DB3002 Model Organisms The Mouse - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DB3002 Model Organisms The Mouse


Sequence homology not as good as monkeys, but much better than chick, fish, frogs ... been easier in frogs, fish, and chicks (but they are not as genetically ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: DB3002 Model Organisms The Mouse

DB3002Model Organisms - The Mouse
  • J Martin Collinson
  • School of Medical Sciences
  • University of Aberdeen
  • m.collinson_at_abdn.ac.uk Tel F55750

Mice used in the lab
The standard lab mouse has been derived from
wild strains of the common field or house mouse
Mus musculus. Other species, such as Mus
castaneus and Mus spretus, have also been taken
into the lab. They can hybridise with M.
musculus and are used primarily for genetic
Why is the mouse used as an experimental animal
in developmental biology?
  • It is a mammal, like humans
  • Other lab mammals include rat, macaque, opossum,
    dog, cat, sheep. Some of these are better for
    physiological, neuroscience, or medical
  • But mice are small (cheaper to house and feed),
    breed quickly, fully sequenced, and facilitate
    powerful genetic analyses.
  • Embryology resembles human. Can genetically
    mutate them to create models of human disease

Sequence homology to humans
Sequence homology not as good as monkeys, but
much better than chick, fish, frogs
Mouse genetics
  • Developed out of mouse fancy
  • Breeding unusual-looking mice for fun was popular
    pastime for Victorian gentlemen selecting for
    spontaneous mutations. The fancy continues today.

Splotch and Steel
Some fancy mice have been characterised as
mutations in important developmental genes.
Inbred Strains
  • We are all individuals all genetically
    different hair and skin colour, body shape,
  • For controlled experiments in developmental
    biology, we normally want all the mice to be
    genetically identical.
  • So a number of inbred mouse strains have been
    created such that each individual of the same
    strain should be genetically the same.
  • Brother-sister matings (mice dont mind)

  • At every locus (gene) a wild population of
    animals will be polymorphic, i.e. lots of
    different alleles for any particular gene.
    Contributes to genetic variation in population.
  • Inbreeding reduces genetic variation by
    increasing homozygousity at each locus (gene).
  • After about 10 generations of brother-sister
    matings from consequetive litters, every mouse in
    the colony will be effectively genetically
  • Doing this lots of times, starting with different
    wild founder mice has allowed the creation of
    dozens of different inbred mouse strains.
  • You might want to think about how inbreeding
    reduces genetic variation in the population and
    why it is bad in wild populations.

Some inbred lines
Balb/c the common white mouse CBA/Ca
agouti 129/Sv used for ES cells C57Bl/6
black Differences in gene alleles, single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and
microsatellite markers between different inbred
strains have been very well mapped we know how
they differ genetically. They breed OK and are
reasonably healthy, but not as healthy as outbred
mice. So outbred, genetically variable strains
are also maintained. e.g. CD1, CF1, Swiss
Breeding system of mice and early development is
largely like human
Sperm meets egg (oocyte)
Fertilised egg zygote 1-cell embryo
Outer layer of blastocyst, the trophectoderm,
contributes to the placenta, the inner cell mass
makes the embryo and some extra-embryonic tissues
Dont try and remember all this Important to
see that the mouse embryo (the apple green bits)
develops in a cone shape to begin with, and
undergoes gastrulation in a complicated 3-D
system. Not just complicated, but hidden in
uterine walls difficult to study The 3D
arrangement is not like frogs, chickens, fish,
and is even different from humans, but the
tissues and genes involved are the same.
Towards the end of gastrulation, the embryo
starts to turn, from lying on its stomach, to
form the familiar curled up embryo
shape. Although 3D arrangements at
gastrulation are very different for different
vertebrates, they converge on a common Bauplan
arrangement even mammals have gill sltis at this
stage and then subsequently diverge away again
to form their various body shapes.
The periods shown here, from head-fold stage at
E8.5, to birth after E18.5, are most easy to
access (dissection relatively straightforward),
and are the periods when most organogenesis is
occurring. Hence most mouse developmental
studies look at these stages.
Timed matings
Mating happens at night and embryogenesis is
internal how do you know when the embryos are
at the right stage to study? When mice mate,
male leaves a seminal plug in female can check
for it every morning. 12 noon on the day plug is
found is taken as half a day of gestation
(E0.5). E3.5 blastocyst stage E5.5
gastrulation E8.5 E9.5 embryo turning,
closure of neural tube, heart starts to
pump. E12.5 limbs developing, CNS starts to
make connections and become functional E19 E20
born. Motor functions and CNS not yet fully
formed. Much of development is postnatal.
Accessing the mouse embryo
  • In vitro embryo culture
  • now relatively straightforward between E8.5 and
  • Can treat embryos pharmacologically or
    electroporate DNA in
  • In utero surgery
  • Possible to open up mum, and operate on embryos,
    then sew mum up.

Males XY. Females XX therefore to maintain gene
dosage, early in embryogenesis every cell in the
female heritably shuts down one of its X
chromosomes (either the maternal or paternal one)
(can see it condensed as Barr body). Every
time a cell undergoes mitosis, the same X
chromosome (maternal or paternal) is condensed in
the daughter cells.
Cornea of female mouse heterozygous for an
X-linked LacZ expressing transgene in of female
mouse. Some cells silence the LacZ transgene
early in development. Some silence the LacZ-.
After X-Gal staining (turns LacZ cell blue) see
clones of blue and white cells that reveal tracks
of cell migration across cornea
  • We inherit 2 copies of each gene, one paternal
    and maternal.
  • For most genes, both the paternal and maternal
    alleles can be expressed.
  • But for a subset of genes, only the maternal or
    paternal allele is expressed, the other one is
    permanently silenced (e.g. by methylation).
  • E.g.
  • insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) only the
    paternal copy of the gene is ever expressed
  • but for its receptor, IGF2r only the
    maternal copy is ever expressed Dads allele is
    shut down.
  • http//users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyP

  • Imprinting means that if experimentally you try
    to create an embryo by fertilising an oocyte
    with the nucleus of another oocyte (rather than a
    sperm), it will always die, because it lacks any
    expression of imprinted genes that require to be
    on the paternal chromosome.
  • And vice versa.
  • Failure to inherit paternal or maternal alleles
    may cause diseases and cancer.
  • Mice are at the forefront of study of mechanisms
    (and reasons for) imprinting.

The mouse as a modern genetic tool
  • Transgenesis and gene knockout.
  • Gene knockout by homologous recombination in ES
    cells. Research in mice pioneered the discovery
    and use of ES cells.

Embryonic Stem (ES) Cells are derived from the
inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst, i.e. the
bit that forms the embryo.
Culture, disaggregate, maintain (feeder layer or
ES cells in culture
Embryonic Stem (ES) Cells are derived from the
inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst. They
can be maintained, with care, for a long
time. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) prevents
their differentiation They are pluripotent can
be made to differentiate into many cell types in
culture, and will contribute to all parts of the
embryo if reintroduced into a blastocyst.
It is possible to remove (knockout) genes from ES
cells and then use these knockout ES cells to
make knockout mice. Uses a process of crossing
over - homologous recombination - to replace a
functional gene with a non-functional piece of
DNA - the targeting vector. Homologous
recombination usually occurs during meiosis
Suppose you want to replace this red bit of DNA
(in the cell) with a yellow bit of DNA that you
have made.
Knocking out genes by homologous recombination in
ES cells - need to make a targeting vector
Endogenous gene
Targeting vector (a piece of DNA)
regions of homologous DNA sequence
Bathe ES cells in media containing the targeting
vector Electroporate pass electric shock
through them.
Over the next couple of days, most ES cells will
expel or degrade any DNA they took up A small
proportion will integrate targeting vector into
their genome. A small proportion of those
cells that integrate targeting vector will do so
by homologous recombination. Select
electroporated cells using neomycin and
reintroduce into a blastocyst.
Integration of target vector by homologous
recombination followed by positive/negative
Functional gene has been removed from genome, and
as free-floating DNA will be chewed up by enzymes
in nucleus and lost. neoR stably replaces it.
Use of ES cells to produce genetically modified
transgene electroporation
Analyse survivors and grow up clones of
successfully transfected cells
Implant into uterus of host female
Inject into ICM of host blastocyst (normally
The recipient female is mated with a vasectomised
male. Over the next 2 days, her uterine wall
swells and vascularises, ready for implantation
of blastocysts
Uterine transfer of chimeric blastocysts
The female gives birth to a litter of variably
chimeric mice
Mate chimeric mice with wild-type
Some of the progeny will carry the required
genetic modification
  • The mouse is used in developmental biology
    partly because it is a small, cheap, mammal,
    which can be a good model for human genetic
  • It has been developed as a very sophisticated
    genetic tool that lends itself to forward and
    reverse genetic analysis.
  • Disadvantages are practical and logistic it is
    still not as cheap or small as some other models,
    and there are greater ethical issues than other
  • Also embryogenesis is internal, not easily
    experimentally accessible.
  • Most work on signalling during early
    embryogenesis up to around gastrulation has been
    easier in frogs, fish, and chicks (but they are
    not as genetically accessible).
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