Title: Geography Final Review
1Geography Final Review
2Easy Ways to Remember States
U tah C olorado A rizona New Mexico
Wyoming WHYoming ??????
- CCalifornia
- O Oregon
- W Washington
3Easy Ways to Remember States Continued
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Nebraska
- Kansas
- Oklahoma
- Texas
Never Sleep Near Kevin's Old Tennis Shoes
4Easy Ways to Remember States Continued
- Minnesota
- Iowa
- Missouri
- Arkansas
- Louisiana
Many Sodas In Missouri Are Luscious
5Easy Way to Remember Stated Continued
- Mississippi
- Alabama
- Georgia
Kentucky (fried chicken) Tennessee (on a plate)
Vermont New Hampshire
6Physiographical Features
- The Great 5 Lakes
- H uron
- O ntario
- M ichigan
- E rie
- S uperior
S uperior M ichigan H uron E rie O ntario
Mt. McKinley in Alaska part of Brooks Range.
Mt. Whitney in California part of the Sierra Nev
Sally's Mom Hates Eating Olives
7Physiographical Features Continued
Mountain Ranges
Rocky Mountains is the mountain range west of
the Great Plains. Appalachian Mountains are the
main chain that runs through the east.
Sierra Nevada Range separates California and
Nevada. The Cascade Range is the tallest range
in Washington and Oregon. The Coastal Range ru
ns along Californias Coastline.
From Brooks Range in Alaska you can see the
North Pole.
The Great Plains are between the Rocky Mtns. And
the Mississippi River. The Great Plains are also
known are the Great American Desert.
The Great Basin covers most of Nevada and are
surrounded by mountains. The Coastal Plain is th
e Flatland that is on the Coastline of the Gulf
of Mexico. The Coastal Plains extend from the Ch
esapeake Bay to the east of Florida.
Central Valley lies between the Sierra Nevada's
and the Coastal Range.
8Physiographical Features Continued
The Gulf of Mexico is west of Florida and is an
extension of the Atlantic Ocean.
Chesapeake Bay is located east of our nations
capital. The San Francisco Bay is the largest
bay in California.
The Hudson River empties into the New York
Harbor. The Mississippi River is the largest riv
er by volume in the U.S. The Ohio River forms a
border between Kentucky and Indiana.
The Missouri River forms a border between Iowa
and Nebraska. The Colorado River flows through t
he Grand Canyon. The Rio Grande forms between Me
xico and the U.S. The St. Lawrence River runs ea
st from Lake Ontario to the Atlantic Ocean.
The Columbia River forms a border between
Washington and Oregon.
9Latitude and Longitude
- Latitude Lines run east and west but measure
north and south
Longitude lines run north and south but measure
east and west
The equator is a latitude line that is 0
degrees. Latitude lines are parallel and the sa
me distance apart Tropic of Cancer and Capricor
n are Latitude lines at 23.5 degrees
Latitude lines are longest at the equator and
decrease in size as the measure towards the north
and south poles.
The prime meridian is a longitude line at 0
degrees Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich E
ngland. International Dateline is the 0 degree l
ine on the other side Longitude lines are also k
nown as meridians Longitude lines meet at the no
rth and south poles Longitude lines stay the sam
e length
10Flat Map Vs. Sphere
- A Sphere is more accurate then a Flat Map
- A Flat Map is more distorted further away from
the equator
11Compass Rose
The Cardinal Points are N,S,E,W
The Intermediate Points are NW,NE, SW,SE
12- The End and Good Luck on Your FINAL!!!