Title: Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Faculty 1 - English
1Braunschweig University of Technology
Prof. Dr. mult. Dr. h. c. Ali Müfit
Bahadir Vice-President for Research, Junior
Scientists and Technology Transfer
Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Faculty November 2007
2Braunschweig University of Technology
- Founded 1745
- 6 Faculties, 5 on Science
Technology - 12,500 Students
- 2,600 Employee, incl. 10 Prof.
- 200 Mio. Budget incl. 45 Mio. Third-Party
Historical Building of TU Braunschweig
3Braunschweig University of Technology
Historical Building of TU Braunschweig
4Strategic Research Fields of the University
Life Sciences
Construction and Environment
Information Communication Technology
Mobility and Transportation
5- Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Faculty
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Computer Sciences
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
6Research focused on Mathematics for Industry and
(Financial) Services
- System Reduction for IC Design in
Nanoelectronics - Georeferencing
- Optimal Routing for Rail Traffic
- Statistical Methods for Crash Data
Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Faculty Dept. Mathematics
7Interdisciplinary research fields Complex
Information Processing Systems in Engineering,
Science, and Medicine
- embedded application systems
- communication and mobile distributed systems
- visualization, data analysis, and modeling
Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Faculty - Dept. Computer
8Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Faculty Dept. Social
- Department of Social Sciences
- Three Divisions
- Political Sciences
- Sociology
- Media Sciences
9Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Faculty Dept. Social
Teaching and Research
Teaching is oriented at most recent scientific
results and professional requirements
- Students are included in research projects
- Change from Industrial to Service Society
- Service Work in the Future
- Humanitarian Interventions
- Environmental Protection and Development
- Mobility and Traffic
10Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Faculty Dept. Economics
Teaching and Research on
- Business Administration
- Business Information Systems
- Production and Logistics
- Marketing
- Finance
- Law
11Networks of the Dept. Economics