Title: Stories of Hiroshima Bombing (1945)
1Stories of Hiroshima Bombing (1945)
"Little Boy" --the atomic bomb dropped on
Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. "Fat Man" --dropped
on Nagasaki August 9, 1945.
- Summer Flower 1947
- Human Ashes 1966
- Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)
2Hiroshima literature
- First generation witness account or realistic
descriptions of the victims - second- generation survivors with a broader
perspective, acknowledge clearly that Japan and
the Japanese were partly to blame (as aggressors
in the Pacific War, and also their invasion of
3First Reactions
- First experience of the bombing in the three
stories p. 38 p. 68-69 - lack of understanding, puzzled at not seeing
holes 42 helpless - losing contact with the surrounding, numbness p.
73 helping, or being selfish - Gaps in memory (it meeting the teachers
wife), non-verbal memories - First reactions
- Disgust at injuries 41 45 71
- Wandering or escaping to the river
4Hara Tamiki (1905-1951)
- An English major familiar with Russian lit,
wrote poems himself, too. - Summer Flower in 1947
- The Land of Heart's Desire in 1951.
- -- A suicide note in the form of an account of
troubled dreams recalling memories of the
Hiroshima bombing. - -- The author committed suicide in 1951, when
there were rumors about the use of A-Bomb in the
Korean war.
5Summer Flower
- A straightforward account of scenes witnessed by
the author after the bomb was dropped on
Hiroshima. The story begins with the narrator
visiting the graves of his wife and parents three
days earlier, and concludes with a friend
searching for his wife's remains mingled with the
bones of her pupils in the ruins of the girls'
school where she taught. He says that the ruins
of his house reminded him of The Fall of the
House of Usher. The author, who published this
narrative in 1947, committed suicide in 1951.
6Summer Flower Verbal Construction of
non-verbal memories
- Irony the wifes grave, flower and
incense?Fumihiko 51 Ns experience 53-54 - Central Pattern searching (to satisfy basic
needs) and meeting the injured among broken
pieces and corpses. - Dominant images
- the tree 40 memory of childhood
p47?voices(46-47) and corpses 51 (haunting
7Katsuzo Oda Human Ashes (1969)
- a boys experience of displacement and his
adolescent desires 64 - avoiding his aunt, 64 looking for the aunt 79,
seeing the teachers wife 82
8Human Ashes (1969)
- Compared with Summer Flower, does the narrator
of this story show greater distance from, or
better understanding of, the event? - Why does the story take a diary form? Do you see
other literary techniques here?
9Human Ashes (1969)
- Other Ironies
- Respect for soldiers/authorities and even
kamikaze (?????) Death of the figures of
authorities - the role of the military 64 a soldier in
uniform 65-66 - ? Dragonfly 69 the lieutenant 71 the student
73 Ichikawa? P. 72 - People losing their mind (72 74)
- People unable to help each other p. 74 violent
when it gets to getting food (crackers) ? - Order and calm only apparent p. 76
- nightmare of childhood
- Ash-Covered bodies with oil and sweat, streams of
blood (76) ?Human ashes
10Hiroshima mon amour (1959)
- What is the film about?
- -- The atomic destruction of Hiroshima and the
psychological consequences of World War II?
Director Alain Resnais  ScriptMarguerite
Duras Actors Emmanuelle Riva  Eiji
11General Introduction Background
- 1959 the beginning of French New Wave also
the year when Godard's Breathless, Truffaut's The
400 Blows were released. - Resnais By 1959 Resnais had produced a lot of
documentaries e.g. 1955 Night and Fog, which
Godard has called a documentary on the memory of
Auschwitz. - After seeing the documentaries already produced
on Hiroshima, Resnais changed his mind, asking
Duras to write the script for him.
12General Introduction Impossibility of Historic
- Reenacting the pain and horror of such events
cannot be portrayed in a documentary manner - such representation is possible only if it is
mediated through human experiences of love and
death. - Plot -- the sexual tryst between the French
actress, who is married, and her Japanese lover,
an architect who is also married,
13General Introduction Structure and Plot
- But the story goes deeper as they dig up her
past, and they have a mutual recognition. - five panels (not labeled, as such in the film
itself) Prologue, Night and Morning, Day, The
Café by the River, and Epilogue. -
14General Introduction Structure and Plot (2)
- five panels (not labeled, as such in the film
itself) Prologue, Night and Morning, Day, The
Café by the River, and Epilogue. -
15Starting Questions
- What does the beginning shots of the film mean?
And the opening sequence? - "You saw nothing in Hiroshima. Nothing," "I saw
everything.... Every thing." What does she see?
16Remembering and Seeing
- Bodily memory, or enactment of ones memory.
(bodies in sex bodies covered by atomic ashes) - Opposed to the visualization of memories
museum, park, newsreel, and a film about "peace."
17What she sees
- Hospital with patients averting their faces,
documentaries, Hiroshima park and museum
18Hiroshima at the present time
19Lui (Him) and Elle (Her)
- Both traumatized
- I was never younger than I was in Nevers.
20Forgetting the past
21Torn between the Past, the Present and future
22Saying Goodbye to both the Past or the present?
- Walking thru Hiroshima, with flashbacks of
Nevers. - Elle I consigned you to oblivion.
- Lui Were sad about leaving each other
24The ending
- What does it mean to call each other by the name
of their cities?
25For next week Obasan
- A story about the Japanese experience of WWII,
both in Canada and in Japan. (Three generations,
Issei, Nisei, Sansei.) - Protagonist, Naomi Stephen (3rd), separated
from her mother before the war against Japan
started experience two fold relocation (from
Vancouver to Slocan to Alberta) - lives with their uncle and aunt (Obasan),
visited by another aunt (Nisei) - The present Naomi a timid and unsocialable
school teacher. - The uncles yearly ritual on 8/9 (? 1951 the
bombing of Nagasaki)
26For next week Obasan (2)
- The death of the uncle brings Naomi back to
Obasans house, the question about the mother
arises again. - Aunt Emilys package ? Naomi starts to remember
the past - The present moment Obasans package (with the
grandmothers letter)
27Our focus the mothers silence and final
- the avenues of silence are the avenues of speech
228 233 - There is a silence that cannot speak there is a
silence that will not speak.