Title: One Man
One Mans Story of Success
Rick Weaver
Chief Inspiration OfficerLifeteacher.com New
York, NY
Wednesday, August 20, 2008Marriott Houston
Airport at George Bush Intercontinental
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3One Connection Can Make A Difference
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5When we get too caught up in the busyness of
the world, we lose connection with one another -
and ourselves. Jack Kornfield, Ph.D./ Buddhist
6- Truly effective and lasting human connections
require - Authenticity
- Honesty
- Humility
- No Ulterior Motive - Not Afraid of Telling
the Truth - Modest / Egoless
7Association Meeting Planner
Hotel Sales Professional
Coach, Speaker, Facilitator
8Association Meeting Planner
- Developed human connections through meetings
events - Meeting and exceeding internal client objectives
- Providing opportunities for attendees to network
- Highlighting physical without minimizing
9Hotel Sales Professional
- Developed human connections through the trade
associations - Got involved in the association and gave back
- Developed relationships that went deeper
- Allowed connections to help me design a new life
10Coach, Speaker, Facilitator
- Developed human connections through education
knowledge - Connect individual coaching clients to their
dreams - Use my platform to impact peoples lives in a
profound way - Guide attendees along a path of knowledge
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12There were times in my career that others had to
carry me
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14Connection Methods - Technology
- Phone/Fax
- Email
- Instant Messaging
- Blogs/Forums
- Social Networking (LinkedIn, FaceBook, etc.)
- Video Conferencing
15Connection Methods - Physical
- Face to Face (whether scheduled or spontaneous)
- Hand written cards notes
- Baby Holding
- Adult Day Care
- Volunteering at local charity
- Get involved in your community
- Religious or Spiritual Gathering
16Connection Methods - Emotional
- Recognition of a friend, family member or
colleague - Doing something nice for someone anonymously
17In the Experience Economy, the philosophy is that
up to now, we have focused most of our efforts on
pricing commodities, goods and or services.
For some time, we have been emerging into a new
era of thought where we are finding that what our
customers really want is an experience that keeps
them coming back for more.
18People Pay For Experiences
because there is an emotional connection of some
kind to that experience. When that emotional
connection is there, they potentially will pay
over and over for that experience.
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20My success has come as a direct result of the
connections I made in MPI. My success and the
realization of my dreams happened because I
wasnt afraid to reach out, step out of my
comfort zone and connect.
21Ask yourself these 3 questions
1. Am I making the most of my human connections?
2. In the connections I do have, am I authentic,
honest humble?
3. Whats keeping me from raising the bar and
connecting more?
22I joined MPI because I had to I stayed because
23Human Connections Can Make A Difference
One Mans Story of Success
Rick Weaver
Chief Inspiration OfficerLifeteacher.com New
York, NY