosity,
service to others (73) - Ask How does government make folks more
civilized, peace-loving, and eager for the common
good? (74) - VOTE (75)
- The Churchs role is to introduce love and
justice, not govern society (76) - Why is Faithful Citizenship an important movement
in the Church?
27Ch. 5 Fostering Peace a Community of
- Peacea harmony built into societyan outcome of
justice (79) - Defense is one thingoffense is another
- Total war is condemned (Pacem in Terris)
- Nobody wins the arms race (81)
- Principles for international development (86-90)
- Desire for ongoing conversation with all people
of goodwill, those who seek goodness and truth,
excluding no one, even those who hate the
Churchso we can build peace with all (92)
28Continuing the Spirit of Vatican II
- WAKE UP (Word)
- Name some ways we sleep walk through the DAZE
of the our lives - CELEBRATE (Worship, Community)
- I am grateful to God for
- GO FOR IT (Service, Vocation, Stewardship)
- Are you in the very best position to use your
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preparation resources forReconciliation
30Godgrant me the serenity
- To prioritize the things I cannot delegate.
- The courage to say No! when I need to.
- And the wisdom to know when to go home!
- AMEN!!!