Payroll AuthorizationPA Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Payroll AuthorizationPA Training


... department must provide employees with a COBRA notice and option to port or ... If COBRA is retroactive to the term date, the individual will be required to pay ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Payroll AuthorizationPA Training

Payroll Authorization(PA) Training
  • Presented by
  • Merenda Tate

What this training WILL NOT Cover
  • Supplemental forms
  • Details of Benefit Eligibility
  • Leave of Absence (LOA) processing
  • Vacation or personal time allocation/usage
  • Timesheet, or paycheck-related questions

  • Before you leave this class, you should be able
  • Understand the process flow of the Payroll
  • Learn the Anatomy of the Payroll
  • Be aware of recent Form Changes
  • Identify difference between Correct versus
    Incorrect PA
  • Learn how to fill out the PA correctly through
    practical examples
  • Understand the impact of Payroll
    Authorization(PA) to all employees
  • Late PAs
  • Retro PAs

Question 1
  • Can you guess how many Payroll Authorizations EIS
    processed last year?

  • 7,920

Process Map of a Payroll Authorization
Payroll Authorizations(PA) Processed for 2008
Anatomy of the Regular PA
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Critical Items missed on PA
  • Under the Employment Status Section
  • 1. Please mark one value from each of these
  • a. monthly/Salaried Staff, Faculty, Research
    Fellow, Research Associate A/B/C, hourly/hourly
    staff, Non-Union Service, Union- SEIU, Union-
  • b. Temporary, Regular
  • Reason why we need this information
  • We need to know both pieces about each person in
  • order to give them the appropriate benefits.

Critical Items missed on PA contd
  • Under the Section 1, Personal Data
  • 1. Please include Hours/week for all staff.
  • Reason why we need this information
  • Without this information we cannot determine
    whether the
  • person is benefit eligible.
  • 2. Please make sure that the Citizenship field
    is filled out.
  • Reason why we need this information
  • This is critical for ensuring that we are
    complying with the appropriate
  • tax laws.
  • 3. Please list the Date of Birth and Social
    Security Number.
  • Reason why we need this information
  • Without this information listed EIS simply cannot
    enter the PA. However, the assignment and
    DartID are acceptable substitutes for SSN, with
    the exception of a New Hire PA.
  • 4. List the middle name or initial (if
  • Reason why we need this information
  • You would be surprised at the number of duplicate

Critical Items missed on PA contd
  • Under Section 2, Position/Funding/Labor
  • 1. Please list the position number if a
    regular staff employee.
  • Reason why we need this information
  • This helps us to ensure that we are assigning the
  • the correct title, grade, and department.
  • 2. Please list the natural class on the
    account string.
  • Reason why we need this information
  • This helps us to understand what it is you are
    trying to do.
  • 3. Please list the Rate of Pay and/or Salary
  • Reason why we need this information
  • That's an easy one!

Critical Items on PA contd
  • Under section 3, Termination Data
  • 1. Please be sure to include the Forwarding
    address if the employee provides it.
  • Under Section 4, Approvals, Contact Information,
  • 2. Please make sure to explain clearly the
    intended pay action in the 'Comments' section to
    ensure clarity.

Incorrect Payroll Authorizations Example
  • How they should not be filled out

Incorrect Revised Salary PA example
Incorrect Revised Salary PA Example
Correct Payroll Authorizations Example
  • How they should be filled out

Correct New Hire PA Example
(No Transcript)
Late and Retro Payroll Authorizations
  • Are Late PAs really a big deal?
  • Who is impacted by late and retro PAs?

Problematic Payroll Authorizations
  • New Hire
  • Terms
  • Rehires/New Faculty Contracts
  • Full Time Equivalency(FTE)
  • Status Changes

New Hire PA
  • PAs for New Hires should be received in EIS
    at least two weeks prior to the employees start
  • There is negative impact if the New Hire PA is
    NOT received on time.
  • HR Employee Relations Impact
  • Will not begin work on day one
  • No access health benefits (i.e. taking advantage
    of co-payment, urgent medical/dental service)
  • No Blitz email account
  • No system access to phone directory listing, ID
    badge, CorpTime, and access to secure websites.
  • General employee frustration of not having any of
    the required the access, and to begin work in
    time planned.
  • Retroactive Benefits(Arrearages entered in
    paychecks late and cause financial hardship)
  • Payroll and Benefits Impact
  • Retroactive benefits, which means arrearages must
    be manually entered into paychecks causing
    extensive work for HR Benefits
  • No Benefits packet at New Employee Orientation to
    begin benefit selection
  • Delayed data entry into HR system to begin record
    in efforts to pay new employee (especially in
    cases where Employee Information Services(EIS) is
    in a week processing a Biweekly payroll)

New Hire PA contd
  • There is a Positive impact if Employee
    Information Services
  • (EIS) receives a New Hire PA ON time
  • HR Employee Relations Impact
  • No employee frustration
  • Has a Blitz/email account before start date
  • Will have a phone directory listing and an ID
  • Access to secure websites and CorpTime
  • Payroll and Benefits Impact
  • Employees are paid on time
  • Employees are eligible for benefits on their hire
    date, and can enroll

Termination PA
  • Term PAs should be received in EIS at least
    two weeks prior to the employees
    termination date.
  • When a termination PA is late, this causes
    very serious problems for EIS, HR Benefits, and
    the employee.
  • Federal and State law MANDATE that a HR Benefits
    department must provide employees with a COBRA
    notice and option to port or convert their life
    insurance when they leave Dartmouth or are no
    longer occupying a benefitted position within 30
    days of the event.
  • Payroll spends .4 FTE annually on overpayment
    collections caused by late PAs. There was
    175,000 in overpayments due to late PAs in
    calendar year 2008.

Termination PA contd
  • The impact of Employee Information Services(EIS)
    receiving a Late Term PA are below
  • HR Benefits Impact
  • Employees prefer to have this information before
    their active insurance ends so that they do not
    go without coverage. This is especially in cases
    where an employee is seeking insurance coverage
    when going to another employer.
  • If Dartmouth misses the 30-day grace period for
    issuing COBRA, Dartmouth incurs legal fines due
    to being out of COBRA compliance.
  • HR Employee Relations
  • No coverage, which violates employee rights under
    ERISA, and potential legal litigation.
  • Delay in vacation payout (Can impact employee
    financially and create financial hardship)
  • If COBRA is retroactive to the term date, the
    individual will be required to pay for any
    medical/dental services up front in order to
    receive treatment.

Rehires and Changes to Faculty Contracts
  • Rehire or Re-appointment PAs should be received
    in EIS at least two weeks prior to the effective
  • Due to system limitations, the data transfer
    between the HR/Payroll system and HR Benefits
    system, does not reset employee benefits
    automatically when there was a previous
    termination in HR/Payroll system. The data is
    either removed or corrected.
  • HR Employee Relations Impact
  • Employee will not have benefits as the system
    still terminates it.
  • Employees lose their coverage and have no
    deductions in their paychecks. (This is often
    identified when the employee calls HR Benefits
    because their check is wrong or they could not
    get a prescription)

Changes to Full Time Equivalency (FTE)
  • A change in hours or FTE has an effect on how
    much an individual pays for their
  • health insurance.
  • HR Impact
  • When retroactive changes to FTEs are requested,
    AND the employee is decreasing hours, it causes
    problems as HR Benefits must catch them up for
    when they were receiving more money than they
    should have been.
  • HR Employee Relations/Payroll Impact
  • When retroactive changes to FTEs are requested,
    AND the employees is increasing hours, the
    employees are usually more anxious to receive
    their increased allotment and contact EIS to
    verify when increase is in effect and how it
    impacts their pay.

Changes to Employee Status
  • A change in employee status, such as hourly
    to monthly, or Research Fellow to Research
    Associate, affects how the benefits are paid, and
    in the case
  • of researchers, how they are taxed.
  • HR Payroll and Employee Relations Impact
  • Changing from hourly to monthly or vice versa
    will cause manual benefit calculation and data
  • Retroactive PAs affect the employees pay much
    later and usually with a larger amount.
  • When an employee is switched from Research Fellow
    to Research Associate taxation comes into play,
    particularly with Research Fellows.
  • Retroactive PAs for a Fellow will cause
    substantial taxes to the employee, which can
    cause financial hardship.

Question 2
  • Can you guess which Payroll Authorizations(PA)
    are usually late?

  • Additional Payments
  • Terminations
  • New Hire
  • Students
  • Revised Rate

Late PAs by Action
Late PAs 2008
Special Payroll Authorizations
Special PA Payment Types
  • Recognition/discretionary/one-time add'l
  • This payment type would be used for payments that
    are related to achievements accomplished as may
    be outlined in performance reward programs or
    specific performance related agreements.
  • Relocation or signing compensation
  • This payment type would be used for a sum of
    money paid to a new employee as an incentive to
    join Dartmouth. The expectation is that these
    would apply to full-time salaried employees, as
    opposed to a temporary hire and would be a
    one-time payment. The relocation amount would be
    a sum agreed upon as an up-front payment to
    assist in relocation expenses to be used at the
    discretion of the employee. Amounts reimbursed
    for relocation expenses should be managed through
    accounts payable on the appropriate expense
    reimbursement forms.

Payment Types Contd
  • Commissions
  • This payment type is a monetary incentive for
    services rendered or products sold by employees
    in sales-related positions. Payments are normally
    calculated on the basis of a percentage of the
    goods sold and are generally outlined in a
    specific employment agreement.
  • Faculty additional term/Add'l classes taught
  • This payment type is intended to be used when a
    faculty member agrees to an effort commitment
    outside the terms of their base appointment
    agreement. These payment types have been
    commonly referred to in AS as Extra Ninths.

Payment Types Contd
  • Additional work performed
  • This payment type should be used for remuneration
    for the amount of effort applied to produce a
    deliverable or to accomplish a task that was
    assigned or undertaken significantly outside the
    scope of a persons base responsibilities. The
    additional effort would be expected to have
    scheduled start and end date with specific
    results outlined. An example of this type of
    payment would be for completion of a special
    project assigned as part of a professional
    development opportunity.
  • Other (not common, describe in comments section)
  • If the type of payment does not fall into any
    category described above, please choose this
    payment type and clearly describe the reason in
    the comments section of the PA. You will be
    contacted by EIS for further explanation, if

Problems EIS Sees on Special PA
  • Missing natural class
  • Payment Type is not chosen
  • Missing Office Location
  • For Additional Payments Bi-Weekly Lump Sum
    payments- its important for EIS to have the lump
    sum questionnaire completed and attached to the
    back of the PA when submitted for backup for
  • No total payment amount listed, only monthly
    amount. EIS needs to know both to be sure of
    correct data entry.

Additional Payment Special PA
(No Transcript)
Student Special PA
Comments need to state Graduate Student Stipend
Student PA Facts
  • Are usually submitted to hire Grad students who
    are being paid monthly stipends from grants
  • Are for now have a payment type of 6 (EIS would
    enter those as normal procedure indicate)

Problems EIS sees with Student Special PA
  • Effective dates are not usually in sync with pay
    dates(Departments wants students to be paid
    earlier than effective date listed on PA)
  • Multiple accounts will be listed, but the dollar
    associated with each account and LD percentages
    are not matched correctly

  • Presented by
  • Cheryl Josler

What is Fringe?
  • Fringe benefits are benefits which employees
    receive from their employment but which are not
    included in their salary or wages.
  • They include such things as retirement
  • contributions, dart flex credits, tuition
    assistance, short term
  • and long term disability pay, and workers

Really Big Picture
Smaller Picture (Process Flow)
  • PA is completed by Dept
  • EIS Enters PA into HRMS
  • Depending on the data entry, HRMS gives the
    person the appropriate benefits and designates
    the appropriate fringe rate
  • Account strings are entered in Labor Distribution
  • Payroll is Run
  • Payroll data is sent through the LD module
    Someones total pay is distributed to multiple
  • Data is sent to the General Ledger (GL)
  • Departments monitor their Discoverer and GL
    reports to see the charges
  • We see the credits going into the Fringe Pool
  • Anthem, Crosby, etc get paid out of the Fringe
    Pool Accts

Fringe Calculation Logic
Payroll Process identifies Fringe Rate to be used
No Fringe0
Fellow ?
Partial Fringe24.5
Statutory Fringe 9
ResearchAssociate B ?
Regular, lt 50 FTE Temporary (FT/PT)
Regular Benefits Eligible
Fully Burdened38
Regular No Pension
How does the info on PA inform the process?
Regular PA
Type of Pymt 1 2 3 4 5 6
Helping Departments Understand
  • Temp Vs Regular
  • Regular An employee will have regular status if
    hired into a position that is expected to last at
    least nine months in a continuing capacity, year
    after year, and the work schedule meets the
    following requirements
  • Full-time - Regularly scheduled hours of 37.5 to
    40 hours a week.
  • Part-time - Regularly scheduled hours of less
    than 37.5 hours a week.

Helping Departments Understand
  • Temp Vs Regular
  • Temporary Employees have a temporary status if
    working on an on-call status, or when working
    either full or part-time with the understanding
    that the employment will normally terminate
    within nine months from the start date or
    completion of a specific assignment. Hours worked
    may fluctuate depending upon the needs of the
    particular department. Temporary employees are
    covered by Workers Compensation, Social
    Security, and Unemployment Compensation. They are
    not eligible for Dartmouth College fringe
    benefits. They are paid only for hours worked.

Helping Departments Understand
  • IF Regular
  • Benefit Eligibility
  • Regular employees are eligible for all benefits
    subject to the qualifying requirements of each
    plan, provided they are working at least twenty
    (20) hours each week, in positions of at least
    nine (9) consecutive months duration each year.
    When working less than full-time, regular,
    benefit eligible employees receive pro-rated
    benefits according to their percent of working
  • Temporary employees, and regular employees
    working less than twenty (20) hours per week, or
    less than nine (9) months duration each year, are
    not benefit eligible, but are eligible for
    Workers Compensation, and can elect a
    Supplemental Retirement Account. In addition,
    regular employees who are not benefit eligible
    are covered under Travel Accident Insurance.

Group Activity
  • Payroll Authorization Scenarios

Scenario 1
  • Ice Cream is due to start working with
    Dartmouth in the Treat Department effective
    3/15/2009 as an hourly Temporary employee. He
    will be making 15.00 an hour with charges going
    to GL account 00.000.000000.000000.0000.6182.
  • Please complete the Payroll Authorization for
    this action.

Scenario 1 Answer
(No Transcript)
Scenario 2
  • Might Fine Superstar is going to change from a
    Research Associate B to a Research Associate C in
    Red Carpet Department effective 4/1/09.
  • Please complete the Payroll Authorization for
    this change.

Scenario 2 Answer
Fill out if staff
Fill out if Faculty, Fellow, or RA
(No Transcript)
Scenario 3
  • Rub R Stamp is currently a Faculty member with 2
    Regular assignments, one is in the Pad Department
    and the other is in the Ink Department. The Pad
    Department wants to change Rubs monthly amount
    of pay due to an FTE change of .25 to .50. The
    new monthly salary will be 4600.57 a month
    effective 4/1/09.
  • Please complete the Payroll Authorization for
    this action.

Scenario 3 Answer
(No Transcript)
Scenario 4
  • Knuck L Sandwich is getting another Non-Exempt
    temporary job on campus that is to start on
    4/21/09 with the Right Hand Department. He will
    be making 11.00 an hour to GL String
    00.000.000000.000000.0000.6182. This is in
    addition to his normal hourly assignment in the
    Left Hand Department.
  •  Please complete the Payroll Authorization for
    this action.

Scenario 4 Answer
(No Transcript)
Scenario 5
  • Butter Ball has given notice of resignation in
    the Perdue Department effective 5/1/09 and has
    accepted another position on campus in the Oven
    Department effective 5/3/09.
  • Please complete a Payroll Authorization for each
    department for this action.

Scenario 5 Answer
(No Transcript)
Scenario 5 Answer Contd
(No Transcript)
New Form Changes
  • Payroll Authorization
  • Removal of Going on LOC/Return from LOC pay
  • Special Payroll Authorization
  • Addition of Payment Types
  • Recognition/discretionary/one-time additional
  • Relocation or signing compensation
  • Commissions
  • Faculty additional term/Additional classes taught
  • Additional work performed
  • Other (not common, describe in comments section)
  • Removal of End Date on Regular PA

Where to find the PA Forms
Select PA in this section
How Do I stay Informed?
  • Our Website
  • Http//

How can I find out about Deadlines?
Select Payroll Schedules
Biweekly Yearly Pay Schedule
Monthly Yearly Pay Schedule
When reports are sent to departments
Double payroll run
Monitoring EIS Blitz Bulletin
Select Employee Information Services
Monitoring EIS Blitz Bulletin
Up-to-date Topics
Who do I contact in EIS?
Methods of Contact to EIS
  • Phone
  • 603-646-2697
  • Email

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