Title: Extinction
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5Coring Glacial Ice
6Ice Core Data
7Pollen core data collection
8Pollen Core Data
9Distribution of North American Trees in past
16,000 years
10Black-tailed prairie dog
11Northern bog lemming
12Eastern chipmunk
13Global Ice Coverage Last Ice Age
14Rainforests in a. Glacial period, b.
Inter-glacial period
15Global carbon cycle
16Carbon dioxide concentration at Mauna Loa
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18Model projections of global temperature change
19Current distributions of biomes
20Predictions for biomes after global warming
21The Earth Ice Free
22Global Ice Coverage Last Ice Age
23Will species be able to survive current climate
24Pikas may run out of mountaintop
25What makes species vulnerable to extinction?
The dodo
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27Passenger pigeon
28Passenger pigeon
29Allee Effect
- Some species have a minimum requirement for
population size in order to successfully breed
30Characteristics that predispose species to
becoming extinct
- 1. habitat overlap - the species occupy habitat
that is desirable to humans and lose out in
competition with humans for the habitat -
tallgrass prairie species - 2. human attention - species suffer because
singled out by humans - either desired as food or
fur and hunted heavily (passenger pigeon, dodo,
northern elephant seal) or disliked by humans
and killed as varmints (wolves, African wild
dogs) - 3. large home range requirements - animals
needing large areas cant find large enough areas
in human dominated landscape - California condor - 4. limited adaptability and resilience - Pacific
salmon return to natal stream to reproduce wont
go elsewhere
31Konza Prairie Kansas
32African wild dog
33California condor
34Coho salmon
35Salmon Life Cycle
36Salmon support 137 species
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