Fast Vesicle Transport in PC12 Neurites: Velocities and Forces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fast Vesicle Transport in PC12 Neurites: Velocities and Forces


Much is still unknown about the mechanisms of kinesin, especially in-vivo ... Chick embryo neurons. Same patterns as PC-12? Changes over more limited lifetime? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fast Vesicle Transport in PC12 Neurites: Velocities and Forces

Fast Vesicle Transport in PC12 Neurites
Velocities and Forces
  • D.B. Hill, M.J. Plaza, K. Bonin, G. Holzwarth
  • Department of Physics
  • Wake Forest University

Why Do We Care?
  • Much is still unknown about the mechanisms of
    kinesin, especially in-vivo
  • A major part of how cells work!
  • Kinesin was only theorized but not fully
    discovered until mid-1980s
  • Drug delivery to different areas within the cell
  • Understanding transport along nerves to better
    understand human neurodegenerative diseases where
    this transport is deficient (Alzheimers disease,
    retinitis pigmentosa)
  • http//
  • Elucidate the mechanical task motor proteins must

Objectives of this Paper
  • To measure the velocities, forces and work
    required to move vesicles in-vivo
  • To compare these to the limits established for
    kinesin in solution.
  • Specifically, looking at fast transport of
    vesicles by kinesin along microtubules
  • To measure the viscoelastic drag forces and
    compare these to buffer, w/ very little drag
  • To note patterns in the movement of vesicles that
    may indicate discrete numbers of kinesin proteins
    carrying the vesicle load
  • Are the velocities of the vesicles dependent on
    the number of motors carrying them?

What is Kinesin?
  • A single motor protein that moves vesicles,
    organelles, etc. from place to place inside cells
  • Converts ATP to mechanical work for each step
  • Walks in a foot-over-foot fashion
  • Moves along cytoskeletal tracks - microtubules
  • From to direction
  • (Dynein moves from to )
  • Is more delicate in structure than Dynein
  • In nerve cells, moves biochemical information,
    food, etc. from cell body to nerve endings
  • Is only in eukaryotic cells . Guess why!

The Ministry of Silly Walks
  • How kinesin walks
  • http//

Anterograde vs. Retrograde
  • Anterograde Away from the cell body
  • Retrograde Towards the cell body
  • Axons Take information away from cell body
  • Dendrites Bring information to the cell body
  • 3 kinds of cellular transport
  • Fast anterograde axonal transport
  • Slow axoplasmic flow
  • Fast retrograde axonal transport.
  • In mammal neurons fast 70-300 mm/day

Key Concerns
  • Most kinesin studies were done in-vitro
  • Glass slide covered with fixed kinesin proteins,
    moving microtubules along
  • Immersed in a watery buffer solution, with little
    drag on the movement
  • We want to know how kinesin works in-vivo
  • Many more factors to consider here
  • Fixed microtubules, kinesin moves
  • Viscosity of cytoplasm (differs by a factor of
    10,000-100,000 from buffer!)
  • Viscoelastic drag
  • Physical obstacles (other vesicles, proteins,
  • Load on kinesin 3 orders of magnitude greater

The In-Vitro Way
  • Microtubule gliding assays
  • Kinesin-covered glass coverslip, moving
    microtubules in buffer
  • http//

The In-Vivo Way (Materials and Methods)
  • PC-12 cells cultured, adhered to coverslip
  • Placed in a chamber, maintained at 35oC
  • Chamber on stage of Nikon E600FN microscope w/
    60x water immersion lens
  • DIC (Differential Interference Contrast)
  • CCD camera to take movies
  • Contrast enhancement and background subtraction
  • Series of 128 images saved as one movie
  • Vesicle tracking (anterograde and retrograde) and
    determination of vesicle velocity through pattern
  • Analysis of observed motion
  • Viscoelastic properties determined by brownian
    motion of vesicles in cytoplasm near growth cone

Why PC-12 Cells?
  • Rattus Norvegicus adrenal gland cancerous
    immortal cell line
  • Very hardy in cell culture
  • Can differentiate easily just add nerve growth
  • Form neurites, which are like axons in neurons in
    that they are long, straight extensions of the
  • Adhere easily to growth plate, easy to see
    transport along long neurites (long stretches in

Background Findings
  • In-vitro, with increasing velocity, the retarding
    force on microtubules moved by one kinesin is
  • 2 and 3 kinesins moving a microtubule is
    extrapolated to also face diminishing forces with
    increasing velocities
  • In vitro, no change in velocity with the number
    of motors expected (forces are very small)
  • Using Stokes Law, the drag force experienced by
    a vesicle in vivo goes up rapidly with increasing

Stokes Law
  • An expression for the drag force on spherical
    objects moving through a viscous fluid
  • F6?RnV
  • F is the drag force
  • R is the radius of the sphere
  • n is the viscosity
  • V is the velocity through a continuous fluid.

Vesicle Movement and Tracking
  • Jerky motion saltatory motion
  • http//
  • Pattern recognition program through
  • P pattern
  • I subsequent images
  • N number of pixels in the pattern

Vesicle Radius Determination
  • Latex beads of known size as a control
  • Seen through DIC image
  • Then measured diameter through dark/light
    (minimum/maximum) across a vesicle
  • Compared magnitude reading on line scan to known
    magnitudes of latex beads using same method
  • Vesicle radii around .35 - .40 micrometers

  • Bottom figure with background subtraction and
    contrast enhancement methods
  • Movement of vesicles watched in real-time
  • Trackable vesicles imaged, recorded, tracked,
    and velocities determined
  • Distance vesicle travelled found by sum of
    incremental distances between frames by

Results Continued
  • Total data set
  • 57 vesicles
  • 9 different PC-12 cells
  • 50-128 frames (6-15 seconds of vesicle motion)
  • Plotting d/t showed velocities at constant speed
    for 0.5-2 s, and then an abrupt shift to
    different constant speed

Analysis Model-Free
  • Significance of velocity fourier transformed
    with distance (r) and time before and after a
  • Same FT velocities, randomized order, plotted
    alongside found vs.
  • Below 8 rad/s 0.8 s, vs persist.
  • Additionally, velocity data fit to a Lorentzian
    function where ? are the velocities, ?0 is at a
    maximum when ?0 ?, and ? is the full width at
    half the maximum value in the plot of velocities.
  • Fit was not good here.
  • Best fit occurred when ? 11.3 /s

Constant Velocity Segments
  • Note segments of constant velocity
  • Line-segment fit of data, with deviation of data
    from the line as Xr2 (reduced mean-squared error)
  • Scanned 2-12 segment fits, lowest Xr2 determined
    best of segments for set
  • Inset shows Xr2 values for all 2-12 segments.
    Lowest Xr2 value is the optimal fit.
  • Here, 7 segments is best

Histogram of Scaled Velocities
  • Top (experimental velocity/minimum sustained
    speed) for each vesicle
  • When single-vesicle data gt randomized data, the
    scaled velocity is significant
  • Note discrete significant peaks at 2, 3, and 4 (
    of kinesins)
  • Bottom Z is a measure of deviation for each of
    the bars shown in top graph
  • Values greater that 2 or less than 2 are
    considered significant v/v0 values.

Brownian Motion
  • Drag force using Stokes Law, needs
    viscoelasticity of cytoplasm
  • Viscosity found for vesicles in growth cones near
  • Saw no brownian motion in neurites
  • Inset found viscosities, ?, vs. time

Displacement ?r squared vs. time interval between
observations ?
Final Results
  • 4 anterograde vesicles shown, with their
    respective drag forces calculated with Stokes
  • 3 segments of constant velocity shown for each
  • Middle segment (F2) has lowest drag force for all
    4 vesicles
  • Proves that in cell (in-vivo) velocity and drag
    force are directly proportional.

  • Vesicles move along microtubules in 1-2 s
    step-like constant-velocity segments
  • A constant baseline velocity is usually
  • Possible explanations
  • of motors carrying vesicle changes discretely
    from 1, 2, 3, 4 kinesins at one time
  • of microtubules the kinesins travel on change
    and vesicle is being transported (not favored b/c
    vesicles dont change speeds at exactly the same
    place So no microtubule railroad switchyards
  • Viscosity different in different parts of the
    neurite (not favored for same (not favored b/c
    vesicles dont change speeds at exactly the same
  • Authors favor first argument

Arguments for Discrete Numbers of Kinesins During
Vesicle Transport
  • Anterograde motion in PC12 neurites governed by
    kinesin, as in neural axons, according to
    literature (so weve got the right protein)
  • Electron micrographs show transported
    mitochondria with 1-4 kinesins carrying them. (So
    were not terribly off on the of segments)
  • Other literature also show step-like velocity
    changes in transport along microtubules
  • Found in gliding assay that velocities decrease
    w/ increasing load when low of kinesins, but
    not high (So the number of motors does affect

My Thoughts (agreements/disagreements)
  • Although viscosity may not change markedly at one
    particular place, what about a dynamic flux of
    differing viscosities, that flows randomly
    throughout the cell, affecting velocity?
  • What about the possibility that ATP hydrolysis of
    each kinesin step is not at a constant rate

Future Work
  • Chick embryo neurons
  • Same patterns as PC-12?
  • Changes over more limited lifetime?

  • Dr. Holzwarth
  • Dr. Bonin
  • Dr. Macosko
  • Dr. Carol Milligan
  • Dr. Salsbury for the feeling of relief!
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